Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3572: Ask for help

Snake Fang looked at the direction Lin Fei was leaving, smiled coldly, took a step forward, and walked through the space and time, and instantly came to Lin Fei not far behind.


Snake's gaze turned into two large beams of light like a mountain, and they rolled towards Lin Fei.

To reach the realm of the main god, everything can be used as a means of attacking the enemy.

These two gazes alone can damage the general half-step main god!

"too frightening!"

Lin Fei's divine consciousness could not help being shocked when he sensed the snake behind him.

Lin Fei did not hesitate and immediately performed the Secret Technique of Reincarnation.

call out!

Lin Fei's body, as well as a large area of ​​space and time around it, teleported away and disappeared.

In this shadowy area, Lin Fei found that the Secret Technique of Reincarnation that he used had also been greatly suppressed.

Fortunately, not long ago, Lin Fei's law of reincarnation improved a lot.

Can still teleport a long distance.


Lin Fei's original location was swept by the snake's eyes, and it instantly turned into a vast, pitch-black vacuum, and all matter ceased to exist.

"The secret technique related to reincarnation!"

Snake was a little surprised.

"Well, it seems that he is a Human Race kid who has such a skill at a young age. It is very precious.

However, since you dare to make trouble in my Sky Demon Valley, no one can save you. "

Snake has probably seen Lin Fei's situation clearly.

call out!

He stepped forward, and in less than half a second, he came back not far behind Lin Fei.

He chased and deduced.

Any space that Lin Fei passed through would leave a faint illusory figure.

Therefore, Lin Fei could not escape his perception at all!

"No way!"

Lin Fei was shocked to find that the snake was chasing behind him again.

The Lord God is really terrible!

If it were a half-step master god, Lin Fei would have escaped easily.

"Boy, I advise you not to toss.

You can't escape the palm of my hand. "

The flat voice of the snake side rang in Lin Fei's ears.

Lin Fei did not speak, and performed the reincarnation secret technique again, teleporting away with the space and time around his body.

"Set it for me!"

With a loud shout, the snake side stretched out a big hand and shook it towards Lin Fei's back.


Hundreds of thousands of miles in the void, as if consciousness was born, all the energy, all the laws, and all the existing matter roared, squeezing towards Lin Fei with Lin Fei as the enemy.

Above Lin Fei's head, a big hand composed of energy and laws instantly condensed into shape, exuding majestic coercion, condescending and patted Lin Fei.

Lin Fei immediately felt that he seemed to be trapped in a mud, and his actions were very difficult.

It also seemed that there were hundreds of thousands of sacred mountains, and they fell from a high altitude at the same time, making Lin Fei almost breathless.

Lin Fei was shocked, activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card, and at the same time cast the Secret Reincarnation Technique, desperately teleporting away.


Lin Fei mobilized all the energy and all the laws that he had learned all his life to blast out.


A terrifying explosion occurred in this space.

In a short moment, everything ceased to exist.

Only an empty, dark vacuum area remained.

"This **** shadowy area limits my performance.

Actually let him escape again! "

The snake side was very dissatisfied.

It was just a junior kid, and he escaped twice.

For the snake side, this is simply a shame.

However, there was a very important reason why Lin Fei was able to escape the snake's pursuit.

That is, this shadow area outside the Sky Demon Valley is very mysterious.

Even the main god, coming here, will be suppressed to a certain extent.

If it is in the outside world, a main god, with a single thought, can easily control billions of miles of space and destroy all living beings.

A main god, his divine consciousness can instantly perceive most of the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

It can be said that it is too difficult to escape the tracking of a main god.

"Boy, I see how many times you can escape!"

Snake side deduced a little, and found Lin Fei's figure again, and chased after him in one step.


At this time, Lin Fei was vomiting blood again and again, his face was pale, and his internal organs were in pain.

Although Lin Fei escaped the snake's attack by luck just now, he was already injured.

call out!

The snake side appeared behind Lin Fei like a ghost, with indifferent eyes, locking Lin Fei far away.

"This time, I stabbed a hornet's nest and provoke people who shouldn't be offended!"

Lin Fei sensed that Snake Fang appeared behind him again and couldn't help but smile.

The horror of a main **** was far more terrifying than Lin Fei had imagined.


Snake Fangyi launched another attack.

Lin Fei tried his best to escape.

However, his injuries were more serious and his face was pale.

"There is no way, only to ask the master for help."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Before, when the statue master in the Valley of the Gods asked Lin Fei to go out for practice, he once told Lin Fei that in case of an unresolvable death, he could send a voice transmission to ask for help.

Now, facing the chase of a main god, Lin Fei was really unable to deal with it.

Fortunately, this shadow area is very special. Even the main **** is suppressed here to a certain extent.

Otherwise, Lin Fei would have been slapped to death by the snake.

Without hesitation, Lin Fei directly crushed an old jade slip.

A few mysterious runes burst out from the jade slip, dived into the void, and disappeared.

Almost at the same time.

In the Valley of Fallen God, in that square.

"This kid actually provokes a master god.

Really can toss. "

There was a voice from the statue standing in the center of the square.

"If I risk saving him, it's easy, it will be exposed.

However, if I don't save him, he will definitely not escape.

No matter, this apprentice has great luck.

Can't let him fall like this.

I will risk saving him. "

The statue sighed.

"Lin Fei, I have created a light gate now. You can come back as long as you enter the light gate.

However, you must enter the gate of light at the fastest speed.

Don't delay.

Otherwise, once my enemy feels my breath, it will be bad. "

The voice of the statue master, penetrating the long distance of time and space, sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Master, you are too risky to do this.

I'd better find a way to escape by myself. "

Lin Fei said quickly.

Lin Fei didn't want that Master exposed to save himself.

You know, Master is a chaos god!

His enemy must also be a Chaos God!

Once the master's enemy comes, who can beat it?

"If I don't save you, you will never escape.

Stop talking nonsense.

Remember, the sooner the better. "

The voice of the statue master once again sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.


call out! A light gate appeared directly in front of Lin Fei.

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