Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3562: enter

"The land of nothingness is in the Sky Demon Valley.

The snake side has dispatched masters and guarded them round and round.

However, it is not difficult to get in by the means of the master. "

Snake Tian said.

"What is the danger in the void."

Lin Fei asked.

"No one knows whether there is any danger in the void and what kind of danger there is.

I only know that there is a very mysterious and unknown space.

However, there is a legend that throughout the ages, all the creatures that entered the emptiness have never come out again.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, no one is willing to venture in.

Even the snake side hesitated for a long time, but in the end, he did not enter the land of nothingness.

Instead, a group of masters were sent to guard there. "

Snake Tian said.

"He was right.

The Void Land, in the legend of the Sky Demon Valley, is a very mysterious space.

No one knows what danger is inside, or whether there are any treasures or opportunities.

In the Sky Demon Valley, the ancestors of every race have ancestral training handed down, strictly deciding that descendants cannot enter the land of nothingness.

It is the same among us, and there is such an ancestral training passed down. "

Yuzu said to Lin Fei.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei frowned.

It seems that the land of nothingness is full of mysterious and strange atmosphere.

Maybe it's very dangerous.

If you want to find the whereabouts of the nine-tailed demon fox clan, you must enter the land of nothingness.

"Master, otherwise, you can wait outside and let me go in and investigate.

After all, this belongs to our Nine-Tailed Monster Fox family. "

A Zi said to Lin Fei suddenly.

She didn't want Lin Fei to take risks for herself.

As for herself, since she knows the whereabouts of her clan, she must pursue it.

This is her life's wish.

"What are you talking about!

Azi, your business is my business.

Okay, stop talking nonsense.

Let's go in together. "

Lin Fei naturally knew A Zi's thoughts and said angrily.

"Senior, you wait here, I and Azi go in, that's it."

Lin Fei looked at Yuzu and said.

"Haha, Lin Fei, what do you think of me?

Now that the event has arrived, let's go in and break in together. "

Yuzu laughed.

"Well, it shouldn't be too late, and immediately lead the way to the void."

Lin Fei knew that he would definitely not be able to convince Yuzu, so he nodded.

"it is good."

At this time, Snake Tian's injury was more than half healed.

He swallowed a large amount of magical medicines and treasures of heaven and earth, and more importantly, the half-step master god, the ancestor of the mackerel, personally helped him heal his injuries, allowing him to recover most of his injuries in a short time.

"Snake Sky, you lead the way, and the other people all return to their own interface to maintain the normal operation of the interface."

Lin Fei thought for a while, and instructed a large number of snake monsters and spirits under him.

Each of these snake monsters and spirits is a high-level figure in the interface where they are in charge of interface affairs.

If you follow Lin Fei into the void, it will definitely attract the snake's attention.

As a result, the snake monsters and spirits that Lin Fei conquered went back to their interface one by one, including Snake Zhen.

And Snake Sky, with Lin Fei, Yuzu, and Azi, quietly set off towards the land of nothingness.

After half a day.

Came into the Sky Demon Valley, a very remote void.

"Master, ahead is the land of nothingness.

Last time, Snake Fang took the Snake Sage, Snake Dong and me, and hunted down the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox Clan. "

Snake Tian pointed to the front and said to Lin Fei.

"Sure enough, there are more than a dozen snake demon gods guarding the front."

Lin Fei's divine consciousness sensed the past and discovered that there were more than a dozen snake demon gods hidden in the void ahead.

However, with Lin Fei's power of divine consciousness, he could perceive everything with a slight sweep.

"Okay, Snake Heaven, go back to the Snake Plane.

As before, preside over the affairs of the plane.

Wait for my next notification at any time. "

Lin Fei said to Snake Tian.

"Understood, Master, be careful."

Snake Tian turned and left.

The identity of the snake sky is very special. If he leaves the plane of the sky snake for too long, it will easily attract the snake's attention.

"Go, let's go in and see what's going on in the void."

Lin Fei said to Yuzu and A Zi.

The three moved forward quietly.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness had already locked the invisibility of a dozen snake demon gods in front of him.

Moreover, Lin Fei had already sensed that among the dozen or so snake demon gods, the strongest was the true middle god.

This kind of strength is naturally not taken care of by Lin Fei and Qianzu.

"Stop, ahead is the forbidden area of ​​the Sky Demon Valley, no creatures are allowed to approach without permission."

Soon, more than a dozen snake demon gods found Lin Fei and three people, and immediately appeared, blocking the front.

"Do it!"

Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

The heart sword is displayed.


There was a dull sound from the body of every snake demon god.

Their bodies have been severely damaged by Heart Sword.


With a wave of the ancestor's hand, huge waves rolled up tens of thousands of feet and rolled over.

Zi is also activating the mirage, the tsunami-like hallucinations and illusion world, rolling over the past, and instantly dragging a dozen snake monsters and spirits into the bizarre illusion world.

With the help of Mirage, Azi's combat power is very powerful.

In particular, the illusion and illusion world released can have a certain psychedelic effect on the true god, even the upper **** true god!


The red lines of puppets continuously penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of these snakes, demons and gods.

The dozen or so snake demon gods are just the strength of the lower and middle gods, and under such a strong attack, they don't have the slightest ability to resist.

"the host!"

In just one second, more than a dozen snake demon gods all became Lin Fei's slaves and saluted respectfully.

"You continue to stay here and report to me as soon as there is a situation."

Lin Fei instructed, and then continued walking forward with Yuzu and Azi.

"Yes, master!"

A dozen snake demon gods answered at the same time.

Moved forward for a moment.

The three Lin Fei stopped in front of a space.

This space is rippling with obvious space-time energy.

"There is a passage here, which should be the entrance to the void."

Lin Fei felt for a while and said.

"Go, let's go in."

Lin Fei took the lead and walked towards the entrance.

Azi and Yuzu followed closely behind.

Entering, there is a rock passage, full of an ancient mottled atmosphere.

An inexplicable law of light fog, permeating the rock passage, makes people feel very mysterious.

"This law is so familiar.

Could it be the law of reincarnation! "

Lin Fei felt very shocked.

Lin Fei practiced the secret technique of reincarnation, and had preliminary contact with the law of reincarnation.   So, walking into this rocky passage, I immediately felt that the passage was filled with the laws of reincarnation.

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