Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3558: Completely convinced you

"so close!"

At this time, the ancestors, as well as Snake Zhen, were scared into a cold sweat, and had not recovered.

At the same time, they also admired Lin Fei's methods extremely.

"The master is quick-acting, superb skills, majestic and majestic, and effortlessly messed up the snake green, the minion admires the five bodies!"

The snake is really flattering.

"Lin Fei, what secret technique did you use just now, it's so amazing, it turns back time!"

Qiang Zu repeatedly admired.

"Lord, let me in, what's the order?"

At this time, a **** in the Green Snake Realm received Snake Green's voice transmission and had already walked in and asked.


Lin Fei was not polite, and directly displayed the secret technique of the puppet's thread, densely packed with red silk threads like a rainstorm, attacking this god's sea of ​​knowledge.

This **** has no ability to resist.

Less than half a second.

"the host!"

This **** said respectfully.


Lin Fei said lightly.

Soon, under Snake Qing's orders, another **** came in.

that's it.

One by one the gods, lined up, walked in in order.

Lin Fei used the secret technique of puppet thread to take these gods one by one into slaves.

Until half a day later

Only then did all the gods of the green snake world subdued them and became slaves.

In this way, the entire Green Snake Realm was under Lin Fei's control.

"Bring all the fox monsters in this interface."

Lin Fei ordered.


Snake Qing answered.

Soon, dozens of fox demons were brought to Lin Fei.

"Hello everyone, I'm here to save you..."

Azi and his family were overjoyed one by one and rushed to meet each other.

"It is dedicated to the elders and Little Sister Hu, what's going on..."

The dozens of fox demons who had just been brought in were surprised and happy.

"It's the Purple Princess!

It's the purple princess who came back. She brought her friends and came back to save us. "

Little Sister Hu, worshipping the elders, and the fox demons who had been rescued before, said one by one excitedly.

"Princess Purple, in the legend, the purple princess who was lost since childhood..."

"Yes, it's her, don't you hurry up to see Princess Purple!"

"Meet the Purple Princess!"


Each fox demon was immersed in excitement.

Lin Fei looked at with a smile.

As long as Azi is happy, Lin Fei is naturally happy too.

A Zi is one of Lin Fei's most concerned people.

Has become an indispensable part of Lin Fei's life.

"Next, act as planned."

Lin Fei told the two world masters.


The two masters quickly answered.

Therefore, the two world masters, with their gods, rushed to the next interface.

Lin Fei didn't let the two world masters bring too many people.

Instead, only bring masters of the gods level.

If the number is too large and swaggers over the market, it will easily attract attention.

Lin Fei and Yuzu, A Zi pretended to be followers, following in the team of the two world masters.

In this way, it will naturally not attract attention.

The two world masters, as well as their hands, are mostly snake demon gods. In the Sky Demon Valley, they can move freely without arousing any suspicion.

However, Lin Fei and the ancestors used secret techniques to tightly cover up their own breath, even if they were the main gods, it was a bit difficult to find.

As for Ah Zi, with the help of Mirage, he can also cover up his breath tightly.

Those fox demons were all teleported into the continent by Lin Fei.

"Master, there is an interface in front, and the landlord belongs to our snake monster clan."

Snake Zhen and Snake Qing said to Lin Fei at the same time.

"Okay, that's it.

Go in. "

Lin Fei nodded.

After a short period of time.

"See the master!"

In this interface, in a magnificent palace, a high-level god, true god, brought a large group of gods in the interface to Lin Fei.

Another interface fell into Lin Fei's control.

In this way, Lin Fei swept over one interface after another.

Two days later.

There are already seven interfaces, controlled by Lin Fei.

Of course, during this process, Lin Fei, the mackerel master, and Azi are very low-key, and have been acting as followers of those world masters.

In the Sky Demon Valley, it was very common for some realm masters to make small fights, and occasionally some small conflicts between different interfaces.

"These guys are actually fighting each other at this time."

In the Sky Demon Valley, in a very secret special small world, there was a terrifying body that seemed to be immortal, muttering to himself.

This body is exactly the main body of the Heavenly Demon Valley, the snake side.

In the past few days, at regular intervals, he would release his divine consciousness to scan and perceive every corner in the Sky Demon Valley.

Lin Fei was able to perceive the abnormal changes in the seven interfaces that Lin Fei had conquered.

However, because of Lin Fei, Qianzu, and Azi, they have always been very well hidden.

In particular, every time Lin Fei discovered that the snake's divine consciousness shot over, he immediately used the reincarnation secret technique, using the energy of the weird laws of time and space to erase all traces of space and time in advance.

Therefore, some special details cannot be perceived by the snake side.

Lin Fei knew that he was able to move with his hands and feet in the Sky Demon Valley without being discovered by the snake party. The biggest reliance on is the secret technique of reincarnation!

A large space can be removed instantly.

You can also let time go back temporarily.

Such a weird method, even the main god, can't detect it!

"Lin Fei, I completely convinced you!

Although my realm is much higher than you, but in front of you, I feel like a child, facing a strong adult.

I can only look up!

If it were me, I wouldn't have the ability to dare to do damage under the snake's eyelids in the Sky Demon Valley. "

Yuzu sighed at Lin Fei several times.

In his heart, he secretly rejoiced that he had forced three shark girls to Lin Fei and became Lin Fei's women.

From now on, this terrifying evildoer will always have a relationship with the Shark clan, and the fate will be shared.

"Master, several days have passed.

I still don't know the whereabouts of the main force of our nine-tailed demon fox clan, especially the patriarch. "

Azi was a little lost.

Although, a lot of fox demons appeared in one day, about four to five hundred.

But this is only part of it.

The whereabouts of the main members of the nine-tailed monster fox clan are still unknown.

"It seems that it is possible to go to the Snake Demon Clan, the core high-level officials, to learn more about the Nine Tailed Demon Fox Clan.

Azi, don't worry, since we are here, we must find out. "

Lin Fei said.

"Master, indeed, only those core high-level members of the snake monster clan can grasp the whereabouts of the nine-tailed monster fox clan." The seven world masters who were subdued by Lin Fei and became slaves all nodded.

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