Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3561: A place of nothingness

"In response to the master, I heard the snake say once.

The patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox family, with a group of high-ranking officials, may have fled into the void. "

Snake just replied.

"What? The Land of Nothingness!"

When the mackerel clan heard it, he couldn't help but cried out.

Obviously, he also knows the land of nothingness.


A place of nothingness?

What is this place? "

Lin Fei was confused, and it was the first time he heard of it.

"Lin Fei, the Land of Nothingness, is a legend that has been circulating for a long time in our Sky Demon Valley.

In the Sky Demon Valley, there is a special space that is illusory and constantly changing.

In the long history, in the Sky Demon Valley, occasionally there will be some creatures who accidentally encounter the void.

However, most of the creatures don't know whether the Void Land exists or does not exist.

In short, the land of nothingness is a very mysterious space. "

Yuzu said.

"It turned out to be such a thing.

Snake Gang, do you know where the void is? "

Lin Fei asked Snake Gang.

"do not know.

However, I feel that in the Sky Demon Valley, there are four people who know the location of the void.

They are Snake Fang, Snake Saint, Snake Sky, Snake Winter.

Back then, the patriarch of the nine-tailed demon fox clan ran away in embarrassment with a man and horse.

Snake Fang took Snake Sage, Snake Sky, and Snake Winter, pursuing them all the way.

Later, the nine-tailed monster and fox clan disappeared completely, and the four Snake Fang returned.

At the celebration banquet, I was sitting near the snake's side. I once heard him say that the nine-tailed monster and fox family had fled into the nihility. "

Snake just said.

"So, if we want to know where the void is, we can only ask these four people."

Lin Fei groaned.

"Yes Master."

The snake just nodded.

"Snake Tian and Shou Dong, who are weaker."

Lin Fei asked.

"In terms of strength, Snake Sky is stronger.

However, Snake Winter is very tricky and difficult.

Master, I suggest to deal with the snake world better.

I can come forward, set up a banquet, and deceive Snake Heaven.

Because he and I are relatively easy to talk to each other, and they have some friendship. "

Snake just said.

"Okay, just do as you said."

Lin Fei nodded.

After half a day.

A big man with a fat body, full face and fierce eyes, with a large number of gods and mighty, entered the plane of the heavenly snake.

"Haha, Snake Tian, ​​I finally look forward to you.

I have put down the feast and waited for a long time.

This time, I will take out a batch of divine wine brewed 100,000 years ago to entertain you, Snake Tian. "

The snake just brought a large number of gods from the heavenly serpent plane to greet him.

"The divine wine brewed 100,000 years ago!

Are you finally willing to share it!

Haha, well, today, our two brothers are not drunk! "

When Snake Tian heard it, his eyes shone, and he couldn't help swallowing.

In fact, he is an alcoholic, addicted to alcohol like his life.

Snake Gang used this to trick him.

Moreover, Snake had invited Snake Tian to drink several times just before.

Therefore, Snake Tian didn't have the slightest suspicion, and he rushed over immediately after receiving the invitation.

"Brother Shegang, stop talking nonsense, haven't you seen me drooling?

If you have anything, let's talk while drinking. "

Snake Tian urged.


The banquet officially begins! "

The snake just gave an order.

Suddenly, in the palace of Shegang, a table of high-class dishes and a jar of wine full of fragrant wine, like flowing water, were held up.

When Snake Tian saw the wine, he couldn't bear it, his sleeves flicked out, and he took a dozen jars of fine wine in front of him. With a big mouth, a dozen strands of fine wine rushed from the jar and rolled into his mouth in.

All of a sudden, the wine splashed and the aroma of wine rippled.

"Haha, happy and happy!"

Snake Tian let go of his belly and drank more than a hundred jars of fine wine.

The gods he had brought were also arranged and drank happily.

In this process.

The divine consciousness of the Lord Snake of the Sky Demon Valley glanced into the plane of the Sky Snake and perceives this scene.

"I don't know what to say!

It seems that these two guys are hard to be responsible.

She Dong, She Xiong, and She Jian are the ones worthy of focus on training. "

Snake shook his head disappointedly.

However, he was not suspicious.

Because this has happened before.

"the host.

When do we do it. "

Snake Gang secretly asked Lin Fei for instructions.

Yuzu also looked at Lin Fei and waited for Lin Fei's instructions.

"Practicing in public will definitely attract attention.

Snake Gang, I will first transfer him to the secret room where you usually practice, and then do it. "

Lin Fei secretly transmitted the voice.


The snake just nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei performed the reincarnation secret technique.


The space where the snake sky was, disappeared instantly.

Together with Lin Fei, Qianzu, and She Gang, they also disappeared.

next moment.

In the secret room where Snake Gang usually practices.

Suddenly, four figures appeared, and a wine table. On the table, there were many delicious dishes and a few jars of fine wine.


Brother She Gang, what is going on.

Why did we suddenly teleport to your cultivation chamber? "

Snake Tian became alert, stood up abruptly, looked at Snake Gang, and asked in a deep voice.

"Do it!"

Lin Fei gave a low voice.

Yuzu and Shegang started simultaneously, one left and one right, attacking the snake sky.

Snake Gang's combat power is similar to Snake Sky.

The fighting power of the ancestors is much stronger than that of the snake sky.

The two worked together and immediately suppressed Snake Sky.

at the same time.

Lin Fei displayed the heart sword and the secret technique of the puppet's thread, respectively attacking the body of the snake sky and the sea of ​​knowledge.

There is also the Secret Technique of Reincarnation, the mysterious law of time and space, which tightly seals Snake Tian's body and cannot move.

"Snake Gang, what do you mean!"

Snake Tian was horrified, and while desperately resisting, he shouted.

"Hey, Snake Heaven, my master has fallen for you.

It's your blessing, just tie your hands obediently. "

Snake just smiled.

Before Snake had just finished speaking, Snake Sky could no longer hold up under the combined attack of the three.

With a bang.

His fat body smashed out, knocking a wall of the secret room completely, and then his head tilted and became unconscious.

"No, we shot again.

Get treatment as soon as possible, otherwise, he will live soon. "

The ancestor was a little worried, and had already taken out a large number of magical medicines and treasures of heaven and earth, rushed up, and began treatment.

"Don't worry, you can't die."

Lin Fei smiled.

After half a day.

The snake sky woke up leisurely.

"See the master."

Snake Tian looked at Lin Fei with meek eyes, and exclaimed in a weak tone.

His soul body was completely controlled by the puppet's thread and became Lin Fei's slave.

"Well, no need to be polite.

Heal the injury first. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Another half day passed.

"Master, I do know the location of the void.

The location of the void is constantly changing.

However, within a certain period of time, it is relatively fixed. "

Snake Tian had recovered most of his injuries and began to answer Lin Fei's questions.

"That's great.

Take us to the Land of Nothingness immediately. "

Azi couldn't help being overjoyed when she heard this. Finally, the whereabouts of the same people.

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