Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3546: Secret of Reincarnation

"Master, I am finally a god!"

Azi came to Lin Fei first, happily.

"Congratulations, Azi."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Sister Azi, you are also a god."

Wan'er rushed up first, hugging Ah Zi's slender neck, very affectionate.

Qing Luo and other women also stepped forward one by one to Azi.

"Haha, we have fallen into the immortal plane, and we have one more, a native god!"

Really old said with a big smile.

One by one, all the gods stepped forward to Azi.

Breaking through to become a **** means that the most powerful group of creatures will be valued by all gods in a world of three thousand sizes.

In addition, everyone knows that the relationship between Azi and Lin Fei is very close.

Therefore, one by one the gods kept coming forward, and they were close to Azitao.

"Haha, Azi, from now on, on your shoulders, there will be an extra responsibility, which is to protect the safety of our 3,000-sized world.

This is the common responsibility of all gods.

Only with the guardianship of our gods can we guarantee the peace and prosperity of the three thousand worlds and hundreds of millions of ordinary creatures on all planes. "

Nu Wa stepped forward, pulled up A Zi's little hand, and said with a smile.

"Nvwa, I understand."

Azi answered quickly.

After a long time of bustling, the stars slowly dispersed.

"Azi, in a few days, we will set off to the Sky Demon Valley.

Investigate the whereabouts of your nine-tailed demon fox clan. "

Lin Fei suddenly said to A Zi.

"Master, you haven't forgotten about me!"

Azi was very surprised.

"How could I forget your business, Azi, your business is mine."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Master, you are so kind!"

A Zi rushed forward to give Lin Fei a big hug.

Lin Fei was startled, a burst of energy burst out of his body, making it difficult for A Zi to make progress.

"Cut, Master, what are you afraid of, I won't eat you again."

Azi curled his lips and said, disapproving.

"Okay, stop making trouble.

Get ready, we will leave in a few days. "

Lin Fei said.


Azi left.

She has just broken through to become a god, and it does take time to consolidate it.

"Rong'er and Wan'er, I brought something back for you."

Lin Fei took out a Buddhist scripture and gave it to Rong'er and Wan'er.

"This is..." Rong'er and Wan'er were surprised and delighted, they could feel that this Buddhist scripture contained incredible Dharma.

They have a huge yearning for this Buddhist scripture.

Even when they received this Buddhist scripture, there was a dazzling Buddha light blooming on their bodies.

The majestic chanting of the Buddha was deafening.

"Lin Fei, this Buddhist scripture is too precious, where did you get it?"

Both Rong'er and Wan'er couldn't help asking.

"It's a long story.

I will explain to you slowly when I have time.

Now, the most important thing is to study this Buddhist scripture first. "

Lin Fei smiled.

What happened to me in that supreme plane was too bizarre, and it was difficult to explain clearly for a moment.

"Okay, Lin Fei, we listen to you."

Both Rong'er and Wan'er nodded cleverly.

They each kissed Lin Fei on the cheek.

Then, holding the Buddhist scriptures, he went to retreat and studied happily.

Lin Fei took Qingluo and three shark girls back to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land and spent most of the day with his parents.

Then, Lin Fei entered his practice secret room.

The monk not only brought back a Buddhist scripture to Lin Fei, but also taught Lin Fei a secret technique.

The secret technique related to reincarnation.

Now, Lin Fei is going to take the time to study this secret technique.

In the secret room.

Lin Fei first studied the secret technique taught by the monk several times.

This secret technique of reincarnation has something to do with the laws of time and space.

Moreover, it also contains the law of life! Lin Fei was a little shocked.

This kind of reincarnation secret technique involves several higher laws.

Not only that, but there are also some mysterious laws that Lin Fei has never touched, cannot understand, and cannot crack.

Lin Fei could only practice according to the method it recorded, drawing gourds.

Cultivating this secret technique, most importantly, is one's own level of law.

The higher the law cultivation level, the easier it is to practice this secret technique.

Lin Fei has cultivated the five chaos origin laws to the realm of great achievement.

When it comes to the level of the law, even some main gods are not necessarily better than Lin Fei.

Perhaps the monk discovered this and taught this secret technique of reincarnation to Lin Fei.

Another point is that in practicing this kind of secret technique, you also pay attention to epiphany.

Quietly feeling, if you can have an epiphany, suddenly open up, it means that the cultivation is successful.

If you can't realize it, you may never be able to practice successfully.

One day, two days, three days...time slowly passed.

Six days later.

In the secret room.

"I understand, I finally realize it!"

Lin Fei suddenly yelled in surprise.

Finally, he succeeded in practicing this secret technique of reincarnation.

"This kind of secret technique is so powerful!"

After successfully practicing, Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh.

To put it simply, this kind of secret technique can make time stand still, or even make a short-term backward flow, can make space teleport, it is a large space, hundreds of millions of miles of space, instantly, move to another coordinate position! It can also instantly change the age and vitality of a creature, become senile, or become younger.

In short, this kind of reincarnation secret technique contains very clever and unimaginable laws of time, space, life, and other mysterious laws that even Lin Fei cannot understand temporarily.

"This kind of reincarnation secret technique will become one of my best cards."

Lin Fei was very satisfied.

Now, Lin Fei's most powerful hole cards include the law stacking technique, the heart sword, the reincarnation card of the ten thousand worlds, and the secret technique of reincarnation.

Of course, there are also perverted undead physiques such as the chaotic heaven and earth physique, and the physique of the Tianjin tribe.

As for the many secrets of martial arts learned before, as Lin Fei became stronger and stronger, they were basically eliminated.

After successfully practicing the Secret Technique of Reincarnation, Lin Fei walked out of the secret room.

"Master, you are finally out!"

A Zi guarded the door of the secret room and greeted Lin Fei immediately.

"Azi, your realm is well consolidated."

Lin Fei nodded in praise.

"Master, the mirage you gave me contains a predecessor. She uses the power of the soul to communicate with me and guide me.

The help to me is great. "

Azi said.

"That's good."

Before Lin Fei gave the mirage to Azi, he asked the queen for advice. As a result, the queen seemed to have taken a fancy to Azi and entered the mirage. Then, the mirage was in Azi's hands.

Now, the empress is hidden in the mirage, and, it seems, has been communicating with Azi.

"Okay, Zi, let's go.

Go to the Sky Demon Valley.

This time, I hope to find you the nine-tailed monster fox clan. "

Lin Fei said.

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