Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3553: Prince

"Keep guarding the entrances and exits, and report everything to me."

Lin Fei secretly gave orders to the dozen or so snake demon spirits.


More than a dozen snake demon gods are very docile.

Lin Fei led the crowd and swaggered into the interface.

Inside the interface, it is very lively.

All kinds of creatures come and go.

"Look, there really are our people as slaves!"

Hu Xiaomei pointed to the distance with sharp eyes and whispered.


High in the distance.

A large group of men and horses passed by in mighty air.

In the middle of the team, there is a huge bed.

This precious bed is full of magical light, covered by a bed net, and it is warm pink.

There is a formation method, which tightly conceals the scenery inside the treasure bed from the outside.

Before and after the treasure car, surrounded by a large number of maids, servants, and servants, they are mighty and grand.

Among those servants, there are several, belonging to the family of nine-tailed monster foxes! In addition, there are a large number of soldiers holding swords, guns, swords and halberds, shouting from front to back, majestic and grand.

"The prince is out on a trip, idle and miscellaneous, etc., all avoid, and those who dare to collide, die!"

At the front of the team, the two lower gods opened the way and shouted.

This ostentation is eye-catching.

Papa...Suddenly, from the pink treasure bed, a thorny leather whip was pushed out, whipping a servant's back, and the crisp whip echoed high in the sky.

what! The servant girl screamed immediately.

On her back, the clothes were torn, the skin was ripped and the flesh was dripping with blood.

"The humble thing is so slow, you want to die!"

A vicious insult came from the treasure bed.

Papa...The thorny whip flew out of the treasure bed again, and hit the servant's body again and again.

"The prince is forgiving, and the prince is forgiving. The slave and maidservant was tortured too severely yesterday and his body has not recovered yet, so he moved a bit slower. Please also ask the prince for mercy!"

The beaten slave was trembling with fright, begging for mercy.

Her breath was very weak, and she was obviously injured.

Papa...The thorny leather whip stretched out from the treasure bed again, and kept beating the servant.

The servant girl was beaten with dozens of whips in an instant, completely unable to walk, her body limp and she was dying.

"Damn demon fox! Despicable thing! Pretend to be dead in front of me.

Well, I will fulfill you! Come, pull it down and cut it! "

A voice of disgust and indifference came from the treasure bed.


Immediately, two soldiers came over and dragged the slave away.

"The prince is spare, the prince is spare!"

The servant kept begging.

"Damn it! Master, I can't help it!"

A Zi looked at Lin Fei.

That servant girl belongs to the family of nine-tailed monster foxes.

Hu Xiaomei, and the old man, also saw her eyes cracked, clenched her fists, trying to rush up desperately.

"let me do it."

Lin Fei said lightly.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness has clearly perceived the situation inside that treasure bed.

Inside the treasure bed, there is a young man and a dozen beautiful concubines, all lying on the bed, the scene is very chaotic.

I saw that the young man was very plump, with mighty temperament, and his skin reflected an extremely noble glaze.

Between Gu and Pan, he seemed extremely conceited.

This young man is naturally the prince.

He is the real snake realm, the real son of the realm master, in this interface, his position is extremely respected, and he has developed an arrogant and domineering character since childhood.

Lin Fei stepped out of the crowd, walking towards the prince's bed.


! who are you! Dare to run into the big prince Baojia, want to die! "

Immediately, a dozen soldiers in full armor rushed up and yelled at Lin Fei.

These dozen soldiers are just the lower gods of ordinary strength.

Even the soldiers are ordinary lower gods. One can imagine how pompous this prince is.

Shoo... red silk threads suddenly appeared and shot past.

How can these lower gods resist?

These red lines of puppets easily broke through all the defenses, attacked into their sea of ​​consciousness, and directly controlled their soul bodies.


A dozen soldiers, their eyes became docile, and one after another stepped aside.

Lin Fei continued to walk towards the treasure bed.


What are you doing?

Why not stop this madman and let him disturb the prince Yaxing. Can you bear this sin? "

The other soldiers are very strange.

These soldiers are all ordinary gods! Shoo... Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and a large number of puppet threads were shot out like sharp arrows.

Less than a second.

All the soldiers, one by one, became very docile.

Take the initiative to get out of the way.

"Presumptuous! The two true gods at the front of the team finally realized that things were a little weird, and at the same time they stretched out their bodies and rushed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei moved his mind and displayed his heart sword.

Boom! Two noises were heard from the bodies of the two lower gods, the true gods, their bodies were completely shattered by the heart sword, and they were seriously injured.

Since these two are true gods, Lin Fei severely injured them first, and the speed will be much faster when using the puppet's secret method.

Shoo... the red lines of puppets rushed into the sea of ​​knowledge of these two true gods, instantly controlling their soul bodies.

These two true gods were seriously injured, and they were unable to resist at all.

"the host!"

Two true gods respectfully salute Lin Fei.

"what happened?

! "

Just now, in the treasure bed, the eldest prince was on a whim and had a good time with his dozen concubines. He didn't notice the abnormal situation outside. Only then did he notice it.

Outside, there was silence.

Two true gods and those ordinary gods stood respectfully behind Lin Fei one by one.

Lin Fei stood in front of the treasure bed with his hands on his back, with a faint smile on his face.

"What happened?

! Why didn't you answer my words, did you think the other way around! "

The prince was angry and shouted.

Outside the treasure bed, there was still silence.

The atmosphere is very strange.

"Okay, okay..., you dogs, you dare not even listen to me! Go back, I want Father to execute you all!"

The prince roared angrily.

Then he rushed out of the treasure bed.

"Who are you! What a dare! With my permission, dare to approach my car! Don't you know that I am the prince!"

The prince saw a strange man standing in front of his treasure bed with his hands on his back.

And his subordinates are like sculptures, standing around, motionless, sculptures.

"What a majesty."

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

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