Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3540: Dangerous altar

"It is indeed a reincarnation millstone!"

Lin Fei saw two ancient words, reincarnation in the lower half of the millpan.

These two ancient characters are exactly the same as the lettering on the reincarnation millstone in the world of heaven and human! "However, this reincarnation millstone is much larger than the one in the Celestial Realm, and the aura it emits is even more advanced."

Lin Fei felt it, and thought to himself.

"Is this the reincarnation millstone?"

One by one, the gods stepped forward and looked curiously.

"Mr. Mu, what does this millstone do."

Someone asked.

"According to that ancient legend, the reincarnation millstone has the effect of purifying the soul.

Every **** must accept the baptism of the reincarnation millstone before being reborn in the other world.

The so-called baptism is to grind all the divine body, including the divine soul body, and then reassemble it. This is a purification process.

Only after purification can the gods have the opportunity to be reborn in the other world. "

Mr. Mu explained to everyone.

"After grinding the divine body and the divine soul body, can they be recombined?"

When everyone heard it, they were all very strange.

"The legend is like this.

As for whether it is true, who knows? "

Mr. Mu shook his head and said.

"The other side of the world, known as the paradise of gods, what kind of place is it?

Mr. Mu, do you know? "

All gods are full of curiosity and want to ask what happened.

"How can I know this, the other side of the world is just a legend, the truth, probably in the entire boundless chaotic sea, few people know it."

Mr. Mu shook his head.

"Beyond World, what kind of place is it?"

Lin Fei was also very curious, and said inwardly.

"Ah, yes! The gods on the sacred mountains and in the coffin may know the answer.

Otherwise, they would not, after the fall, stay in this interface, lying in the coffin, waiting for the opportunity to live on the other side of the world. "

Suddenly, a **** said.

"Yes! That's the truth.

Mr. Mu, those gods lying in the coffin, should know.

You can ask them about the secrets of the world beyond! "

Everyone said one after another.

"Those gods who are waiting to die, it is indeed possible to know the secrets of the world beyond.

However, according to legend, the resting place of the gods, the gods resting in the coffin, cannot be easily disturbed.

Otherwise, there will be unpredictable bad luck. "

Mr. Mu hesitated.

"It's just a bunch of fallen guys, what's to be afraid of.

At most, it is only some remaining consciousness, a part of the spirit energy, or some ghost clones.

Could it be that we living gods are still afraid of them? "

When everyone heard it, they all laughed.

"Go, let's ask the guys lying in the coffin."

One and a half steps said the main god.

As a result, everyone no longer hesitated, they rose into the air and flew towards a sacred mountain in the air.

Mr. Mu hesitated for a moment, and followed him into the air.

Lin Fei followed Mr. Mu.

Soon, everyone fell on the mountain.

"That's it!"

A half-step master **** of the demon race walked towards a coffin, a divine power shook out from his palm, and passed to the coffin.

He wanted to shake the coffin lid open.


Just at this time.

Rumble... In the sky of the interface, a void was torn apart.

An altar exuding ancient aura slowly descended from the gap.

"what happened?"

Everyone's eyes were attracted.

The half-step main **** of the monster race also stopped and looked curiously at the altar that appeared suddenly.

I saw that on this altar, the most eye-catching thing was a dry monk's corpse! This corpse, with only skin and bones left, with its head hanging down, without any breath of life, sitting on the stone table.

A dilapidated, dusty and indistinguishable robes was draped over the monk's corpse.

In front of this monk, there is a stone table.

There are two utensils on the stone table.

A wooden fish, golden in color, has mysterious and complicated runes carved on it.

An opened Buddhist scripture, dark yellow in color, with a vaguely magnificent chanting, came out of it.

This is everything on the altar.

The huge altar just floated high in the air, motionless.

Around the altar, there is a phantom of an ancient Buddha, sitting in the void, chanting sutras with palms together, releasing the radiant light of the Buddha and the power of Buddha in the sky.

The space of the entire world has become much heavier because of this.

"This altar is very dangerous. We must never approach it."

Mr. Mu stared solemnly and called to remind everyone.

"In my opinion, we should hurry up and ask the guy in the coffin to find out about the world beyond.

That altar, just leave it alone. "

A half-step main god, said in a loud voice.


The other gods nodded.

Everyone could see that the abrupt appearance of the altar was filled with a very strange and terrifying aura.

When every **** looked at the altar, he felt heart palpitations.

"Okay, just ask the guy in this coffin."

The half-step main **** of the monster race, his palm shook lightly, and a divine power shook out again and passed it to the coffin.

Everyone's eyes also focused on the coffin, wanting to see what the gods living in the coffin were like.

Everyone wants to know more about the other side world.

The other side of the world is the paradise of the gods.

So, what kind of world is the other shore world?

For this, it is estimated that all the gods in the world are very interested.

Everyone stared at the coffin that was about to be opened.


Just now.

A grand recitation of the Buddha's horn sounded loudly.

On the altar, the dry monk's corpse suddenly raised a skinny palm, took a mallet, and knocked it on the wooden fish like lightning.

boom! A dazzling Buddha's light jetted out from the wooden fish, and shot towards the half-step main **** of the monster race.

"what happened?

! "

All people were very surprised.

"Hmph, just a dead monk! Why should I fear you!"

The half-step master **** of the Yaozu couldn't help being furious.

boom! With a punch, he greeted the dazzling Buddha's light.

Rumble! The huge demon fist with violent blue veins and the dazzling Buddha's light touched each other.

At first, everyone felt that the half-step master **** of the monster race should be able to handle it easily.

After all, the strength of the half-step main **** is very powerful, second only to the main god.

However, as a result, everyone felt the creeps.

After the fist of that Yaozu's half-step main **** hit the dazzling Buddha's light, it was like a fragile air ball that exploded on the spot.

Then, his entire arm also made a pop, like an air bubble, exploded into a cloud of blood.

That's not counting.

Then, half of his body was also exploded.

Ahhh... the half-step main **** of this monster race, while screaming, backed desperately.

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