Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3559: Deal with She Gang

"Master, the Snake Monster clan, in addition to the patriarch Snake Fang, there are five core high-level leaders who hold a lot of power."

Snake Zhen said to Lin Fei.

"Oh, which five are they?"

Lin Fei asked.

"There is a half-step master **** named Snake Saint.

He is the uncle of Snake Fang, guarding the ancestral land of the Snake Monster clan.

The remaining four, named Snake Sky, Snake Xiong, Snake Dong, and Snake Jian, sit in the demon-snake clan, the four most important planes.

The four of them are in the realm of the upper gods and true gods, but they are much stronger than the general ones of the same level.

Although I am also the strength of the upper **** true god, in front of them, I can only be killed by a spike.

These five are the most trusted confidants of the snake side.

I guess that the five of them must know the whereabouts of the nine-tailed monster fox clan. "

Snake Zhen said to Lin Fei.

"Well, that's it."

Lin Fei nodded.

"He was right.

I have also heard of the names of these five snake monsters.

Especially the Snake Saint, I have seen it before, and his realm strength is similar. "

Yuzu said to Lin Fei.

"Snake Saint is a half-step main god, and it is a bit difficult to deal with.

Well, let's find Snake Sky, Snake Xiong, Snake Dong, Snake Gang, one of them. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

"By the way, of these four snake monsters, which one is relatively weaker."

Lin Fei asked the seven world masters and slaves under him.

"It should be the snake just now.

Snake Gang guards the plane of the heavenly snake.

The Celestial Snake Plane, originally called the Celestial Fox Plane, once belonged to the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox family, now it is renamed the Celestial Snake Plane. "

Snake Qing took the lead and replied.

"Well, it's just a snake."

Lin Fei nodded and smiled.

No matter how strong this snake is, it's just a true **** of the upper god, Lin Fei still doesn't care about it.

With Lin Fei's current strength, even facing a half-step master god, he still has the confidence to fight.

"Lin Fei, it's better to do this. Let's first inquire about what kind of confidants the snake has in the plane of the snake.

First quietly conquered She Gang's henchmen, used them to create opportunities to approach She Gang, and then suddenly attacked She Gang. "

Yuzu said to Lin Fei.

"Well, just follow this method."

Lin Fei nodded.

Snake Gang is the core high-level of the Snake Demon Clan, and the confidant of the patriarch Snake Fang.

He must have a special and quick way of contacting the snake side.

If you want to deal with Snake Gang, you must, with one blow.

Don't give any time to him to contact the snake side.

Otherwise, things are in trouble.

One day later.

The heavenly serpent plane.

There is a group of palaces.

This group of palaces is full of weather and stretches for thousands of miles, and it is very dazzling.

There are many high-levels that have formations to prohibit, forming a powerful defense system.

Here, it is the master of the Celestial Serpent plane, the place where the Serpent Gang cleans up.

at this time.

In this group of palaces, in one of the magnificent palace halls.

In the middle of the hall, the most conspicuous is a golden throne. On it sits a figure wearing a rhubarb python robe, with a dignified appearance and deep majesty.

Look closely, this is a tall, plump, purple-black face.

It is She Gang.

Whether in the Snake Demon Clan or in the entire Sky Demon Valley, Snake Gang is a powerful figure.

Around the throne of Jinluan, there were dozens of civil and military ministers, including snake monsters, and other creatures, all respectful.

In addition, there are many beautiful maidservants, some holding a fan to help the snake just fan the wind, and some holding tea cups, musical instruments, kettles and so on.

I have to say that this snake is very particular about pomp.

"The prime minister, go ahead, why do you recommend these guys to this king."

Above the throne, the snake was so majestic, speaking slowly.

Below, a dozen people stood in a row.

"Report King.

These seven are the gods of our snake-monster clan, and they all manage an interface respectively. I have sent someone to verify their identities, and they are true and correct.

They came to the King to offer a great opportunity. "

A snake demon spirit dressed as a prime minister stepped forward and reported to Snake Gang.

This prime minister was She Gang's left and right arms, and he trusted him very much.


A big chance?

Let me tell you, what is the chance.

I declare in advance that this king's vision is not generally high.

As the king, in this demon valley, there is nothing to do.

For ordinary opportunities, don't waste my time. "

Snake Gang said coldly.

"Majesty, this chance, I believe that the king will be interested.

Because this opportunity belongs to the main **** level. "

The prime minister said.


Okay, let's go into details! "

As soon as the snake heard the words, he couldn't help but refreshed.

The chance of the main **** level is not trivial, he is naturally very interested.

"My lord, I think this opportunity should be kept secret, the less people know, the better.

Prevent ears next door. "

The prime minister whispered.


Prime Minister, you still want to be thoughtful.

Get out of me all! "

Snake yelled, waving his sleeves, and rolled up the ministers of civil and military affairs, maidservants, and all the guards around him, and threw them out of the palace rudely.


Outside the palace, the minister of civil and military affairs, the maids, and guards fell on the ground like dumplings.

However, they dare not have the slightest complaint.

Everyone knows that snakes are rigid and irritable, and if they are upset, they will kill.

"Now it's quiet, let's talk about it, what the **** is going on with this Lord God level opportunity!"

In the palace, Snake Gang was already impatient and shouted to the prime minister.

At this time, the prime minister stopped talking, but showed a playful smile.

"Let me tell you.

There is no chance at all, we are lying to you. "

A young man, Shi Shiran, walked to Xiang Shegang and said lightly.

This young man is naturally Lin Fei.

"What? You lied to me?"

Things turned so fast that the snake just couldn't react.

No one has ever dared to lie to him.

In his impression, this kind of thing is impossible.

Therefore, after hearing Lin Fei's words, he was a little dazed for a while.

"Do it."

Lin Fei gave a soft drink.


In the palace, huge waves suddenly appeared.

One after another huge waves, carrying terrifying blue energy, crushed from all directions towards the snake just.

The huge waves lifted the sky, and there were storms and lightning, avalanches and thunder, and infinite magical powers!

There is also a binding force related to the law of water, which seals off the entire space.

This is the ancestor of the sword.

A half-step master god, attacking with all his strength, the power is naturally extraordinary.

"It's you, Qianzu!"

The snake just got scared.

Because, he recognized the ancestors.

Snake Ancestor used to be a well-known master in the Sky Demon Valley, and Snake Gang naturally recognized it.

It was at the same time that the ancestors began to work.

Lin Fei also shot.

The first is the heart sword.


The terrifying heart sword appeared in She Gang's body, frantically strangling, destroying, and crushing his internal organs, flesh and blood meridians, into powder!


Thousands of threads of puppets forcibly penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of Snake Gang, and crazily wrapped around his soul body.

At the same time, Lin Fei also displayed the secret technique of reincarnation. The extremely clever laws of time and space have fixed Snake Gang's body there, unable to move at all.

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