Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3548: enter

next moment.

Leiyang clan, all the people, disappeared.

At this time, Lin Fei was in a huge continent.

"what happened?

where is this place?

Why all of a sudden, we came to this strange place! "

The entire team of Leiyang people appeared in this continent, panicking one by one, looking everywhere.

This continent was created by Lin Fei by practicing the laws of earth before, and it has grown into a real and livable continent.

Lin Fei naturally took it with him all the time.

Just now, Lin Fei used the reincarnation secret technique to poke the space where the entire team of Leiyang clan was located, and instantly moved to this continent.

This is one of the functions of the Secret Art of Reincarnation.

You can move a piece of space to another space coordinate position instantly.

Of course, the stronger the strength, the larger the volume of space that can be moved.

With Lin Fei's current strength, he could instantly transfer about 100 million miles away.

When the people of the Leiyang clan were at a loss.

Lin Fei appeared over the mainland.

"It's you again, kid! Say it's you!"

That middle god, true god, was the first to discover Lin Fei and roared.

At the same time, his body moved, like lightning, and flew straight to Lin.

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Mind moved.

Thousands of red puppet threads, like a red rainstorm, fell from the sky, one after another.

"Is it the puppet thread secret method of the soul race?

! "

That middle-ranked god, true god, was also very knowledgeable, and he recognized the secret technique that Lin Fei had performed at a glance.

Rumble...On the body of this middle **** true god, thick and thick thunders were born, like ferocious dragons, coiling around him, tightly protecting him.

At the same time, he also released all the power of divine consciousness, tightly protecting his head.

"Boy, the soul clan's secret technique can't hurt me! You dare to provoke my Leiyang clan, you are dead!"

The true **** of this middle **** yelled loudly, like a thunderbolt.

It's just that the secret technique of Puppet's Thread, displayed in the hands of Lin Fei, is tens of thousands of times more powerful than any soul race master.

Shoo...the red silk thread shot at him like a sharp arrow.

Puff puff... every red silk thread is sharp to the unimaginable point, breaking through all defenses, directly rushing into his sea of ​​consciousness, and entwining his soul body.

"Ah... how is it possible! Get out of my sea of ​​consciousness!"

This middle-ranked **** was truly horrified and screamed.

However, with his strength, he couldn't resist it at all.

In a moment.

He stopped struggling and screaming, and his eyes slowly became docile.

"the host."

He stood up straight, shouted respectfully at Lin Fei.

"Elder Bing, what is going on?

! "

All the other Leiyang people were dumbfounded.

"It's you guys."

Lin Fei glanced over, then smiled faintly.

next moment.

Shoo... the monstrous red silk thread swayed towards the people of Leiyang clan.

Less than a second.

"the host!"

All members of the Leiyang clan stood in front of Lin Fei and saluted Lin Fei respectfully.

"Ah, very good.

Now, tell me about the situation in the Sky Demon Valley. "

Lin Fei said to the middle **** true god.

"Yes, yes, I am willing to serve the master."

The middle god, true god, immediately approached, very excited, and reported to Lin Fei.

The current situation in the Sky Demon Valley is almost the same as the ancestor Qiang imagined.

The Sky Demon Valley is under the control of Tiansangzi.

There are a group of people and horses from Nirvana Ridge stationed in the Sky Demon Valley.

The Lord of the Sky Demon Valley, as well as all races, publicly announced that they respected the sky sangzi as their master.

Actually, at the beginning.

Some ethnic groups are opposed to Tiansangzi.

However, after being suppressed by Tiansangzi with iron and blood, and slaughtered three or four ethnic groups in a row, the other ethnic groups surrendered one after another.

Tiansangzi's strength is terrifying.

Moreover, in a short period of time, a large number of confidants with very strange strength have been cultivated, and they will fight everywhere without any disadvantage.

"In the Sky Demon Valley, there is the Valley Master and Tiansangzi's henchmen.

It seems that we have to keep a low profile for now.

The valley owner of the Sky Demon Valley and the sky sangzi are the main gods, and I can't deal with them now. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

"Well, from now on, the three of us, dressed as the Thunder Goat clan, will follow you and enter the Sky Demon Valley."

Lin Fei said to the middle **** true god.

Lin Fei thought, and led the Leiyang clan to the outside.

"Master, I understand."

The middle **** of the Leiyang clan said the true god.

In a world of three thousand sizes, the ancestor had already seen Lin Fei possessing tens of thousands of slaves to the gods, so he was not surprised, he just smiled bitterly.

"This young man is really evil.

Fortunately, there are three women of our Yu clan. In the near future, there is hope that they can become his women.

From now on, our mackerel family has the same fate with him! I have a hunch that in the future, our mackerel clan will surely cause the entire boundless Chaos Sea because of him. "

Qianzu looked at Lin Fei and thought to himself.

At the moment, Lin Fei, A Zi, and Yuzu, mixed in the team of the Leiyang clan, walked towards the entrance gate of the Sky Demon Valley in front.

There are more than a dozen true gods guarding the light gate.

The team of the Leiyang clan passed through the portal, and the dozen or so true gods simply ignored them.

"Lin Fei, the valley master of the Sky Demon Valley, is a master god, very terrifying.

We'd better keep a low profile and act according to the situation.

Try not to reveal your identity.

Otherwise, not only the Valley Master of the Sky Demon Valley, I am afraid that even the Sky Sangzi would be alarmed. "

Yuzu secretly communicated to Lin Fei.

"Senior, don't worry, I understand."

Lin Fei replied.


Has passed through the light gate and entered the Sky Demon Valley.

Look around.

It really is a very large world group.

The planes are scattered and densely lined in the chaotic void.

Lin Fei swept his eyes and felt it roughly, and found that there were at least five or six thousand planes in this space! Such a scale is very rare.

Moreover, what surprised Lin Fei was that half of these planes were advanced worlds.

Even, many of them belong to the plane of the ancient chaos country level! "It's no wonder that the Sky Demon Valley can become a famous forbidden place. The background is really no small thing!"

Lin Fei looked at those high-quality planes and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"Senior, we are looking for the nine-tailed monster fox family, where should we start."

Lin Fei asked Yuzu.

"The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox clan used to have a very powerful force in the Sky Demon Valley, occupying dozens of planes.

But now, those dozens of planes are all occupied by the current Valley Lord's family. "

Yuzu said.

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