Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3542: Buddhist monks

"The cycle of reincarnation collapses, the road is incomplete, and the other shore is impassable.

It's difficult, difficult..." The monk's deep sigh echoed in Lin Fei's ears.

"Senior, is there really a world beyond.

What kind of world is the other shore world? "

Lin Fei heard the monk's sigh, and couldn't help feeling a move, and asked boldly.

"The other shore is no longer the other shore, and reincarnation is not reincarnation. The world is too persistent."

The monk's voice was full of heavy laments.

Lin Fei was stunned when he heard it, and didn't get the answer he wanted.

"The truth is often very simple, don't take the other side of the world, don't be too complicated."

The monk's voice sounded again.

Lin Fei still didn't understand.

However, it seemed that this monk didn't want to tell himself the secrets of the other side of the world.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not continue to question.

"Go ahead.

Take good care of the number nine card. "

The monk's voice sounded again.

"Sure enough, he didn't mean to embarrass me."

Lin Fei's heart was completely relaxed.

However, the origin of the monk in front of him is too mysterious.

You must know a lot of secrets, and they are all very amazing secrets.

At the same time, he must have been a very powerful master.

It was a bit unwilling to let Lin Fei leave like this.

Can I get any benefits from this monk?

Lin Fei thought about it.

"Ahem... Senior, my strength is too weak, I don't know if I can handle the task of guarding the number nine card.

Senior, can you teach the Fa? "

Lin Fei asked with a cheeky face.

"Preaching the Fa?"

Hearing what Lin Fei said, the monk was taken aback.

"Whether the predecessors master some of the lost techniques and secrets, and teach them several to me, I will definitely practice hard and improve my strength so that I can take on the task of guarding the number nine card."

Lin Fei patted his chest to make sure.

"The age of this monk must have been amazing for a long time.

I must have mastered some of the secrets and secrets of his time that have been lost. If you just teach me a few, I will make a lot of money! "

Lin Fei was looking forward to it.

"Preaching the Fa?"

That monk was a little surprised.

It's just that when we meet together, this kid actually wants to teach the Fa.

The scene returned to silence.

For a long time, the monk did not speak.

"Perhaps my request is a bit abrupt.

Would it upset the monk? "

Lin Fei began to beat the drums in his heart, uneasy.

That's right, for a martial artist, the tactics and secret techniques he cultivated are the most important.

Generally reluctant to spread it easily.

"Most of what I have cultivated are Buddhist supernatural powers, which are not suitable for you.

Well, if you have a reincarnation card, I will teach you a reincarnation technique. "

After a while, the monk finally spoke slowly, breaking the silence.

"Thank you seniors for spreading the law!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

The strength of this monk is unimaginable, and the secret technique he teaches must be very powerful.

"It is also a kind of fate to meet you and me.

Our Buddhist school pays attention to a predestined character.

Therefore, it is also a kind of fate that I teach your Fa.

There has long been cause and effect.

So you don't need to thank me. "

The monk slowly said, there was a clever Buddhist philosophy in his voice, magnificent and sacred.

Lin Fei had practiced Buddhism and knew a little about Buddhism.

"Senior has a point.

Everything is about causality. "

After hearing the monk's words, Lin Fei faintly seemed to realize something, and couldn't help nodding in admiration.

"Well, it seems that you also have Huigen.

It's a pity that you are above other methods and have a deep cultivation base. You are too affected by the various laws and great avenues of the world. If you change to our Dharma, it will be difficult to prove the pure Buddha fruit.

Otherwise, I might consider passing on my Dharma to you.

Well, I now teach you a kind of reincarnation technique. "

The monk was a little sorry, and said to Lin Fei.

The voice fell off.

A stream of light became the head of the monk, jetted out, and instantly entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Tell me the Dharma?"

Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved after hearing the monk's words.

"Senior, I know two girls.

They are all mind-conscious Buddha bodies.

And all the time, the people who practiced have been Buddhism.

I think they must be suitable for the Buddhism of the seniors. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

Both Rong'er and Wan'er cultivated Buddhism. If they could get the teachings of the monk in front of them, the benefits would be endless.

Therefore, Lin Fei bit the bullet, cheeky, and wanted to replace Rong'er and Wan'er in seeking the law.

"Mingxin Buddha body?

! This physique is indeed naturally suitable for practicing Buddhism.

However, it is very rare for the world to possess a mind-conscious Buddha body.

Are you sure that the two girls you know are really mind-conscious Buddha bodies? "

The monk was really interested when he heard it.

"Senior, please see."

With a movement of Lin Fei's mind, two energies of spirit and soul were released, simulating the appearance of Rong'er and Wan'er.

Of course, his appearance and spirit aura are absolutely the same as Rong'er and Wan'er.

Lin Fei is of course very familiar with his wife.

"Yes, this is indeed the Buddha Body of Visibility.

Well, unexpectedly, among our Buddhism, such a rare Buddha body actually circulated in the world.

They are indeed the most suitable for practicing Buddhism. "

Said the monk.

Then he was silent again.

Did not speak for a long time.

Lin Fei knew he was thinking, so he waited quietly.

"Well, I have such a saying in Buddhism, Buddhism is destined.

Since they are the Buddha's mind and body, by chance, you told me about them again. This is also a kind of fate.

Everything in the world arises due to predestined conditions, and ends due to predestined conditions.

I will pass on my Dharma to them. "

Finally, the monk's voice sounded slowly.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei is overjoyed that Rong'er and Wan'er's future achievements are unlimited! The monk in front of him is just a corpse and some remaining consciousness, and he can easily suppress a half-step main god.

If in his peak state, it is unimaginable how powerful he is! Just thinking about it makes your scalp numb.

It would be too great for Rong'er and Wan'er to get the method taught by such a master.

"This Buddhist scripture on the table, you can bring it back to them.

The Dharma that I have practiced in my life is in it.

You let them slowly comprehend. As for the extent to which they can comprehend, it depends on their understanding. "

The monk said to Lin Fei.

call out! A Buddhist scripture placed on the stone table suddenly jumped up and came to Lin Fei's body.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei thanked again, then took the Buddhist scripture with both hands and hid it carefully.

"All right.

You quickly leave this interface.

This is a resting place for the gods and should not be disturbed.

It is not auspicious for strangers to stay here for too long, and strange things will happen. "

The monk said to Lin Fei.

"What about you, senior?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"I was a dead person. This is my best destination."

Said the monk.

Then, there was no more sound.

No matter how Lin Fei asked, there was no answer.

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