Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3541: Number Nine

Finally, the bright light disappeared.

The half-step main **** of the demon race, only a small and a half remains, less than one-tenth of the complete body.

And screaming there all the time, it seems that he is experiencing very hard pain.

Everyone was surprised to find that on his small half-remaining body, there were strands of Dharma symbols jumping, preventing his body from reorganizing.

hiss! Everyone was terrified, as if being poured with a basin of ice water, from head to toe, the cold breathe.

A half-step master god, almost beheaded in one move! There is no resistance.

The terrifying power displayed by the monk's corpse shocked everyone.

Suddenly, all the people agreed, turned their body skills, and desperately stayed away from the altar.

However, fortunately, the monk's body appeared to be quiet.

The withered body, with his head hanging down, sat cross-legged at the stone table, motionless.

"It looks like it is stopping us and not letting us interfere with the gods in the coffin."

Someone said in a panic.

"Yes, it seems that the legend is true.

Those gods lying in the coffin should not be disturbed casually, otherwise, bad luck will come. "

Mr. Mu said solemnly.

In this way, no one would dare to harass the gods lying in the coffin.

"Then what shall we do now?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"I think we should leave.

This interface is too weird, and I feel uncomfortable as soon as I enter it. "

Mr. Mu shook his head and said.

"But, the secret of the other shore world is right here.

Since we are here, we are a little bit unwilling if we don't figure it out. "

Someone whispered.

"The secret is more important than life."

Some people are more cautious.

"It seems that we cannot open these coffins on the sacred mountain.

However, perhaps we can start with that reincarnation mill.

The reincarnation millstone may also contain the secrets of the other world. "

Suddenly, some said.

"Yes, let's go like that reincarnation mill to see what secrets it has."

The other masters nodded one after another.

After finally coming in, everyone was a little unwilling and left like this.

So, one after another went to the reincarnation millstone.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Mu gritted his teeth and followed.


what happened?

The Ten Thousand Worlds Reincarnation card on my body seemed to be summoned in some way, and it was induced! "

At this moment, Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

Lin Fei looked at the dead monk on the altar.

Because the call of Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card comes from above the altar! Qiang Qiang... Suddenly, the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card suddenly jumped out of Lin Fei's body, floating in the void.

"Sure enough it is a reincarnation card."

A powerful voice came to Lin Fei's ears.

Lin Fei felt a little creepy when he heard it, and couldn't help taking a step back.

This voice seemed to come from the monk's mouth.

Lin Fei witnessed the monk's power just now.

A half-step master **** can also easily kill him instantly.

Lin Fei knew that with his current strength, he was not an opponent of this monk at all.

Lin Fei desperately communicated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card, wanting it to return to his hands, and then left far away.

However, this time.

The Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card was not under Lin Fei's control at all.

call out! Just as Lin Fei was desperately communicating, the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card suddenly turned into a stream of light, rushed over the altar, and landed on the stone table.

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

However, he didn't dare to follow, so he had to watch.

On the stone table of the altar, the reincarnation card of Ten Thousand Realms seemed to be ignited, blooming with brilliant light.

"It turned out to be the number nine card.

I really didn't expect that, in the time and space of the shuttle, I was going to meet the No.9 card together. "

The voice just now sounded slowly again.

With the sound of the sound, Lin Fei found that the bright Buddha's light on the monk's corpse was sometimes soaring and sometimes contracting, causing energy turbulence.

It is certain that the monk is indeed talking.

Lin Fei guessed that there might be some consciousness remaining on the monk's corpse.

The Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card happened to activate these consciousnesses.

"The reason why rebirth is closed.

All because of the eighteen reincarnations, the death of death, the scattered scattered.

Alas, the eighteenth reincarnation makes it difficult to reopen in one day without returning to the reincarnation. "

The monk's voice slowly passed into Lin Fei's ears.

"How do I feel, that monk, seems to have told me these things on purpose."

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

Because, Lin Fei felt that, vaguely, the monk seemed to lock himself.

His whole body, up and down, seemed to be seen by him! "It's not advisable to stay here for long!"

Lin Fei found the atmosphere a bit weird, glanced at the reincarnation card on the stone table, a little reluctant, but decided to leave as soon as possible.

However, just when Lin Fei was about to show his departure method, he turned and left.


A powerful suction fell from the sky, and immediately attracted Lin Fei's body.

"How is this going?"

Lin Fei was shocked, struggling desperately, running all kinds of energy in his body.

However, a mysterious energy imprisoned Lin Fei's body, making it impossible to struggle.

Lin Fei found his body, soaring into the air, slowly flying towards the altar.

"The big thing is bad!"

Lin Fei's heart complained endlessly.

Soon, Lin Fei's body fell on the altar and stood in front of the stone table.

Then, everything was silent.

The monk's corpse, his head hanging down, remained motionless.

On the stone table, the reincarnation card of Ten Thousand Realms is blooming with dazzling light, and a series of time and space runes are rising.

No matter how Lin Fei communicated, Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation had no response.

Lin Fei stood in front of the stone table, unable to move.

The scene froze like this.

The atmosphere is very strange.

Lin Fei felt a chill out of his back.

Want to escape, but can't escape.

After a while.

"Although I got the number nine card by accident.

However, in the dark, this is a kind of cause and effect.

The cause and effect in the world has long been destined.

Even the creator is not easy to change casually.

In that case, this number nine card belongs to you.

Keep it well, maybe you will reap a cause and effect in the future. "

The monk's voice slowly passed into Lin Fei's ears.

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this, and his heart instantly relaxed.

Listening to the meaning of this monk's words, it seems that you will not embarrass yourself.

On the contrary, I kind of recognize myself! Of course, it is because of the reincarnation card.

Listening to what the monk said, the ten thousand-world reincarnation card he had obtained seemed to be the number nine card.

What reincarnation and eighteen reincarnations are also involved.

"It seems that I got this Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card from a not simple source."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

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