Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3549: Look for

"We want to find the whereabouts of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Clan. It is estimated that we can only start from those dozens of planes.

Among those planes, more or less, there are still some auras or traces related to the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox family. "

Yuzu guessed.

Generally speaking, beings of a race, because of the same blood, there will be some special inductions between each other.

Especially the monster beast race, racial blood, racial characteristics and aura are very obvious, and they can easily be felt between each other.

"It can only be this way."

Lin Fei nodded.

If not, be afraid of the Valley Master of the Sky Demon Valley, and the Sky Sangzi, Lin Fei had long been upright and straight into the Sky Demon Valley, where it was so troublesome.

Under the leadership of Yuzu, the group entered into a plane called the Heavenly Snake Plane.

Of course, Lin Fei, A Zi, and Yuzu were all mixed in the team of the Leiyang clan.

This team of Leiyang clan, all Lin Fei's slaves, naturally obeyed Lin Fei's orders.

"This plane used to be called the Sky Fox plane.

The Heavenly Fox plane is of high quality in the world and belongs to the level of the ancient chaos.

It used to be one of the most powerful planes of the nine-tailed monster fox clan.

After the disappearance of the nine-tailed demon fox clan, the snake demon clan occupied this plane and changed its name to the heavenly snake plane. "

Yuzu secretly said to Lin Fei and A Zi Chuanyin.

He used to be a master of the Sky Demon Valley and knew everything in the Sky Demon Valley.

"In that case, this plane used to be the territory of our Nine-Tailed Monster Fox Clan! The Snake Monster Clan, too domineering!"

Azi was furious, her eyebrows erected.

"Not bad.

However, Azi girl, you have to endure it for the time being. There are a lot of snake monsters living in this plane. If you don't pay attention, we may be exposed. "

Yuzu secretly told.

"Azi, don't worry, I will avenge you in the future."

Lin Fei comforted.

The three of them were mixed in the team of the Leiyang clan, and they wandered around for most of the day in the plane of the heavenly snake, but they didn't gain much.

Most of the interfaces in the plane, stars, and continents, are controlled by the Snake Monster clan and are heavily guarded.

Obviously, the Snake Demon Clan pays more attention to this plane, focuses on management, and stationed a considerable part of its troops in this plane.

The smell of the snake demon filled the entire plane, and the fishy aura rolled.

"Azi, have you noticed anything?

Do you feel the breath of your family? "

Lin Fei asked A Zi secretly.


Zi shook his head disappointedly.

"It seems that after the snake monster clan controlled this plane, it must have spent a lot of effort to erase all the breath and traces of the nine-tailed monster fox clan."

The mackerel sighed.

"It seems that this matter can't be rushed for a while.

Azi, don't worry, we will visit in secret and slowly, and sooner or later we will find out.

Since, you can't perceive the breath and traces left by the same race.

We will use another method.

Go to the snake monster clan, I think, the snake monster clan, more or less, will know some inside information. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.


Go to the snake demon clan to ask?

Are they willing to speak?

! "

Both Azi and Yuzu were taken aback.

"Hey, after they become my slaves, they will fight, rush, and tell me."

Lin Fei said with a smile.


Azi and Yuzu suddenly thought of Lin Fei's methods, and couldn't help being overjoyed.

"In this Sky Demon Valley, the only things I'm afraid of are the Valley Master and Tiansangzi.

Other creatures, don’t you just let me know.

Annoyed me, I turned all the members of the Snake-Monster tribe into my slaves, and then I would have fun. "

Lin Fei sneered.

"Haha, yes! Lin Fei, your methods are indeed shocking.

The Puppet Thread Secret Technique, this secret technique, was originally the bloodline inheritance of the Soul Race. Unless you have the original bloodline of the Soul Race, no matter how powerful foreign creatures are, they cannot be cultivated.

Unexpectedly, you have successfully cultivated.

Moreover, the secret technique of the puppet's thread you displayed is much more powerful than any soul race.

With this secret technique, be more careful, and indeed play the entire Sky Demon Valley! "

Yuzu laughed.

"Huh! The snake monster clan is the enemy of our nine-tailed monster fox clan, which made my people so miserable.

Master, you have to vent my anger! "

Azi said.

"No problem! Azi, whoever offends you, I'll help you beat someone hard!"

Lin Fei smiled.

"Master, you are so kind!"

A Zi lunged forward, hugged Lin Fei's arm, and smiled openly.

The body is warm and fragrant.

"Azi, pay attention!"

Helpless, Lin Fei pushed Azi away, and shouted in a low voice.

"Cut! Master, are you afraid that I will eat you!"

Azi curled his lips, disapproving.

at this time.

Lin Fei and others are walking in a continent.

This continent is huge.

Prosperity and prosperity.

Many of those walking around are snake creatures, and the snakes are soaring into the sky.

Of course, most snake monsters are transformed into human appearances.

In addition, there are many buildings and sculptures related to snake civilization.

In the very center of the continent stands a huge statue.

The lower part of this statue is a human body, and the upper part is a hideous snake head, swallowing a huge three-pointed snake tongue, releasing a monstrous and terrifying monster force.

"This is the Valley Master of the Sky Demon Valley and the contemporary patriarch of the Snake Demon Clan."

Yuzu secretly communicated to Lin Fei and said.

"Yes, Not Bad.

Strength is indeed very strong. "

Lin Fei glanced at the snake monster statue in the center of the continent and nodded secretly.

Although it was just a statue, but the mighty power, a series of terrifying Chaos Origin Laws, from the statue, hanging down like a dazzling beam of light, faintly suppressing the entire continent.

Just now.


"Ah, no!"

A scream sounded.

"Hahaha...little beauty, she looks too exciting.

Take good care of me, uncle! "

"Good luck, I didn't expect that if I went out occasionally today, I would meet such a wonderful little lady.

Have fun! "

...A few rude voices, laughter, foul language, unsightly.

I saw that in front was a lively street, and outside the door of a restaurant, five or six big men with evil temperaments were surrounding a panicked little girl.

This little girl is about fourteen or five years old.

She is very handsome, with a small body, and she already has a look. It can be seen that in the future, she must be a beauty.

"Haha, little beauty, to be honest, meeting us is your blessing.

Do you know who we are?

My name is Snake San, Lao Tzu, and I belong to the fourth generation of Snake Monster family.

Hey, you should know the strength of our snake monster clan.

Little beauty, don't resist.

I followed us well and went back with us. From then on, I will serve a few of our uncles so as to protect you for the rest of your life.

It's more than 100 million times better than selling singing in a restaurant! "

One of the big guys laughed proudly.

"This little girl belongs to our nine-tailed monster fox clan!"

Suddenly, A Zi's voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

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