Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3577: Become a true god

At this time, the zodiac signs in the Valley of Fallen God had already arrived one by one, standing in all directions.

"This kid, the speed of practice is really not bad.

I watched its breath, this time, there is a great possibility to break through and become a true god. "

"I don't think it is possible, but it can be."


All the Chinese zodiac signs are very excited.

After all, they also hope that the apprentices the master accepts will be promising.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, condensing his breath with all his strength, without revealing the slightest.

High in the sky, Lei Jie became more and more violent, desperately looking for Lin Fei's breath.

Even, at a certain moment, the thunder in the sky had vaguely locked Lin Fei's position and fell down.

"Secret of Reincarnation!"

At the critical moment, Lin Fei directly performed the Secret Technique of Reincarnation, taking a large area of ​​time and space around it, instantly moving away, and appearing in another spatial coordinate position.


Lei Ting followed Lin Fei's trail and followed again.

This last time Thunder, the power is the most powerful.

It is also the most spiritual.

It is much more difficult to deal with than ever before.


The violent thunder continued to track Lin Fei.

Lin Fei used the Secret Art of Concealment, combined with the Secret Art of Reincarnation, and a few times, used the card of Myriad Realms Reincarnation to play hide-and-seek with Thunder in the sky.

"He actually cultivated the law of reincarnation to the realm of great achievement!

This apprentice of mine is really good. "

In the square, the statue said in surprise.

"This kid's true miracle seems to be much more powerful than ours.

Could it be that his qualifications are better than ours. "

The Chinese zodiac had been paying close attention to Lin Fei, and the colorful rooster said in surprise.

"Cut, do you still have to ask.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the aptitude of that kid is much better than you. "

A monkey stood beside and said with a curled mouth.

"Smelly monkey, aren't you the same? How can you be better than me!"

Colorful rooster angered.

This last thunder catastrophe, Lin Fei was hiding very hard.

Almost exhausted all kinds of methods, with all his strength to restrain his breath, hiding in Tibet.

It lasted for ten days!

Ten days later.


Lei Jie seems to be getting weaker and weaker!

Could it be that this **** thunder robbery is finally over! "

Lin Fei almost burst into tears feeling the weakening thunder robbery.

Sure enough, high in the sky, the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and the thunder gradually retreated.

In the end, Thunder Tribulation completely disappeared.


Lin Fei felt that in his body, it was like ten thousand horses galloping, a torrent of terrifying energy, like the Yangtze River, roaring and scouring.

In the surrounding void, all kinds of energy and all kinds of laws, like a hundred birds returning to the forest, all rivers meeting the sea, continue to merge into Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei's body is like a furnace, completely igniting all the energy and laws that enter the body, burning, refining, and extracting.

Melt the infinite chaotic energy into your own energy.

The various avenues in the world are transformed into their own avenues.

True gods are fundamentally different from ordinary gods in life level.

Especially the evildoer like Lin Fei, although he has just broken through, his body is like a bottomless pit, it seems to occupy all the energy and laws that exist in the surrounding space of billions of miles!


The breath released from Lin Fei's body became more and more terrifying.

At this moment, Lin Fei's body is shining and shining, like a cast of immortal gold.

A series of mysterious runes, like butterflies in the sky, danced around him.

"This is the feeling of the true **** of the next god!"

Lin Fei stood in mid-air, feeling the pressure of the terrible energy released by him, and muttered to himself.

The tone is full of strong confidence.

"Haha, good boy, finally became a true god!"

The Chinese zodiac laughed.

"Well, embark on the road of true gods and step into a new world of martial arts."

In the square, the statue of Master is also very pleased.

Just now.


Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, inside Lin Fei's body, loud voices came out, like a big Honglu bell.

Then, Lin Fei discovered that the physical secret realm in his body was constantly opening up.

One by one, awe-inspiring human deities, and a Tianlong, rushed out one after another, standing in the void around them.


In my body, there is another secret to be opened! "

Lin Fei looked at the majestic human gods and couldn't help being overjoyed.

It’s been a long time since last week’s induction, and there has been no progress.

Unexpectedly, as Lin Fei became a true god, he actually touched the body to develop the fifth secret realm of the human body.


There was a vision in that kid's body, which seemed to be a very clever physical magical secret technique! "

The Chinese zodiac signs were all very shocked, staring at a personal **** and the Tianlong around Lin Fei.

"It turned out to be too last week!

This ancient incomparable physical magical secret technique, even now, still has inheritance. "

Suddenly, a raw sheep cried out in surprise, and he recognized the origin of this secret technique.

"Yes, it is indeed too last week's induction chapter. In the old days, the physical magical powers that once shook the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos."

The other people of the Chinese zodiac nodded one after another.


Lin Fei's Tianling Gai was shining brightly, and the rune fragments related to the flesh, like a pot of boiling water, were surging crazily and roaring.

Inside the Tianling Gai, a secret realm in the cave is being opened up.

A chain of order gods related to the body, in this secret realm, trembling and rattling.


Finally, the secret realm inside Tianling Gai was successfully constructed.

A majestic human body deity pushed open the door of the secret realm, stepped out in one step, and stood in the void.

"My name is Lingyang, I am in charge of the Secret Realm of Heaven!"

The **** shouted.

Then it opened its mouth and sucked.


All around, the chaotic void of billions of miles, the endless chaotic energy, seemed to be a steady stream of vast oceans, being sucked over and rushing into the mouth of this human god.

Lin Fei felt that his physical strength was constantly soaring!

Until after a long time.

The **** of the secret realm covered by the heavenly spirit retreats to the secret realm and guards the secret realm.

"Now I can kill the upper gods and true gods in seconds by relying on physical strength alone."

Lin Fei felt his own body, and a strong confidence rose in his heart.

The physique of the chaotic heaven and earth, the physique of the Tianjin tribe, coupled with the too last Zhoutian induction chapter, Lin Fei's physical body has reached an incredible height.

For Lin Fei, a high-ranking **** is already destructible!

"Master, I finally become a true god."

After dealing with the Chinese zodiac, Lin Fei came to the square and said to the statue master.

"Yes, Not Bad.

The time for you to become a true **** is much earlier than I imagined. "   Statue Master said with satisfaction.

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