Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3566: Half-step tomb area of ​​the main god

"Master, I'm sorry, I don't know how things will become like this."

Zi felt very sorry to Lin Fei.

"Silly girl, between you and me, what do you say such things for?

Your people care about you.

I won't care. "

Lin Fei smiled.

If it was another race, Lin Fei would have made a lot of trouble when he treated Lin Fei like this.

However, Lin Fei wanted to hate but couldn't hate it because it was the race that A Zi was in.

Moreover, Lin Fei also understood that those fox monsters were indeed concerned about Azi.

At this time, Lin Fei and Qianzu had already left the palace group where the nine-tailed monster fox family lived.

"The Lord God is really powerful, he has been seriously injured, and he still possesses such combat power.

I guess that I can't even stop his move. "

Qianzu sighed.

"It's really amazing."

Lin Fei also nodded.

"Lin Fei, what do we do now.

Leave directly.

Anyway, Azi also found her family.

Your task has been completed. "

Yuzu said to Lin Fei.

"Wait first.

They are not safe here.

If one day, the snake party finds here, none of these fox demons will escape.

How can I leave Azi here and leave it alone. "

Lin Fei shook his head and said.

"Well, you are really nice to Miss Azi."

Qianzu sighed.

"Let's explore this continent first.

See what you find. "

Lin Fei said.

"it is good."

Yuzu is also very interested.

After all, in the bones of every warrior, he is eager to explore treasure hunting.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Qianzu explored in one direction.

at this time.

In the palace group where the nine-tailed demon fox live.

"Patriarch, how can you treat your master like this.

Over the years, without the master’s care for me, I don’t know if I can make it to this day! "

A Zi said to the patriarch, somewhat angry in her tone.

Lin Fei is too important in her mind.

It can be said that if it is for Lin Fei, A Zi will not hesitate to fall out with the chieftain!

"Azi, why do you use such a tone to speak to the patriarch!

Hurry up and apologize! "

Zi's ​​parents, standing aside, frowned and scolded.

"Dad, Mom, you don't even know what the relationship between me and the master is.

If you do this to the master again.

I would rather not come back, but leave with the master! "

Azi insisted.

"Azi, how can you talk like this!

It was hard for you to return to the clan, and you still want to leave! "

Zi's ​​parents were shocked.

The patriarch didn't speak, he kept looking at Ah Zi with his scrutiny gaze.

At the same time, his divine consciousness also carefully felt Azi's whole body, especially the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Patriarch, don't blame Azi!

She may have been wandering outside for too long, and she has just returned to the clan and is still not used to it.

Don't worry, we will help her adapt slowly.

After a while, she will get better. "

Zi's ​​parents, afraid that the patriarch would blame Zi, quickly explained.

"Don't worry, I didn't blame Princess Purple.

I just want to find out why. "

The patriarch's face was very calm.


At first, I thought that Azi might be controlled by some kind of psychic secret technique, so I was willing to call others to be the master.

However, in her soul body, there was only one soul brand, and besides, there was nothing else.

With Princess Purple's current realm of strength, a mere imprint of the soul is impossible, and it can be controlled.

Could it be that the spirit body of the purple princess was not controlled.

Or maybe, that person's magical secret technique is too clever, even I can't see it? "

The patriarch said with a puzzled face.

"Patriarch, the master doesn't control me at all.

The host does not know how good I am.

How could he control me!

You misunderstood the master!

If I had known this, I would not let the master bring me back to find you! "

Zi stomped her feet with anger.

"Azi, it's good, how could you willingly call that kid to be the master?"

Zi's ​​parents asked openly.

"Dad, Mom, you don't even know the relationship between me and the master.

Before I found you, he was my closest person in this world! "

Azi said.

"Patriarch, what the **** is going on?"

Zi's ​​parents were also dumbfounded and looked at the patriarch.

"Princess Purple, come with me.

I want to check this out.

If that kid really uses some secret method to control you, I will find a way to help you unlock it.

If, as you said, the relationship between you is based on true feelings, then I will personally apologize to him. "

The patriarch said to A Zi.

"Patriarch, how do you want to find out."

A Zi asked.

"Princess Purple, I want to carefully review your memories over the years.

At that time, the truth will naturally come to light. "

The patriarch said.


Azi hesitated, nodded in agreement.

She knew that it was impossible for this patriarch to regard herself as the jewel of the patriarch, and there was no disadvantage to her.

With a flick of the sleeve of the patriarch, he took up Ah Zi and disappeared instantly.

at this time.

Lin Fei and Qianzu are exploring another location on the mainland.

The earth is full of ruins and desolate.

The gray earth is dead, silent, and depressed.

There are no living creatures.

There is only the ubiquitous law of reincarnation, like water waves, rippling around.

In this way, it went until after half a month.


A large tomb area appeared ahead!

The large tombs, like hills, are like bowls buckled on the ground, densely packed.

On the head of each tomb, dazzling rune fragments bloomed, shining brightly, as if to tell the glory of the tomb owner during his lifetime.

At the same time, there was a strange and very permeating breath, silently permeating this grave area.


In the depths of the tomb area, faintly, there were several crows.

It sounds a bit creepy.

"Among these tombs, all buried are half-step master gods!"

Suddenly, Yuzu screamed.

He is a half-step master god. He has been immersed in this realm for endless years and is so familiar with this realm.

I could immediately perceive that in those tombs, all buried in the tombs were actually half-step master gods!

"No way.

So many half-step master gods are too exaggerated.

It is estimated that there are not so many half-step master gods in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Where did these half-step master gods come from? "

Lin Fei was also very surprised.

Driven by curiosity, Lin Fei and Yuzu walked into the grave area, carefully looking at the tombs with dazzling lights.

Every grave releases terrifying energy coercion.

These energy pressures belong to the half-step main **** level. Fortunately, both Lin Fei and Qianzu can barely resist.

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