Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3552: The whereabouts of the monster family

"and after."

Azi listened very anxiously.

"Several fierce battles, our nine-tailed monster fox clan, the casualties were very serious.

The strength of the snake side is very powerful.

Even our patriarch could not help him, but was injured by him.

Finally, the patriarch decided to retreat.

As the snake monster clan and other strong clan are pressing harder by step, the situation is very critical.

The patriarch divided the tribe into hundreds of teams and retreated according to different routes.

In fact, the meaning of the patriarch and the high-level members of the clan is to escape as much as possible.

Try to stay vigorous.

Hu Xiaomei and I were divided into the same team.

However, this small team we were in was discovered by the master of the snake monster clan during the breakout process and was chasing after it.

In the end, most of the entire team was killed.

The rest are all lost.

Hu Xiaomei and I fled together, dressed in disguise, and wandered among the fox planes of this day.

I was badly injured. In order to avoid chasing and killing, the little girl cut off the fox nature, almost losing her strength.

Therefore, the two of us had to rely on each other to make a living selling singing in restaurants. "

The old man said to A Zi.

"So that's the case."

Zi is a little disappointed.

The whereabouts of other people are still unknown.

"Princess Purple, you are not too worried.

At that time, in the process of fleeing, I had heard that there were already quite a few small teams that successfully got rid of tracking.

The squad we were in was careless. In the process of escaping, we were a bit panicked and took the wrong route. This was exposed.

Otherwise, we would have escaped long ago. "

Hu Xiaomei stepped forward to comfort A Zidao.

"I hope the people of the tribe will be all right."

Azi nodded and said.

"Master, it seems that we have to continue searching."

A Zi said to Lin Fei.


Azi, don't worry, we have time, just look for it slowly. "

Lin Fei said.

"You tell everything you know about the nine-tailed monster fox clan."

Lin Fei said to the slave who had conquered not long ago.

This slave belonged to the Snake Monster family, an upper god.

Called She Qiang.

"Yes, Master! I belong to a small chief among the snake monster clan.

Back then, I also participated in the hunt for the demon fox clan.

As far as I know, quite a few demon foxes did manage to escape.

There were also many demon foxes who were found in the process of escaping, and many were killed.

Some demon foxes were caught and became prisoners of the snake demon clan. "

She Qiang answered Lin Fei's question seriously.

"What about our patriarch?

! "

The old man and Hu Xiaomei asked quickly.

"By the way, where is the patriarch?"

Zi also wanted to know.

"It is said that the head of the demon fox clan was seriously injured.

I once eavesdropped on the discussions of the high-level members of the clan, like the clan chief of the demon fox clan. It is possible that he has not died but fled.

However, I am not sure what the truth is.

Because, I am just a little boss, with many core secrets, I am not qualified to know. "

Snake Qiang answered.


Lin Fei nodded.

Snake Qiang had become Lin Fei's slave, and he was single-minded towards Lin Fei, so he would definitely not lie.

"A part of the demon foxes have been caught and become prisoners?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Yes Master.

Some of the demon foxes caught became servants, slaves, and concubines of the snake tribe.

Another part was detained. "

Snake Qiang nodded and answered.

"Huh! The snake monster clan is too shameful! Master, is there a way to save these people of mine."

Azi was filled with righteous indignation, her delicate face was contorted with anger, and asked Lin Fei.

"This is not difficult.

In the Sky Demon Valley, the only thing I fear is the Valley Master Snake Fang.

Others, not to mention.

Go, let's save people now. "

Lin Fei smiled.

Since Lin Fei came with A Zi for a while, Lin Fei would definitely not go back empty-handed.

As a result, everyone mingled among the Leiyang clan and began to set off.

Snake Qiang was originally from the Snake Monster clan, so things were easier to handle.

Lin Fei simply let Snake Qiang, pretending to be the leader of this team, walked ahead and swaggered.

In this way, even if you walk openly, it will not attract attention.

Of course, while walking, Lin Fei's divine consciousness is constantly monitoring.

Lin Fei knew that Valley Lord Snake Fang had already become suspicious and must be watching the entire Sky Demon Valley in secret.

Moreover, it is estimated that the snake side has already issued an order to strictly guard the entire Sky Demon Valley.

The countless masters in the Sky Demon Valley may be searching for all suspicious characters everywhere.

Lin Fei calculated it a bit.

In my own line of people.

The ancestor is a half-step master god, possessing a variety of magical powers that hide his signs and can protect himself.

The Leiyang clan will not arouse suspicion.

The old man was an worship of the nine-tailed monster and fox clan. His original strength was a true middle-level god, but he suffered a very serious injury, and his strength did not exist.

He is not from the demon fox family, so under normal circumstances, he would not attract attention.

Hu Xiaomei cut off the fox nature, and it is difficult for outsiders to find that she is a family of monsters.

The most exposed is Azi! Azi is a family of nine-tailed demon foxes, who always releases the aura of the demon fox family.

However, what surprised Lin Fei was that A Zi's body surface had a dreamlike magical law, which covered up Ah Zi's breath very tightly.

"It's the power of the mirage! The queen in the mirage is also helping!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

With the help of Mirage and the queen, Azi can isolate all perceptions! Lin Fei estimated that even if it was a master god, it would be difficult to find out without paying special attention.

As for Lin Fei himself, there is no need to be afraid.

With Lin Fei's various methods, the divine consciousness of the valley owner and the snake side, Lin Fei could detect it in advance and instantly shift his position.

Therefore, Lin Fei led the crowd and walked swaggeringly in the Sky Demon Valley, not afraid of being identified.

"Master, the front is called the real snake world.

There are many true **** masters of the snake-monster clan stationed inside.

These true **** masters possess a lot of demon fox slaves and slaves. "

She Qiang said to Lin Fei.

"Well, start with this real snake world."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Go, let's go in."

Lin Fei waved his hand and took the lead to walk towards the real snake world.

"34 Stop! This is the place of the snake clan, all foreign creatures, no matter they enter or exit, they must pass the identity verification, let them pass!"

At the entrances and exits of the interface, there are more than a dozen ordinary snake monsters guarding them, all of them are very vigilant, and they strictly examine every creature that enters and exits.

"Well, it seems that the Sky Demon Valley has indeed strengthened its guard.

The owner of the valley and the owner of the snake have already become suspicious. "

Seeing this, Lin Fei thought to himself.

Huh huh... Lin Fei, without saying a word, directly displayed the secret method of puppet thread.

One by one red silk threads, like a torrential rain, splashed over the dozen or so snake demon spirits.

These ordinary gods, how can they resist.

There is no resistance at all.

Less than a second.

"See the master."

More than a dozen ordinary snake demon gods, their eyes became docile, and they bowed slightly to Lin Fei and whispered.

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