Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3551: Purple Princess

"Sister, we are indeed of the same race, but you are very face-to-face.

I didn't seem to have seen you before. "

The little girl is still a little wary.

After all, the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox family has undergone a huge change, and such a huge change is enough to make everyone mature and cautious.

"I have been lost since I was a child. I didn't learn about my clan until not long ago and rushed back.

"Azi said directly.

"I have been lost since I was a child..., could it be that you are the Purple Princess!"

The old man was aside and suddenly became excited when he heard what Azi said.

"Princess Purple...?"

Zi was a little confused.

"Princess Purple! Uncle Xiao, are you saying that she is our demon-fox clan, the purple princess who has been lost since childhood and whose whereabouts is unknown?

! "

The little girl couldn't help but screamed softly.

"My name is Azi, but...I don't know anything about my life experience.

The only thing he knew was that he belonged to the nine-tailed monster fox clan. "

Azi said in a loud voice.

"It seems that Azi is not low in the nine-tailed demon fox clan. It is possible that he is a princess."

Lin Fei couldn't help but secretly thought.

Just now.

Rumble...a huge energy beyond description, mighty and overwhelming, sweeping towards this city.

"No! Let's get out of here first and speak slowly."

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was the most powerful, and he knew immediately that something was wrong.

"It's Snake Ancestor! The Valley Master of Sky Demon Valley!"

Yuzu also changed his color instantly.


Lin Fei said softly.

Show the secret technique of reincarnation directly.

Immediately, a large space, taking Lin Fei and others, teleported away.

This space, the original location, is supplemented by other surrounding spaces to form a new space.

Just when Lin Fei and others disappeared.

A powerful and earth-shattering divine sense swept across the whole city, especially the alley where Lin Fei and the others were just now.


Just now, I clearly sensed the presence of the nine-tailed monster fox clan. "

This divine consciousness speaks to himself.

Because Lin Fei removed the entire space.

Therefore, although this divine consciousness is terrifying, it can quickly perceive every foot and every inch of the entire city in detail.

Even, the time in these spaces can be repeated briefly.

In every space, what happened not long ago is clearly known by this divine consciousness.

However, it could not perceive Lin Fei and his party.

Because, in a short moment, Lin Fei had already removed all the space he and his party had passed through in this city! "Huh, it seems that the nine-tailed monster fox clan, as expected, still have remnants, and they are mixed in the Sky Demon Valley.

Wait, I won't let it go.

Nine-tailed demon fox clan, all, are going to die! "

This divine consciousness said coldly, murderous, causing the temperature of the entire city to drop by ten degrees in an instant.

Every creature in the city was silent, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

"It's the Valley Lord! God, what happened to our plane?

! Even the Valley Lord was shocked! "

Within the Celestial Snake plane, there are some experts with particularly strong perception abilities, and they were shocked when they discovered that the Valley Lord's divine consciousness reached into the plane to investigate a city.

"In Xia Shegang, he is the master of the heavenly serpent plane, see the ancestor!"

A tall, plump, purple-black face, with a group of gods, appeared in the sky above the city, respectfully saluting the gods.

It turned out that this chubby man was the disciple and grandson of the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Valley, and was responsible for managing this Heavenly Snake plane.

"Huh! How did you become the master of the plane?

The remnants of the nine-tailed monster fox clan appeared in the plane without realizing it. "

Gu said coldly.


! The remnants of the nine-tailed demon fox family appeared! Patriarch, is it true? Where is it! "

When the snake heard this, he couldn't help being shocked.

"It's in this city.

However, he has escaped.

Immediately pass the order and search for it with all your strength. Once you find the remnants of the demon fox clan, kill it! "

The valley master of the Sky Demon Valley, the indifferent voice, rumbling and resounding high in the city.

"Yes, please follow the decree of the ancestors!"

Snake answered respectfully right away.

The remnants of the demon fox clan reappear! This astonishing news spread throughout the entire Celestial Serpent plane, and even the entire Celestial Demon Valley! You know, the nine-tailed monster fox clan used to be the most powerful force in the Sky Demon Valley.

The patriarch of the nine-tailed demon fox was even the valley master of the Sky Demon Valley before! Therefore, the influence of the nine-tailed demon fox clan in the Sky Demon Valley is too great.

"What's the matter? Didn't it mean that the nine-tailed monster fox clan has been wiped out?

Why did it appear again? "

"It might just be a few remnants, what's worth all the fuss about."

"However, I received a gossip that it is said that the demon fox clan has not been annihilated.

Rather, the clan fled and disappeared. "

...In the Sky Demon Valley, there was a lot of discussion.

In the Sky Demon Valley, there is a certain void in the sky.

In a space concealed by the special laws of time and space, Lin Fei, A Zi, Qianzu and other people are all here.

"Purple Princess, you are indeed the Purple Princess!"

The old man asked Azi to release some blood of his origin, and let him take a closer look.

He even grabbed a trace of Azi's original blood and directly lit it.

Then, after confirming the identity of A Zi, he cried out excitedly.

"See the Purple Princess!"

Both the little girl and the old man saluted Ah Zi.

"So, what kind of purple princess am I?

! "

Azi herself was also dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, in the nine-tailed monster and fox clan, he turned out to be a princess.

"Princess Purple, if you can return, the old patriarch must be very happy to hear that."

Said the old man.

"Our nine-tailed demon fox clan, now, how is it going?

They... are all okay. "

After hearing the old man's words, Azi couldn't help but asked quickly.

"Oh, Princess Purple, this is a long story."

The old man sighed and said.

It turned out that although this old man did not belong to the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox clan, he was the elder of the clan.

High status.

"Back then, the nine-tailed demon fox clan was the most powerful race in the Sky Demon Valley.

The patriarch is even more of the valley master.

Later, the snake side of the snake monster clan cultivated into the main **** and was ambitious. He wanted to dominate the sky monster valley and lead the snake monster clan to challenge the nine-tailed monster fox clan.

Because the snake demon clan had been prepared for a long time and secretly planned for a long time to win over many powerful races in the Sky Demon Valley, forming an alliance to jointly deal with the nine-tailed demon fox clan.

The nine-tailed monster fox clan is outnumbered, and after several fierce battles, it was defeated. "

The old man said slowly.

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