Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3550: Find the same race


is it? "

Lin Fei's heart moved after hearing Azi's words, and his divine consciousness immediately felt the past.

However, in Lin Fei's perception, this little girl didn't seem to have any aura or characteristics related to the demon fox clan.

"Master, trust me.

The fox nature of this little girl has been cut off.

However, her body still contained a trace of the original blood of the nine-tailed monster fox.

This is a special kind of blood induction of our nine-tailed monster fox clan.

The creatures of other races, no matter how strong they are, can be sensed. "

Zi explained.

"Cut off the fox?

Can this be cut too? "

Lin Fei is a little strange.

"This is a secret method of our nine-tailed monster fox clan. If you are tracked by a powerful enemy, you can cut off your fox nature and incarnate into another race."

Azi said.

"It turns out this is amazing."

Lin Fei sighed.

The secret method that even oneself can hide is certainly no trivial matter.

"I won't go back with you."

The little girl, panicked, said in a trembling voice.

"Uncles, please let me go to my granddaughter.

Our grandparents and grandchildren are just poor people who ask for a bite of food everywhere by singing.

I beg a few uncles! "

An old man in ragged clothes stumbled out of the restaurant and stood in front of the little girl, pleading.

"Don't get entangled, old man.

If you don't want to die, get out immediately.

Wasn't it cool enough just now! "

A strong man yelled.

Snapped! A crisp slap in the face sounded, and the old man was slapped out and fell into the distance, unable to get up.

There are also a lot of lively creatures around, and they can't understand what these strong men are doing.

However, no one dared to stop it.

Because, as everyone knows, these brawny men belong to the Snake Monster family.

The Snake Demon clan is very powerful in the Sky Demon Valley.

Basically, none of the other races dare to provoke them casually.

"Haha, little beauty, stop talking nonsense.

Come back and have fun with us right away! "

A brawny man stretched out his palm as big as a sunflower fan and grabbed it like a little girl.

Shoo...Suddenly, red silk threads shot over from nowhere, rushing directly into the sea of ​​knowledge of these brawny men.


The eyes of these brawny men became docile.

Then, these brawny men listened carefully, as if someone was talking to them.


Several strong men said respectfully at the same time.

"This old man, and the little girl, sorry, we apologize to you.

We did such an inferior move, we are beasts, we are rubbish! But rest assured, we will never do such a bad thing again.

Because we no longer have the face to continue living in the world, we will kill ourselves now! "

As soon as the voice fell, several brawny men raised their palms one after another, and slammed their palms on top of their heavenly spirit cover.

The heads of several strong men exploded one after another and died.

what happened?

These children of the Snake Monster clan actually committed suicide?

! The creatures around who were watching the excitement were all shocked and speechless.

"Thank you! Master, you sighed for me!"

In the distance, A Zi was very happy and said to Lin Fei.

Just now, it was natural that Lin Fei used the secret method of the puppet line to subdue those strong men into slaves, and then order them to commit suicide.

These brawny men were too low-level and too weak to be Lin Fei's slaves. Therefore, Lin Fei didn't want to save their lives.

You know, Lin Fei's current vision is a bit high.

If it were not for the gods, Lin Fei would have no interest at all and would take him as a slave.

"what's going on!"

At this moment, a sharp shout sounded.

A middle-aged man with a slender figure and cold eyes fell from the sky.

His eyes fixed on the corpses of the strong men on the ground.

"It's so bold. Within the plane of the Serpent, there are people who dare to kill our Snake Demon clan!"

The middle-aged man said coldly, his eyes becoming extremely dangerous.

A terrible cold energy burst out from him, and instantly enveloped the entire street.

This is an ordinary upper god! "Well, reluctantly, a decent one came."

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

"Say! Who killed our Snake Demon clan, stood up, knelt down, and ended by himself!"

The middle-aged man said slowly.

The tone is extremely domineering.

It's like a high emperor, issuing orders to his subjects.

Indeed, within the Sky Demon Valley, the Snake Demon Clan has become accustomed to being aloof.

"This... This Snake Clan master, a few of them, committed suicide..." A creature beside him said with fear.

"Nonsense, how can we, the snake monster clan, commit suicide!"

The middle-aged man was furious and slapped his palm, slapped the talking creature into a ball of meat sauce.

"Say! Who killed it?

Otherwise, all will die! "

The middle-aged man shouted sharply.

The gloomy and overwhelming energy, from within his body, was crushed in all directions.

Bang Bang... Countless creatures were shocked and flew out, screaming again and again.

"My lord, calm down! My lord, please calm down, the two of them killed it!"

All the creatures around were extremely frightened. In order to save their lives, they pointed to the ragged old man and little girl.


The middle-aged man shouted indifferently.

A palm slapped the old man and the little girl.

The palm wind is mighty, like the might of heaven descends.

Just now.


Shoo...A strip of red silk threads suddenly shot out from the void, breaking through all defenses, and instantly attacked the middle-aged man's sea of ​​consciousness.

The middle-aged man was shocked.

Want to resist desperately.

However, less than a second.

His eyes became docile.

It's just an ordinary upper god, too weak for Lin Fei.

"Old man, girl, I was wrong! To express my humility, I gave myself a thousand hands!"

The middle-aged man ran up in front of the old man and the little girl, sighed in a low voice, smiled on his face, and had a very good attitude.

Papa... Then, he really fanned his own mouth, and he fanned very hard, never cutting corners.

Papa... a crisp slap in the face, resounding throughout the street.

On the street, all the creatures were stunned.

The old man and the little girl, when you look at me, and when I look at you, I am still on the spot, at a loss.

"Hehe..., too happy! Master, these Snake Monster clan people should torture them severely!"

Azi looked excited and clapped his hands in applause.

"He is now a member of the Snake Demon Clan, and is my slave."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Old man, girl, my host invites you two, and I will meet you in the past."

The middle-aged man, after slapped himself a thousand times, stopped and said respectfully to the old man and the little girl.

He is a god, slapped himself a thousand slaps, causing no harm to himself.

"Your master, want to see us?

! "

The old man was startled, a little wary.


Old man, don't worry, my master has absolutely no malice. "

The middle-aged man explained gently.

"So..., all right."

The old man groaned and nodded in agreement.

"Whatever you look at, it's all gone for me! Otherwise, it will die!"

The middle-aged man screamed to the surrounding, and the breath of the upper **** was released in a mighty manner.

Suddenly, on the whole street, all the creatures, one by one, were so frightened that they cried and cried and ran away.

The middle-aged man took the old man and the little girl, left the street, and came to a very remote alley.

A Zi, Lin Fei, Kunzu, and a team of Leiyang people were waiting in the alley.

As soon as the little girl arrived, Azi's gaze immediately followed her closely, looking up and down, carefully sensing.

The little girl seemed to feel something.

His gaze also fixed on Azi.

Two people, you look at [] at me, I look at you.

The expression is very excited.


On A Zi's back, nine swaying foxtails rose up, and disappeared in a flash! "Sister, you..., you..." The little girl trembled with excitement.

"Not bad.

We are the same race! "

Zi is also very excited.

Finally, I found my own family.

Tears were already in Azi's beautiful eyes.

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