Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3547: Go to the Sky Demon Valley

Lin Fei and A Zi didn't waste extra time and set off directly.

Originally, Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, and three shark girls, waiting for a few women, all interesting, followed Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei considered that the Sky Demon Valley is a famous forbidden area in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and its strength is very powerful.

Qingluo and several other women are just ordinary gods, and their strength is still a little weak. If there is an accident, Lin Fei will have to take care of them, which is more troublesome.

So under Lin Fei's persuasion, they had no choice but to give up, somewhat disappointed.

These women, in fact, are eager to go out with Lin Fei, wandering around, husband and wife sing.

Lin Fei took out an advanced flying boat and sat in with A Zi.

Of course, Yuzu also followed.

He is a half-step main god, and he is very familiar with the Sky Demon Valley and can provide Lin Fei a lot of help.

call out! Feizhou left the three-thousand-size world, and headed away in the direction of the Sky Demon Valley.

"People, I'm here!"

In the flying boat, A Zi muttered to himself.

The delicate little face was full of anticipation.

Since she was born, she has been living in the Yuanwu realm, alone, wandering alone.

Later, I met Lin Fei and followed Lin Fei until today.

In fact, in her heart, she has always longed to know her own life experience, longing to find her own ethnic group.

Now, there is finally some light of hope.

"Azi, I have real fruit.

After your realm is completely consolidated, I will give you a true **** fruit. After you take it, you can become a lower **** true god. "

In the flying boat, Lin Fei said to A Zi.

"There is such a baby!"

Zi was shocked.

Before, because she was not a god, Lin Fei didn't tell her about the true gods.

"But, Master, I don't need it.

The senior in Mirage said that she told me to become a true **** by my own efforts, instead of taking any shortcuts.

So, Master, from now on, I will go on my way to the true God. "

Azi said to Lin Fei proudly.

"It turns out that, indeed, the effect of taking the true **** fruit and becoming the true **** is indeed very good.

A true **** cultivated through his own efforts is much stronger.

Okay, Zi, I support you! "

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

However, it is not surprising.

The queen in the mirage must have terrifying origins.

Her vision is naturally very high.

Azi must not be allowed to become a true **** through this shortcut.

The location of Sky Demon Valley is a bit remote, a bit far away from the location of Three Thousand Worlds.

Four or five days later.

Finally reached the destination.

"Ahead is the Sky Demon Valley.

The shaded area in front belongs to the peripheral area. "

Yuzu said to Lin Fei.

I saw that the chaotic time and space ahead was shrouded in a large shadow.

In this shadow, the light is dim and the atmosphere is depressing.

There is a smell of loneliness, loneliness, sadness, and withering everything.

Lin Fei understood that this was because there was a rule of sorrow and decay that controlled this area.

Some cold dust and meteorite fragments floated aimlessly in this shadow area.

Being in this vast and mysterious shadow area, it is easy for people to feel a sense of helplessness, confusion, and even a little fear and palpitations.

This is a feeling of being unable to control the surrounding environment.

Lin Fei's divine power felt far forward.

"Sure enough, every forbidden area is dangerous.

The Sky Demon Valley is indeed a famous forbidden place in the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

Lin Fei sighed lightly.

Ordinary gods, coming here, just looking at the outer area of ​​the endless shadow, it is estimated that they will retreat.

"Go, let's go in.

This shadow area is a bit mysterious, even the people from the Sky Demon Valley don't dare to enter here.

However, all of us in the Sky Demon Valley have a token. With the token, we can pass through this shadow area without any obstacles and will not encounter any danger. "

Qianzu led the way and explained to Lin Fei.

"So that's the case.

This area is indeed a bit strange, and there is an unknown danger. "

Lin Fei nodded and followed.

A Zi closely followed Lin Fei's side.

Yuzu took out a yellow token and emitted a large aperture, covering all three of them within the aperture.

The three of them walked into the shadow area together.

In the process of marching, in the confused space around, sighs sounded continuously, as if there was a sad creature, sighing.

These sighs are so powerful that they can reach the depths of people's souls and resonate with people. Unconsciously, they produce extreme sadness and even world-weariness.

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness to protect Ah Zi.

Yuzu is a half-step master god, and he often comes and goes here, he has long been used to it, so there is no discomfort.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness is strong, and it is even more okay.

After walking for most of the day, a huge light gate appeared in front of him at the end of the shadow area.

On both sides of the door, looking at all kinds of ancient monsters, they were very angry.

The beasts roar and cry, endlessly.

"There is the entrance to the Sky Demon Valley.

The inside of the Sky Demon Valley is actually a vast world group.

Different ethnic groups live in different planes. "

Yuzu stood still and said to Lin Fei.

"Then how do we get in."

Lin Fei asked.

"The Sky Demon Valley is now controlled by the Tiansangzi in Ji Mie Ling.

The valley owner of the Sky Demon Valley had announced that he would obey the orders of Tiansangzi.

In the Sky Demon Valley, all the races are vassals to Tiansangzi, and there are many Tiansangzi's minions stationed here.

We have no choice but to swagger in.

I can only think of a way and sneak in. "

Yuzu said.

The mackerel clan has completely fallen out with Tiansangzi, and it is impossible to go back to the Sky Demon Valley again.

The valley master of the Sky Demon Valley is said to be a master god.

The strength is terrible.

"This is easy.

We hide and wait for opportunities. "

Lin Fei smiled.

So, the three of them hid away.

After a while.

A group of creatures came back from the outside, through the shadow area, and walked towards the light gate at the entrance.

"It's from the Leiyang clan.

This race is good at thunder and lightning secrets. "

Yuzu spoke to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei nodded.

The strongest of this team of Leiyang clan is just a true middle-ranked god.

Such strength is simply too weak for Lin Fei and Yuzu.

Lin Fei moved into the team of the Leiyang clan.

"who are you!"

The middle god, true god, first found one more person and asked.

Lin Fei waved, a mysterious wave of energy rippled out.

This is Lin Fei's successful practice just now, the secret technique of reincarnation.

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