Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3538: Weird plane

"It's terrible, this world is full of mysterious coercion!"

Not only Lin Fei, but the other masters who came in also cried out in surprise.

Lin Fei stood up straight, feeling like he was walking with dozens of stars on his back. Suddenly, he couldn't adapt.

Even the soul body felt a slight tingling pain for an extremely brief moment.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's physical body was abnormal and his divine consciousness was also very powerful, so he immediately adapted to it.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, some of the relatively weak masters are not so comfortable, being crushed by the terrifying mystery coercion, they screamed.

There are some gods, their lower backs are about to bend down, making a crunching sound, that is the joints are moving, and they are about to break at any time.

Lin Fei looked up and looked around.

"Is this the highest world?

Not like it! "

Lin Fei was very surprised.

This is a peaceful and peaceful land, but it is also a strangely quiet world.

Looking from a distance, the whole world is full of brilliance, and every inch of space has a light golden soft luster, which looks solemn and sacred.

At this time, the other masters, basically, began to adapt to this world.

After all, everyone is a god, and the foundation is not thin.

"What a rich chaotic energy! This plane contains the purest and highest chaotic energy!"

"The laws of this plane are too advanced! As soon as I came in, I felt a sense of hearing the Tao.

There is no doubt that if I practice for a period of time in this plane, my law cultivation will surely advance by leaps and bounds! "

"Look, the world barriers of this plane are unreasonably strong! It is estimated that only the highest plane can have such a strong world barrier."

......After adapting, each master began to look at this plane and sighed.

However, soon everyone discovered that the atmosphere on this plane was a bit strange.

"What's going on in this world?

So quiet.

It seems that there are no creatures living? "

Everyone is a little confused.

"Go, let's go and see!"

Someone suggested.

As a result, everyone gathered together and cautiously headed towards the space ahead.

"Everyone, be careful, this plane is a bit weird and abnormal."

Mr. Mu said in a loud voice.

In fact, without him speaking, every **** can sense that this plane is full of a strange atmosphere.

Soon after, the front appeared on a huge piece of land, lying in the lonely universe.

Stepping on the earth, the green grass is covered with mist and divine light, and it is steaming.

A little golden light, like a blazing firefly, flying all over the sky, dreamy and sacred.

Along the way, the entire continent seems to be inlaid with a layer of gold, magnificent, high in the sky, floating a strip of colorful laws, densely packed.

This is a noble, sacred, and dreamy world.

Quiet, peaceful, is a real pure land, no noise, no red dust, quiet and silent.

However, what is creepy is that there are no signs of life.

Moreover, the space is filled with a mysterious and terrifying coercion everywhere.

All people must use their divine power and resist at all times.

Soon, everyone will travel across the continent.

Basically, it is certain that there are no creatures in the entire world.

A dead silence.

Time seems to have stalled.

Leaving the mainland, everyone continued to advance in this dead universe.

Soon after.

Entered an interface.

The scenery of this interface is a bit different.

The sky is gloomy, the land is barren, and all the vegetation is dry.

The earth is cracked and life is gone.

The spirit is weak, the law is broken and the road is not obvious.

Looking around, everything is gray.

Every master is worried and feels scalp numb.

Vegetation is dry and life is extinct.

What happened to this interface?

Next, everyone continued to explore and saw continents, interfaces, or stars with different scenery.

These worlds are all very advanced, sacred, and amazingly rich in aura.

The laws are sound and advanced, and they all have a common feature, that is, a dead silence! There is no trace of any creatures.

"What's going on, the quality of this world is indeed very high.

There are strong barriers to the world, there are many smart rules, "Huh?

Look, there seem to be several figures at the entrance and exit of that interface! "

Suddenly, someone screamed.

When everyone looked over, they couldn't help but feel shocked.

Sure enough, a few people stood at the entrance and exit of an interface in front! In an instant, every master felt his scalp numb.

I heard my own heartbeat! Originally, everyone had already determined that there were no creatures in this plane.

However, now, a few people suddenly appeared.

"Go, let's go and take a look."

A half-step main **** of the Yaozu took the lead, cautiously walked toward that interface.

"No, it seems to be breathless.

It's a few dead bodies! "

Someone exclaimed softly.

It was indeed a few dead bodies with no signs of life.

For some reason, everyone felt relieved after discovering only a few corpses.

If a few creatures suddenly appear in this deadly plane, everyone is really really, a little wondering, how to face them.

"Five and a half steps to the main god!"

Someone noticed that the realm of those corpses before they were alive, they were all half-step master gods! hiss! Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Five and a half steps of the main **** fell here at the same time, which is really shocking.

Moreover, these five and a half-step main gods, either sitting or standing or lifting a step, looked as usual, as if, under a very ordinary, unconscious situation, suddenly fell collectively.

"Weird, so weird death!"

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Next, everyone boldly entered the interface.

This is a strange world that has suddenly been frozen! In this world, the earth, mountains, rivers, plants, all creatures, time and space, space, and laws have all solidified, just like a mottled scroll with ancient flavor.

Everything in the world has been frozen forever! It's so quiet.

There is absolutely no breath! Every master can not only hear his own footsteps, but even his ears can hear his own heartbeat! Looking around, you can see that there are countless creatures on the earth, including cities, towns, and villages. It should have been a very prosperous and lively world.

However, everything is motionless, like a clay sculpture and wood carving.

Those creatures walked on the road and raised their feet, but they didn't fall down and were frozen there.

Some creatures flew high in the sky, motionless, and solidified in the void, like a specimen.

There are many fighting creatures, and the magic weapons in their hands collide with each other. However, as it freezes, the two sides are motionless, like two statues.

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