Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3563: Ancient Land of Reincarnation

"Lin Fei, this passage is full of a strange aura, which seems to be related to the law of time and space."

The ancestor is a half-step main god, and although his perception is not as good as Lin Fei, he is still very powerful, and he can feel it.

"Yes, it's the law of reincarnation."

Lin Fei nodded.

"The law of reincarnation?!

Could it be that this is the ancient land of reincarnation?

What's going on, is the land of nothingness the ancient land of reincarnation? "

When he heard this, Qianzu was shocked.

"Reincarnation Ancient Land, what's going on?"

Lin Fei asked with a move.

"The ancient land of reincarnation is also an ancient legend in our Sky Demon Valley.

It is said that the location of our Sky Demon Valley was once a pass of reincarnation when this chaotic space was just opened.

The so-called pass of reincarnation is the entrance and exit that all beings in the world must pass through if they want to reincarnate.

Later, somehow, there was a problem with reincarnation.

There are many reincarnation gates in the world that have been abandoned.

In the Sky Demon Valley, there is an abandoned reincarnation pass. "

Yuzu said.

"It turns out that there are really a lot of theories handed down in your Sky Demon Valley.

The land of nothingness now has another ancient land of reincarnation. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"The Sky Demon Valley is one of the oldest forbidden places in the boundless Chaos Sea.

The years have been too long.

There are a few legends, which are quite normal.

Not to mention the Sky Demon Valley, which of the other worlds does not have its own legend. "

Yuzu said.

"Well, this is also."

Lin Fei nodded.

In any world, more or less, there will be some legends of its own.

"For a long time, I thought that the ancient land of reincarnation was a far-fetched statement from our ancient people in the Sky Demon Valley.

However, it now appears that this passage is a bit like the ancient land of reincarnation in the legend. "

Yuzu said.

"It's hard to say.

However, here is full of weirdness, let's be careful. "

Lin Fei said.

A group of three cautiously moved forward in the misty rock passage.

Along the way, the atmosphere was dull, monotonous and weird.

Finally, I don't know how long it took.

Suddenly he opened up.

Walking out of the rocky passage, a strange starry sky appeared in front of him.

Big gray stars, like gray balloons, floated irregularly in this vast starry sky, which I don’t know.

Dilapidated gravel roads, suspended in the starry sky, extend towards the depths of the starry sky.

Different gravel roads lead to different directions.

Facing the thousands of gravel roads, Lin Fei and the three were dumbfounded.

Which one should I go?

"Master, let's go this one.

I felt the breath of the same race. "

Zi suddenly cried out in surprise.


It seems that the nine-tailed demon fox family has really come here. "

Lin Fei and Qianzu were also refreshed.

So, the three of them walked down the gravel path that Azi had induced.

The road is extremely desolate, and there is no life scene.

The gray stars are silent.

"Huh? Master, look, there seems to be a figure ahead!"

Zi suddenly cried out in surprise.

"Not bad.

But it is lifeless, like a sculpture. "

Lin Fei and Yuzu had already sensed them.

After a while.

Ahead, indeed, a giant ten meters high appeared.

"It's a puppet!"

Yuzu cried.

"It is indeed a puppet, and it seems to be very well made."

Lin Fei nodded and stepped forward to check.

I saw that this puppet was very tall, stout, and similar in appearance to humans.

On its back, it carried an old-style big knife, which was very old, as if it had gone through endless years and its handle was rotten.

The puppet was motionless, with empty eyes, staring forward, as if watching something.

"Let's stay away from it.

Especially the big knife on its back was a huge threat to the soul body. "

Lin Fei stared at the big knife on the puppet's back, a little surprised, and reminded.

I saw that the big knife was gray and plain, without any luster, and it was covered with dust.

However, a sharp aura that was close to the soul body was revealed.

Even Lin Fei faintly felt that his soul body seemed to be pointed at a distance by sharp needles.

"It's terrible, I just glanced at the knife, and the soul body began to ache."

Ah Zi stepped back again and again, her face pale.

Lin Fei's mind moved, releasing a wave of divine consciousness, protecting Azi's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ah Zi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't provoke this puppet.

Let's keep going. "

Lin Fei said.

After walking for a while.

"There is another puppet."

Azi shouted.

Sure enough, another puppet appeared in front of him.

It's exactly the same as the previous one.

Also carrying a big knife of the same style.

Next, Lin Fei and the three people encountered more than a dozen identical puppets in succession.

"I think this is a puppet and should be responsible for guarding this gravel road."

Lin Fei guessed.

Yuzu also nodded in agreement.

The three Lin Fei did not provoke these weird puppets.

I don't know how far I have traveled.


In front, a gray continent appeared.

The area of ​​this continent is too huge.

At the very least, it is much larger than a plane.

There seems to be no margin.

With Lin Fei's vision and divine consciousness, he could not perceive the end of this continent at all.

On the continent, there are ruins everywhere, extremely desolate.

The collapsed tall buildings can still be seen, the majestic and magnificent back then.

In addition, on the mainland, there are tall pillars, like pillars supporting the sky, standing on the gray earth.

Each pillar exudes a force of the law of reincarnation.

"be careful."

Lin Fei took the lead and set foot on the gray continent.

Walking on the desolate continent, a breath of loneliness, emptiness, and eternity rushed to his face.

The years that this continent has experienced are probably terrifyingly long.

"Huh? Master, my divine consciousness can only perceive 10,000 meters away!

This is still barely achieved with the help of the power of mirage beads. "

Suddenly, Ah Zihua turned pale and screamed.

"My divine consciousness can only perceive a range of 10,000 meters."

The face of Yuzu was also very ugly.

With his half-step strength of the main god, even the distance of a dozen planes can be instantly sensed.

Now he can only perceive a range of 10,000 meters. One can imagine what a terrible feeling this is.

"I can only perceive a distance of about 300,000 meters.

It is the law of reincarnation. On this continent, there is a very strong law of reincarnation, which has formed a terrible suppression of the power of divine consciousness. "

Lin Fei frowned.

"Not bad.

It is the law of reincarnation, what a terrible law of reincarnation! "

Yuzu's face turned pale.

"Lin Fei, in this kind of environment, you can actually perceive a distance of 300,000 meters. Your divine consciousness is too strong!" Ancestor Yu looked at Lin Fei and exclaimed.

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