Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3576: The background of the Western Holy See

"Haha, it's useless to pretend to be in front of me.

Let's speak with strength. "

At the same time that the Western Vatican court masters took action, Tiansangzi also took action.

The billowing black and thick fog, frantically surging and spreading, the energy fluctuations released were too terrifying, and collapsed into the void for hundreds of thousands of miles.


Tiansangzi turned into a black sea of ​​blood, and rushed to the court master on his own initiative.

For a while, black energy magma surged, and the pitch-black waves hit high in the sky, and it was all black and poured everywhere.

Tian Sangzi passed across the sky, spurring terrible energy, overwhelming the sky and rolling forward.

Moreover, there are endless black thunders, like black dragons, closely following.

The black energy ocean, the black thunder dragon, instantly collided with the golden staff split by the court master.


The time and space around is constantly breaking apart.

"All kinds of avenues, listen to my orders, and cast the rules into a cage!"

The lord of the court roared, and the fairy lights burst out all over his body, like a hanging galaxy exploding, and it was extremely bright, condensed into a series of chaotic origin laws, strangling the sky mulberry.

I don't know how many kinds of chaotic origin laws, condensed together, clanging, forming a huge law cage, with a radius of one billion li, trapping Tiansangzi inside.

In this law cage, a number of law symbols rose up, incredibly prosperous, like burning, extremely prosperous, exuding the strongest law energy.

"Huh, the rules are locked, how can you stand me!"

Tian Sangzi snorted coldly, waved his hand into a knife, and chopped out a series of dark knife auras, which turned into a large rain of knifes. Every knife aura easily shreds the void and annihilated time and space.


The dense knives all slashed on the law cage, like setting off firecrackers, constantly making clear and crisp metal crashing sounds.

In a moment, Tiansangzi put the law in a cage, abruptly tore a hole, and rushed out.

"Kill, dare to punish all my Holy See!"

At the time of the fierce battle between the court lord and Tiansangzi, the senior officials of the Western Holy See took the lead and rushed towards Tiansangzi's army.

"Take the Western Holy See, and there will be today!"

The army under Tiansangzi also started to charge!


The two armies, like two boundless oceans, collided together in an instant.

A terrible fierce battle involving hundreds of millions of horses broke out completely.

In the void, there are shouts of killing everywhere, and there are violent fighting energy surging everywhere.

Every minute and every second, a large number of creatures are dying.

The blood is flowing into a river, and the corpses are everywhere!

Not to mention the creatures of ordinary strength, even the gods were beaten to pieces and vanished into nothing.

This battle lasted ten days!

"Hmph, Tiansangzi, do you really think that with your strength, you can pick me the Western Holy See!"

The court lord of the Western Holy See had fought with Tiansangzi for ten days, and he said coldly.

In these ten days, both sides have used all kinds of secret techniques and all kinds of methods.


Do you think that my hole cards are exhausted?

You want to [yoyo reading] too much.

Snake, if you don't make a move, when will you stay! "

Tian Sangzi said loudly towards the direction of the Sky Demon Valley.

The billowing sound, traversing the distant void, is like a thunderbolt, constantly exploding in the Sky Demon Valley.

In the Sky Demon Valley, there is a certain void.

The snake was sitting cross-legged, his face a little ugly.

Although he surrendered to Tiansangzi on the surface, he was willing to be a minister.

In fact, he was only temporarily submitting.

How can a minister be willing to be his subordinates to others and listen to them.

His idea is to let Tiansangzi go and fight with the five superpowers.

In the end, you can take advantage of it yourself.

Therefore, at this time, the voice of Tiansangzi came, and the snake side hesitated a little.

"And you, old Lingzhu, what are you waiting for.

Do you want me to go back and invite you personally! "

Tiansangzi's gaze, looking at his base camp, Silence Ridge, said coldly.

In a remote room in Silence Hill, an old man in grey clothes was sitting cross-legged, and he could not help but tremble slightly when he heard the voice of Tiansangzi.

This gray-clothed old man was the last lord of Nirvana Hill. After being defeated by Tiansangzi, he retreated to the second line and rarely showed up.

Snake Fang, Lao Lingzhu, are the main gods!

Two main gods, these are the two biggest trump cards of Tiansangzi!

Of course, neither the snake party nor the old Lingzhu were reconciled to surrender to Tiansangzi, but were forced.

"Hey, you two, what are you waiting for, really, do you want me to go back and invite you in person."

Tiansangzi naturally knew what Snake Fang and Lao Lingzhu were thinking.

Snake Fang and Lao Lingzhu couldn't help hearing the vicious voice of Tiansangzi, and their hearts went cold.

Neither of them was Tiansangzi’s opponent, and they were afraid that Tiansangzi would settle accounts afterwards.

So in desperation.

Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu walked out of the secret room, and within a few steps, they came to the battlefield.


The two main gods, appearing at the same time, were immediately overwhelmed by endless energy and laws, rolling and spreading, making hundreds of thousands of miles of void, shaking violently.

They weren't deliberately, but as the main god, just stopping anywhere would cause terrible spatiotemporal reactions.

"Hmph, Brother Snake, Brother Liuyou, you two, are you really willing to follow Tiansangzi's dispatch and run for him?

Be careful to burn yourself. "

The court master of the Western Holy See saw the snake and the old Lingzhu coming at the same time, his face was very ugly, and said in a loud voice.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the number of main gods is extremely small.

Each of the main gods is very familiar with each other, even, they can be regarded as a little friendship.

"Town Lord, we can't help ourselves.

Please also forgive me. "

The snake side smiled bitterly.

Old Lingzhu also sighed slightly, shaking his head.

If there is a choice, how can Snake Fang and Lao Lingzhu want to be the enemy of the Western Holy See.

"You two, do it.

Eliminate all the Western Holy See, all the people, and no one is left.

I want the Western Holy See to be completely removed from the boundless sea of ​​chaos from today! "

Tian Sangzi said coldly.

"Hmph, I, the Western Holy See, have passed on for endless years and will never be removed because you are an arrogant man!"

The court master was furious.


Two bright figures exuding a terrifying aura suddenly appeared beside the court master.

They are two old men in white robes.

It seems that he is very old, thin and slender.

However, the horrible aura they released made every creature numb!

Both are the main gods!

Adding the court master, there are three main gods.

The three main gods, this is the most powerful background of the Western Holy See!

"Hey, there are two old things, no wonder, the mouth is so hard."

Tiansangzi's face changed a little.

With three main gods, it seems that the Western Holy See is not as easy to bully as he imagined.

at the same time.

Falling into the Valley of God.


High in the sky, dark clouds are densely covered with thunder, thicker than the mountains, wandering frantically.

"It's best to be a thunder tribulation, as long as I avoid it, I will become a true god!" Lin Fei crossed his knees in the void, feeling the terrifying aura of world destruction above his head, and his eyes were a little expectant.

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