Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3573: Escape

Lin Fei didn't hesitate as soon as he saw Guangmen, and rushed in at the fastest speed.

The light door disappeared.

The light gate just disappeared, and behind, the snake side caught up again.

"What about people?"

Snake came to the position where the light gate disappeared, where he caught Lin Fei's illusory figure.

However, no matter how he deduced it, Lin Fei's breath could no longer be found.


Unwilling to reconcile, the snake side urged the mana and deduced it over and over again.

At the same time, his divine consciousness also perceives it from a distance, and in a moment, he perceives a range of billions of miles, but there is no discovery.

"How could he escape my tracking!"

The snake side was very angry.

"Even if you step across the boundless sea of ​​chaos, I will find you!"

The snake's figure flashed and left the shadow area outside the Sky Demon Valley.

Leaving the shadow area, the snake is not subject to any restrictions, like a fish in water.

His divine consciousness is in all directions, perceiving it from a distance.

At the same time, his figure is also in the boundless chaotic sea, constantly traversing, like floating light and glimpsing shadows, passing through one world group after another.

In just a short period of time, Snake Fang almost searched the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

However, Lin Fei's whereabouts were still not found.

In the end, the snake side returned to the shadow area outside the Sky Demon Valley, where Guangmen and Lin Fei disappeared, continuously deducing.

"With his ability, how could it suddenly disappear before my eyes?

Moreover, I can't deduce his whereabouts unexpectedly. "

The snake side couldn't figure it out anyway and was very unwilling.

As a main god, it can be said that there are only a handful of creatures capable of fleeing in front of him in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"However, I already know the spirit of that kid.

Soon, I will find out his identity.

He could escape the monk but not the temple. "

In the end, Snake gave up continuing to track Lin Fei's whereabouts and returned to the Sky Demon Valley.

"Okay, let me see what this kid did when he sneaked into my territory."

Snake Fang sat in the void of the Sky Demon Valley and began to deduct what Lin Fei did in the Sky Demon Valley.

He had already captured Lin Fei's spirit, so there was no difficulty in deducing it.

Soon, everything Lin Fei had done in the Sky Demon Valley was clearly presented in front of Snake Fang.

Snake's face became increasingly ugly.

Everything that Lin Fei did made him angry.

"Too presumptuous!

Actually, control so many gods of our race!

Even Snake Heaven has become his slave! "

Snake Fang was so angry that he couldn't wait to find Lin Fei and slapped him to death.

"He is a human race, and he can actually cultivate the blood inheritance of the soul race, the secret method of the puppet thread.

Moreover, they have cultivated to such a high level.

This kid is too weird.

Well, could it be that by chance, he merged with the original blood of the soul race, or, did he get some precious holy thing of the soul race? "

The snake side guessed.

"This kid has also entered the land of nothingness.

It seems that he must have been looking for the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox family.

After he came out, he had a strong aura of a fox demon. Obviously, he found the nine-tailed demon fox family.

Even, it is possible that the remnants of the nine-tailed monster fox clan were on his body, and he was taken away from the Sky Demon Valley!

However, the fox ring did not come out, and was still hiding in the void. "

After thinking about it for a while, the snake side straightened out many things, and the calculations were inseparable.

"Hey, next, I will find out the identity of this human race kid.

Dare to come and provoke me, things will never give up easily! "

Snake Fang said with a sneer, with a strong killing intent, rising from his body.

Lin Fei's actions have completely angered him.

Snake Fang immediately handed Lin Fei's spirit aura to several of his confidantes and ordered them to investigate.

After half a day.

"The patriarch, the identity of that Human Race kid has been found out.

From three thousand big and small worlds, called Lin Fei. "

Snake Saint himself came to report.

"It turns out that he is Lin Fei in a world of three thousand sizes!"

Snake was a little surprised.

Because the name Lin Fei is already a small name in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Especially before, as the leader of the alliance army, Lin Fei led the army to fight everywhere in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, specifically fighting against the five superpowers, and had long been famous.

Even Snake Fang had heard of Lin Fei's name.

"Yes, he is Lin Fei."

Snake Saint said.

"This kid is too rampant. It is not enough to provoke the five superpowers. Now, it provokes me again.

From now on, Lin Fei will be listed as our must-kill list in the Sky Demon Valley. "

Snake Fang said.

"Also, I will go to Three Thousand Worlds in person to find Lin Fei to settle accounts.

He caused us to lose so many masters in the Sky Demon Valley, and this hatred must be repaid. "

Snake Fang said.

Recalling what Lin Fei did in the Sky Demon Valley, Snake was too angry.

There were hundreds of snakes, monsters and gods who were subdued by Lin Fei and became slaves.

Moreover, it includes Snake's henchmen, Snake Tian.

Before Lin Fei left, he also searched six or seven interfaces, and the Celestial Snake plane, almost all the wealth, packed and taken away!

This tone is called Snake Fang, how can it be swallowed.

at this time.

Falling into the Valley of God.

Within the square.

"Thank you, Master, for your great kindness!"

Lin Fei walked out of a gate of light, came to the statue of Master, and said respectfully.

"Well, just come back safely.

Remember, next time you meet the Lord God, you must avoid it.

You are far from the opponent of the Lord God. "

The statue master exhorted.

"Master, I understand."

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling lingering when thinking of the experience of being chased by the snake.

This time, if it hadn't been for the statue's master to rescue him, Lin Fei knew that he would definitely not be able to escape the snake's palm.

A master **** is really terrible.

At the same time, Lin Fei also admired the master's method of statue.

So far away in time and space, the statue master can actually project a light gate to take him back.

Moreover, in the presence of a main god.

The current Lin Fei couldn't understand this method at all.

"Is this the Chaos God's method?

In the future, one day, I will also reach this height, and it will not be in vain to practice martial arts! "

In Lin Fei's heart, secretly vowed.

"Lin Fei, your accumulation is enough.

Before long, you will have the opportunity to break through to the true god.

During the next period of time, you will retreat and wait for the opportunity to break through. "

The statue master said suddenly.


That's great! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

As a chaotic god, Master's vision is certainly not wrong.

"Well, this time, strive to break through and become a true god!"

Lin Fei was a little excited. Then, Lin Fei entered the secret room and began to meditate.

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