Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3539: Smell the other shore world again

In short, this is a completely static world, mysterious and terrifying.

It seems that this world must have encountered something weird, and in an instant, it freezes and freezes.

Everything in the world turned into a picture.

It's like a historical picture full of traces of time! The masters who broke in from the outside world were shocked and puzzled.

As long as there is a creepy fear.

This interface is so vast that everyone has the courage to go deeper.

Along the way, the scenery remains the same. Regardless of time and space, laws and energy, the sky and the earth, mountains and rivers, all the creatures are frozen in place, motionless.

Going deep, knowing how long I have been walking, and how many strange scenery I have seen.


"That's..." Lin Fei narrowed his eyes, feeling very shocked.

Ahead, in the sky, there are dazzling mountains floating in the air.

Looking far away, Lin Fei saw the mountains of Shenshan, densely packed with numerous coffins of different colors.

Every coffin is filled with countless law runes, shining and dazzling.

The mighty terrifying coercion radiated from the coffins, crushing the sky and the ground.

"Heaven and Human Realm!"

Lin Fei blurted out, the first reaction was to think of the Celestial Realm.

Because these sacred mountains in front of me are exactly the same as those in the heaven and human world! The realm of heaven and humans originally belonged to one of the planes in three thousand worlds.

Later, the heaven and human world suddenly escalated and became a supreme world.

Then, it disappeared completely.

Until now, it has not appeared.

The little wild beast disappeared in the dark abyss of the heaven and human world. Until now, Lin Fei did not know his whereabouts.

However, because the Celestial Realm disappeared, even if Lin Fei wanted to find the Little Wild Beast, he couldn't find it.

Every time, thinking of this, Lin Fei felt ashamed of Xiao Huang Beast's mother.

Back then, in the Yuan Wu realm, it was Xiao Huang Beast's mother who personally entrusted Xiao Huang Beast to Lin Fei.

"What's going on? In this weird plane, there are also these sacred mountains, and countless coffins. The corpses in the coffins must also be gods.

Moreover, to judge by the breath emanating from those coffins, they are all true gods! "

Lin Fei was so shocked that he felt a little messy in his thinking.

According to the leaders of the Tianlong Babu in the Celestial Realm, the Celestial Realm is the cemetery where the gods rest in peace.

The Tianlong Ba Buzhong are the tomb guards who specialize in guarding the tomb for the gods.

In the world of heaven and human, the gods in the coffins will have the opportunity to go to the other side of the world every once in a while! But if you want to live on the other side of the world, you must experience the baptism of the reincarnation millstone.

Lin Fei had personally entered the grinding disc world of the reincarnation grinding disc in the Celestial Realm, and stayed there for a while! Looking at the sacred mountains floating in the air, Lin Fei felt so familiar.

"Where did these sacred mountains come from?

And those coffins, which are a bit oozing.

It was all the corpses of true gods inside! Every sacred mountain is like a tomb of a god. "

The other masters were all very surprised, carefully looking at the sacred mountains in mid-air.

Lin Fei has experienced encounters in the heaven and human world, but other masters have not.

"Mr. Mu, what do you think."

There is a half-step master god, Mr. Xiang Mu asked.

Other masters, Mr. Mu also looked over and listened to his explanation.

"If I guess right, this should be the tomb of the gods, also known as the resting place of the gods."

Mr. Mu's gaze was looking at the sacred mountains, and at the same time, he kept pinching his fingers and deducing, and then slowly spoke.

"It is said that there are more than one tomb of such gods in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

In ancient times, there was a saying that in the resting place of the gods, the fallen gods lay quietly in the coffin, waiting patiently.

Waiting for the opportunity to live on the other side of the world. "

Mr. Mu added.

"The grave of the gods?

The resting place of the gods?

Beyond the world? "

Many masters were stunned.

"The resting place of the gods, and the other side of the world, I have heard that in the ancient book pavilion of my underworld, I have read an ancient book, and these are mentioned above!"

A half-step main **** of the underworld, whispered softly.

"Yes, it is also mentioned in one of the ancient books of my demon clan!"

A master of Demon Capital also nodded.

Among the several superpowers in the Boundless Chaos Sea, there are some very old ancient books in their collections, which record some unknown secrets.

"The other side of the world, what is it?"

Someone asked.

Everyone looked at Mr. Mu again, wanting to hear his answer.

Mr. Mu is not only good at deduction technique, but also has lived a very long time.

Legend has it that he has lived from ancient times to the present.

No one knows how old his true age is?

Everyone only knows that it is a real living antique.

"The other side of the world is said to be a paradise for gods, the most ideal destination.

Therefore, in the ancient times, it was very popular to find a way to the other side of the world.

Among them, the most in-depth study of the other shore world is Buddhism.

The origin of Buddhism is a group of gods who are keen on the other side of the world, gathered together to form a force.

The ultimate ideal of Buddhism is to find a way to the other side of the world, and to live in the other side of bliss. "

Mr. Mu didn't let everyone down, and he really explained the other side world.


Reborn in the other world?

Unexpectedly, it has something to do with Buddhism. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"Mr. Mu, what you said is true?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

After all, it was the first time that many gods heard about the secrets Mr. Mu said, and they were very curious.

"Let's look for it. If there is a wheel of reincarnation in this interface, then it means that this interface is indeed the resting place of the gods."

Mr. Mu said.

Reincarnation grinding disc?

Most of the gods were taken aback.

Lin Fei's heart moved. This Mr. Mu knew even the reincarnation millstone. It seemed that what he said was true.

Under the leadership of Mr. Mu, everyone began to search for reincarnation grinding discs in the plane.

"Yes, if this interface is really the resting place of the gods, there should be a reincarnation millstone."

Lin Fei followed everyone behind, secretly guessing.


Soon after, a huge grinding disc was found.

At the end of the interface, in the void, a huge grinding disc lay between the sky and the earth, occupying all the space on that side.

A series of mysterious and ancient runes rose up.

There are also ghosts of gods sitting in all directions.

"Sure enough, the reincarnation millstone really exists! The long-lived legend of the other shore world is true!"

Mr. Mu was very excited.

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