Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3560: Control the Celestial Plane

This Snake Gang is a very powerful high-level god, and it has a very close relationship with the Snake Fang, the Lord of the Sky Demon Valley.

Lin Fei and Qianzu discussed that they must use a thunderbolt-like means to quickly control him with a single blow in a very short, very short time.

It is possible to successfully subdue him without letting the snake side notice.

Now, Lin Fei and Yuzu are both ruthless.

One shot is full!


One after another, huge waves containing the brilliant water law, continued to smash on the surface of Snake Gang's body.

In Snake Gang's body, the heart sword was madly destroying.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, a large number of red puppet threads are continuously entwined on his soul body, fusing!

Under Lin Fei and Qianzu's full attack.

Snake Gang didn't even have any resistance.

The tall and strong body is like a funnel, from the inside to the outside, it has been damaged and riddled with holes, and the source of the divine power is almost worn out.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, thousands of puppet threads, like rice dumplings, wrapped his soul body very tightly.

Finally, under various terrifying attacks.

Snake was so weak that he fainted.

The whole process was very short from the start of the trouble between Yuzu and Lin Fei, to the moment when the snake was beaten into a faint.

Just half a second!

"We seem to be trying too hard.

Wouldn't it kill him? "

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.

It can be felt that the vitality of Snake Gang is passing fast.

"We really started too hard.

He is going to die soon.

If he died, Snake would find out immediately. "

Yuzu frowned and said.

"Help now!"

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei immediately used the secret technique of reincarnation, the mysterious law of time and space, and wrapped the body of Snake Gang.


Time was on the body of She Gang, and there was a short flow backward!

Part of the vitality that was fading away quickly returned to She Gang's body.

Even his physical injury has recovered some.

Yuzu took advantage of this opportunity to force a large number of healing medicines, the top heavenly materials and earth treasures, into Snake Gang's body. Then, Yuzu himself cast the magic to refine these magical medicines and heavenly materials and earth treasures for the snake. Just the body absorbs it.

Lin Fei took out the magic medicine and the treasure of heaven and earth four or five times and gave them to the ancestors to treat the snake.

Although, Lin Fei's current net worth is already unimaginable.

However, Lin Fei still had a bit of pain.

If these treasures are brought back to the plane of falling immortality, the creatures on the opposite plane will have huge benefits.

at last.

After a while.

The snake just woke up, opened his eyes weakly, and looked at Lin Fei, very docile.

His soul body had been completely controlled by the puppet's thread and became Lin Fei's slave.

"See the master."

Snake Gang said respectfully.

"Well, you should heal your injuries first."

Lin Fei said.

After half a day.

She Gang's injury finally recovered a lot.

"Master, my injury is no longer a serious problem."

The snake just stood up and said to Lin Fei.

"That's good.

You let all the gods of this plane, one by one, enter this hall in order.

However, let them be as low-key as possible, come quietly, not be ostentatious, and not conspicuous. "

Lin Fei ordered.

"Yes, master!"

Snake Gang naturally obeyed Lin Fei's orders absolutely.

Next, the entire Celestial Snake plane, all the gods, received a voice transmission from the master of the plane, Snake Gang, and asked them to come in secret and have something to discuss.

Those gods, after receiving Snake Gang's voice transmission, of course did not dare to neglect, and felt that the Lord of the Plane had something to discuss with him, which was an honor, so they all came quietly.

Lin Fei waited in the hall, subduing the gods who came one by one and becoming slaves.

With Snake Gang's bet, those gods have no courage and opportunity to resist.

Gradually, in the Celestial Serpent plane, more and more gods became Lin Fei's slaves.

In this process.

On several occasions, the divine consciousness of the main snake side of the Sky Demon Valley had shot across the plane of the sky snake, but Lin Fei was aware of it in advance and used the secret technique of reincarnation to erase the relevant traces of time and space in time.

During this period of time, the snake side will release his divine consciousness every once in a while, perceiving and search the entire Sky Demon Valley.

"Lin Fei, this kind of secret technique related to time and space you cultivate is really amazing.

Actually, it can deal with the snake's sense of consciousness. "

Yuzu was full of praise for Lin Fei's methods.

You know, the snake is a main god.

Being able to deal with the consciousness and perception of a main god, this method is simply amazing.

"This is because the snake side just felt it comfortably.

He has not found any clues yet.

Once he notices something and deduces it, he will find us right away. "

Lin Fei said.

A master god, the true magical powers are vast, the mana is boundless, where is so easy to deal with.

"Well, Lin Fei, you are right.

However, it is precisely because of the secret technique you cultivate that we can move in the Sky Demon Valley, and it has not been discovered until now. "

Finally, a day later.

In the entire Celestial Serpent plane.

All the gods have become Lin Fei's slaves!

The Heavenly Snake plane completely fell under Lin Fei's control.

"Go on, the entire plane, everything will work as usual."

Lin Fei said.


The snake answered right away.

Soon, all the gods went to you, maintaining the normal operation of the heavenly serpent plane.

And Lin Fei, Yuzu, and A Zi, and She Gang entered a secret room.

This secret room is a special secret room for Snake Gang's usual practice, with dozens of isolation formations arranged.

In the secret room.

"Tell what you know, everything about the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox family, and elaborate on it."

Lin Fei said to Snake Gang.

"I see, master."

Snake Gang said gently.

Therefore, Snake just told Lin Fei what he knew about the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox family.

It turned out that at the beginning, the patriarch of the nine-tailed demon fox and the patriarch of the snake demon clan Shoufang, after a few fierce battles between the two sides, the patriarch of the nine-tailed demon fox was injured and escaped without a trace.

The nine-tailed demon fox clan was also broken into pieces, divided into small teams, and fled in all directions.

The snake demon clan organized several strong clans in the Sky Demon Valley to encircle and suppress the nine-tailed demon fox clan.

A part of the nine-tailed monsters died tragically.

However, quite a few nine-tailed monster foxes managed to escape.

Moreover, statistically, the nine-tailed demon fox clan succeeded in escaping from hunting and killing, accounting for the majority.

Because everyone of this race is good at illusion, has agile mind, and has many tactics, it is difficult to hunt down.

In the end, the nine-tailed monster fox clan completely disappeared in the Sky Demon Valley.

Only a handful of them were captured and became servants and slaves of the snake monster clan.

"So, do you know that the nine-tailed monster fox clan, especially the patriarch and those high-level ones, are most likely to escape?"

Lin Fei asked. This is the most important question, and it is Azi and Lin Fei that most want to know.

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