Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3571: Found by the snake side

"Patriarch, what's going on in Tiansangzi in recent time?"

The old man in Huangpao whispered.

"There is nothing moving at the moment.

Tiansangzi has great ambitions, and his goal is to conquer the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

At that time, he will definitely ask us to be a **** for him in the Sky Demon Valley. "

The half-blurred figure said slowly.

"Although Tiansangzi is powerful, has he ever fought the five superpowers?

Especially Yaodu has always had the ambition to conquer the world.

Tiansangzi, can he deal with Yaodu? "

The yellow robe old man said.

"The five superpowers are certainly not weak.

However, Tiansangzi is not easy, don't underestimate him.

In the past, he was just an ordinary elder in Silence Hill.

Later, it suddenly broke out, cultivated to become the main god, and defeated the lord of the nirvana ridge, and then conquered most of the forbidden areas in the boundless chaotic sea in one breath.

This method made all the main gods in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos amazed.

Tiansangzi is too dangerous.

Every time I face him, I can't help but feel a sense of trembling.

In short, we should not confront Tiansangzi head-on. On the surface, we should first comply with him. "

The half-blurred figure said slowly.

"Patriarch, Tiansangzi has just emerged, with a shallow foundation.

The five superpowers dominate the boundless Chaos Sea for endless years and have a long heritage.

I don't think that Tiansangzi is qualified to be an enemy of the five superpowers. "

The yellow robe old man said.

"Let's take a look first.

Anyway, our Sky Demon Valley does not have the strength to dominate the boundless sea of ​​chaos for the time being. We will submit to whichever one is strong. "

The half-blurred figure said.

"See you from the patriarch."

The yellow robe old man said.

at this time.

In the Sky Demon Valley, in the Sky Snake plane.

The silhouettes of Lin Fei and Yuzu suddenly appeared in the stars of the universe.

Lin Fei immediately sent a transmission to Snake Tian.

"Master, you finally came out of nothingness!"

Snake Tian couldn't help being overjoyed when he received Lin Fei's transmission.

After a few breaths, Lin Fei and Qianzu came to Snake Tian's palace.

"Master, the snake side has already suspicious of me.

I may not stay in the Sky Demon Valley any longer. "

Snake Tian said when he saw it.

"In this case, you prepare and leave with me."

Lin Fei originally wanted Snake Tian to stay in the Sky Demon Valley as an ambush.

However, since it has been exposed, I can only take him along.

"Even Snake Heaven is exposed.

It is estimated that those other slaves of yours will not hide it for long. "

Yuzu said to Lin Fei.


As a main god, the perception ability of the snake side is terrifying.

If you slowly deduct it afterwards, you will definitely find a lot of clues.

My slaves can't hide from him sooner or later.

I am going to take it all away. "

Lin Fei nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei secretly sent a sound transmission to notify all the snakes, monsters and spirits.

After half a day.

The snake demon gods slaves that Lin Fei had conquered some time ago all came to Lin Fei's body.

Under Lin Fei's instruction, every **** slave tried his best to clean up all the wealth of his interface.

Especially the Snake Heaven, almost collected the entire Celestial Snake plane, most of the wealth.

There are also seven world masters, and they have also scoured the interface under their control.

"Everyone did a great job."

Lin Fei counted the slaves of the snake demon gods, and was very satisfied with the wealth they had handed over.

This is a huge amount of wealth.

"Well, all of you will follow me and leave the Sky Demon Valley."

After Lin Fei finished counting, he said in a loud voice.


Many slaves of snakes, demons and gods naturally followed Lin Fei's orders.

Just now.


Lin Fei's face changed.

"No, there is a half-step master **** coming!"

Lin Fei said to Yuzu.

"It is Snake Saint, Snake's uncle, and Snake's most trusted person!

The Snake Sage must have found that the situation is different, and came to inspect it.

Let's go quickly. "

Yuzu said in surprise.

"Snake Heaven, why did you call so many people into your palace?

Also, I saw you just now, concentrating most of the wealth in the Celestial Serpent plane into your hands, what on earth do you want to do? "

A voice came from far away.

Then, an old man in yellow robe walked into the plane of the heavenly snake.

This old man in yellow robe is exactly the snake saint.

Because Lin Fei practiced with the secret technique of reincarnation, the strength of Yuzu was equal to him, so he could not perceive the existence of Lin Fei and Yuzu.

However, he found that Snake Tian's actions were different, so he came to check.

"No, Master, it's the Snake Saint who is here.

Snake must send him to watch me! "

Snake Tian said in shock.


Without saying a word, Lin Fei waved his hand and sent all the people, including the ancestors, into the continent on him.

Then, directly activate the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card.

call out!

The Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card, with Lin Fei, rushed into a transmission channel and disappeared.

"Sure enough!"

Snake Saint furiously said.

He immediately released his divine consciousness to perceive the entire Sky Demon Valley.

At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to the Valley Master Snake in the Sky Demon Valley.

Immediately, the divine consciousness of the snake side was also released.


The Snake’s divine consciousness is like a giant searchlight, sweeping back and forth in the entire sky of the Sky Demon Valley, shaking the space as it passes.

At this time, Lin Fei used the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card to teleport and had already appeared in the shadow area outside the Sky Demon Valley.

"Master, you are finally out!"

The dozen or so gods guarding the entrance and exit of the Sky Demon Valley had long been subdued by Lin Fei and became slaves. When Lin Fei came out, they all ran towards Lin Fei.

"Come with me."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei teleported all these a dozen gods into the continent on his body.

Then, Lin Fei directly activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card, wanting to teleport away from this shadow area.

However, what surprised Lin Fei was that the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card seemed to have been greatly restricted. The distance of one transmission was only a few thousand kilometers!

No way!

Lin Fei felt incredible.

You know, the reincarnation card of Ten Thousand Realms has a huge background, involving the Tao of Reincarnation, and the eighteen reincarnations, which can almost be traced back to the beginning of the creation of the boundless Chaos Sea.

This shadowed area could actually have such a big suppressing effect on the transmission of the reincarnation card of the world.

It is conceivable that this shadow area must also come from an extraordinary source.

"Patriarch, they escaped into the Sky Demon Valley!"

In the Sky Demon Valley, the Snake Saint spoke to the snake side.

"I know.

They can't run away. "

Snake Fang replied.

next moment.

call out!

The figure of Snake Fang had already arrived in the shadow area outside the Sky Demon Valley.


Dare to come to my Heavenly Demon Valley to make trouble, so bold. "

The voice of the snake owner was mighty and mighty, like a thunderbolt, rumbling in the shadow area.


His hands formed a mysterious handprint.

"Show me!"

In the snake's mouth, he shouted softly.


The terrible laws of time and space are continuously released from that handprint, tracking out in all directions.


An illusory figure appeared in front of Snake Fang, forming a heavy double shadow, and quickly left in one direction.

This illusory figure is Lin Fei's figure!

This figure is the snake's use of great magic power to forcibly look back in time and space, wherever Lin Fei passes, an illusory figure of Lin Fei will condense. In this way, the snake side clearly knew where the person he wanted to track had fled.

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