Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3567: Reincarnation

Qianzu himself is a half-step master god.

However, Lin Fei, with various means, could calmly deal with the half-step master god.

The two were walking carefully in this grave area.


Suddenly, when the two tried to approach a large grave, a dazzling energy wave rose up.

Then, a figure slowly gathered and formed.

This is a middle-aged man with a silver cloak, majestic and majestic.

"I, God of Heaven, bury the flesh here, waiting for the opportunity to live on the other side!

To be buried here with the body, there are also the secrets and secrets of a lifetime, as well as the practice and insights of countless years of life.

Only those who are predestined get it! "

The middle-aged man, carrying his hands on his back, chanted aloud, with a mighty power that looked down upon Yuuchi.

"The secrets of the secrets of life, and the realization of practice?!"

Lin Fei and Qianzu both moved in their hearts.

A half-step master **** left behind the secret technique and cultivation insights, very precious.

Even experts like Lin Fei and Qianzu were shocked.

However, when Lin Fei and Qianzu both released their divine consciousness, toward the figure above the tomb, and perceiving the past, a terrifying law of reincarnation bounced back their divine consciousness.

"Maybe, it's really those who are destined to get it."

Yuzu smiled bitterly.

"Tianfengshen, is there such a person in our three thousand worlds?"

Lin Fei doubted.

"Never heard of it."

Yuzu shook his head.

He has become a god, has been infinite years, and has heard of many famous powerful people in a world of three thousand sizes.

"Waiting for the chance to live on the other side, is this another place where the gods live?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised when he thought of the God of Heaven and what he said just now.

"There is no doubt about this.

Here, the buried gods are all half-step main gods. Indeed, it is the place where the gods live. "

Yuzu said.

Then the two walked to another tomb.


As soon as he approached, the tomb rose with dazzling lights.

A tall god, condensed and formed above the tomb.

"My name is Beiji God, my body and what I learned in my life are buried here, and I long for one day to live on the other side!"

The tall **** chanted loudly.

Lin Fei and Qianzu's divine consciousness immediately perceive the past.

A powerful energy of the law of reincarnation appeared directly and bounced away the divine consciousness of the two.


Both Lin Fei and Qianzu sighed.

Next, the two went to the other graves, testing them one by one.

As a result, it failed again and again.

The owner of every tomb keeps what he has learned in his life here.

However, it is impossible to get it if it is not a predestined person.

Lin Fei and Qianzu both shouted a pity.

This feeling is like entering a treasure house, facing all the treasures, but you can't get one.

Extremely frustrated!

"Lin Fei, there are so many tombs here, we separate and try all the tombs.

Perhaps, we can find someone who has fate with us. "

Yuzu said.

"it is good."

Lin Fei nodded.

Faced with so many half-step inheritance of the Lord God, Lin Fei was also moved.

As a result, the two separated, facing two different directions, one after another tombs, testing the past.

In this tomb, there are at least tens of thousands of tombs!

Until six days later.

The tomb that Lin Fei tried was over ten thousand.

However, there is still no tomb, and Lin Fei can get the inheritance of the owner of the tomb.

"There is no owner of a tomb, and I am destined."

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.

Just now.

Suddenly, Lin Fei was attracted by a tomb in front of him.

I saw that a square appeared in front.

The area of ​​the square is very vast.

In the middle of the square, there is a tomb as tall as a mountain.

The other tombs are densely packed together.

This tomb actually occupies a square.

Moreover, the volume is much larger than other tombs.

It looks very special.

A terrible law energy was transmitted from the tomb.

It is the law of reincarnation energy!

Lin Fei felt the powerful law energy, surprised and delighted.

At the same time, Lin Fei felt that the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card on his body began to tremble slightly.

"Is it?..."

Lin Fei said to himself.

"In any case, this tomb must be tried."

Lin Fei stepped up and walked into the square.


Just as Lin Fei approached the tomb, a thick beam of light was extremely bright, spraying from the tomb.


A god, condensed and formed above the tomb.

"My name is Reincarnation God, one of the eighteen reincarnation envoys, and his body is buried here, waiting to be reborn on the other side."

This **** chanted aloud.


One of the Eighteen Reincarnations! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

Lin Fei remembered the corpse of the monk he had encountered in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Evil Valley, in the deadly highest world.

Of course, the monk once said that the cycle of rebirth was closed.

All because of the eighteen reincarnations, the death of death, the scattered scattered.

Now, this **** in front of him actually claims to be one of the eighteen reincarnations!

This makes Lin Fei not surprised.

"Try to see if there is a relationship with this tomb's heritage."

Lin Fei released his divine consciousness, and perceived that divine spirit away.

However, there was no response.

"Try the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card!"

With a thought, Lin Fei took the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card and activated it directly.

"Reincarnation card!"

At the moment when the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card was activated, above the tomb, the god's gaze immediately looked over.

He raised his hand.

The Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card broke away from Lin Fei's control and flew over, floating in front of him.

"Reincarnation card..."

The god, looking at the reincarnation card, muttered to himself, seemed to remember something.

"The reincarnation card falls in your hand. Perhaps this is a kind of fate.

Samsara Road, one day, will be rebuilt.

Since you have the reincarnation card, in the future, I hope you can participate. "

The gaze of the **** looked towards Lin Fei.


"You can comprehend what I have learned in my life here.

As for how much you can realize, it depends on your good fortune. "

The **** said slowly.


In front of Lin Fei, a light gate appeared.

Lin Fei hesitated and walked in.

This is a hazy and illusory world.

There is no time, no space, no matter, energy, or law.

Some are just the law of reincarnation, and all kinds of secret techniques, insights, experiences, and experiences about reincarnation.

This world is exactly what the reincarnation **** has learned throughout his life!

"Thank you seniors for spreading the law!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed, immediately sat down cross-legged and began to comprehend.

At this moment, in the other direction of this tomb area, the ancestors are trying to pass each tomb.

So far, he still hasn't found any tomb that is related to him.

"I don't believe it, there are tens of thousands of tombs here, but there is not one tomb, and I have fate!" Qianzu did not give up.

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