Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3581: Lin Fei preached

"Mom, you broke through to the **** realm so quickly!

very impressive! "

Lin Fei came directly to his mother and said in surprise.

Indeed, my mother started very late for Xiuwu.

However, in a short time, he broke through to the gods.

Even Lin Fei is ashamed of this martial arts speed!

"Smelly boy, don't you allow me to be more powerful!"

Lin Fei's mother scolded with a smile.

"You are tossing out all day, everything is safe."

She looked at Lin Fei and asked with concern.

"Mom, I'm fine."

Lin Fei replied with a warm heart.

Soon, everyone knew that Lin Fei was back in the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land, and it was naturally a lively event again.


Elder Nie, Great Elder, you two, it's possible at any time, will usher in a divine calamity! "

Lin Fei saw Elder Nie and Great Elder in Cangyan Holy Land, and felt a little surprised by the breath they exude.

Both of them are already high-level gods.

Elder Nie and Great Elder are both the core high-level members of Cangyan Holy Land.

Especially Elder Nie, in charge of all affairs of Cangyan Holy Land.


This period of time, I seem to have captured the opportunity for a breakthrough. "

Elder Nie was a little excited.

"You can use these things.

Maybe it helps. "

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei took out a large number of heavenly materials and earth treasures, and magical elixir.

With Lin Fei's net worth, it is naturally rare treasures in the world, each of which is invaluable.

"You kid..."

Elder Nie and Grand Elder looked at the treasure Lin Fei gave them, and they were shocked and gratified.


Lin Fei stayed for a while in the Cangyan Holy Land.

Accompanying parents, wife, eldest brother, and a group of former friends, every day is extremely leisurely and happy.

Yang Song sent a voice transmission to tell Lin Fei that he was in the Valley of Fallen God. Following Lin Fei's statue master, he learned the knowledge of repairing the Feng Shui Grand Formation. It was estimated that it would take a while.

Before the feng shui formation was repaired, Lin Fei didn't want to go to the boundless chaotic sea for the moment.

So, take advantage of this time and enjoy the time with family and friends.

"Lin Fei, since you are rarely free now, I would like to invite you to preach to our disciples in Cangyan Holy Land for a few days as a big brother.

You walked out of our Cangyan Holy Land. Every disciple in our Cangyan Holy Land regards you as an idol.

You can cheer everyone up and satisfy their desire to chase stars. "

On this day, Elder Nie brought several elders from Cangyan Holy Land to find Lin Fei.


Lin Fei thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"If the order goes on, I will preach at the altar for three days."

Lin Fei added.

This news spread at the fastest speed in the Cangyan Holy Land.

Suddenly, the entire Cangyan Holy Land boiled.

All the disciples danced with excitement.

"Have you heard?

Big Brother Lin Fei, we are going to preach to us! "

"Big Brother Lin Fei, but the most powerful person on the plane of Falling Immortality, it is really lucky to hear his preaching with his own ears!"

"What the whole plane of falling immortal, I have heard, Big Brother Lin Fei, is the most powerful person in the entire 3,000-sized world, not one of them!"

"What's this, once, I heard Senior Cang Cang say with my own ears, Big Brother Lin Fei, now in the boundless Chaos Sea, he has also made a name!

Those super powers were so scared when they heard the name of Brother Lin Fei! "


Every disciple in Cangyan Holy Land was talking about Lin Fei excitedly.

Not only those disciples, but even the deacons and elders of Cangyan Holy Land, they were all a little excited.

These high-level people, than those disciples, know more clearly how high Lin Fei is today!

Soon, a magnificent altar was built in the largest Yanwu Square in Cangyan Holy Land.

Lin Fei stepped onto the altar and began to preach.

In the entire Cangyan Holy Land, almost all the creatures, whether they are disciples or high-level people, have come.

Countless creatures, sitting in all directions, on the ground, or suspended in mid-air, are densely packed, enclosing the altar.

"I will start from the most basic and most important methods of martial arts..."

Lin Fei's voice slowly echoed throughout the headquarters of the Cangyan Holy Land. Every word sound was like the sound of a great road, clear, loud, and magnificent, full of the charm and melody of Dao.

Just kidding, Lin Fei has comprehended several complete laws of the origin of chaos, and the actual combat power is already equivalent to the half-step master god, and he is definitely a powerful figure.

When preaching at the altar, every word sound uttered contains the most true and pure way of martial arts in the world.

Not to mention the ordinary disciples in the Cangyan Holy Land, even the highest-ranking figures such as Elder Nie are also very fascinated by it.


They are here too. "

When Lin Fei was preaching on the altar, suddenly, he found a familiar figure.

Old man in the stall!

This is a senior figure that Lin Fei misses very much.

In the past, when Lin Fei was still in the Eastern Region of the Saint Venerable Continent, he had robbed the tomb with this old man and carried the coffin board, which was considered to have a deep friendship.

Later, the old man from the stall became one of the several elders of Cangyan Holy Land.

However, his character doesn't like being restrained and he is used to being alone, so he seldom stays in the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land, but likes to wander around by himself.

Unexpectedly, this time, he actually came back.

Brother Fang!

Lin Fei was overjoyed when he saw an old man with half-white beard and hair.

This old man used to be a very low-key fairyland master in the Eastern Region of the Holy Venerable Continent.

He had served the Sword Emperor for a while, and inherited some swordsmanship from the Sword Emperor.

The sword emperor is the true sword god.

Lin Fei and him can be regarded as the relationship of brothers.

This brother Fang is also a very low-key character.

As far as Lin Fei knew, after the appearance of the clone of True Sword God Monarch, Senior Brother Fang had been following it for a while.

However, later, he returned to the Eastern Territory and started submerging.

Unexpectedly, today, he also came to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land.

Lin Fei's preaching lasted three days.

During these three days, Lin Fei started from the most basic concept of martial arts, and went to the deepest principle of the Great Dao.

With Lin Fei's strength and insight, most of the martial arts issues became easy when he came to Lin Fei.

In the past three days, most of the living creatures in the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land had listened quietly.

Especially those disciples, one by one listened utterly drunk, forgetting the passage of time.

During Lin Fei's three days of preaching, they found the answers to all the difficulties and puzzles they encountered in the process of practicing martial arts. There was a feeling of suddenly enlightening.

Three days later.

When Lin Fei finished his sermon, he disappeared directly above the altar.

After Lin Fei disappeared, a large number of creatures still gathered around the altar, closed their eyes and sat in meditation, carefully comprehending the content of Lin Fei's sermons these days.



Over the Cangyan Holy Land, loud thunders rang out.

Billowing Thunder, came down.

"I'm going to break through!"

Some creatures rose into the sky, bathed in the thunder, very brave.

"I want to break through!"

"me too!"


In the next few days, in the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land, every minute and every second, you could hear the thunder robbery!

I don't know how many people, after listening to Lin Fei's three days of sermons, they realized their hearts and broke through directly!

"Haha, Lin Fei preached for three days, let us directly improve the overall strength of Cangyan Holy Land!"

Elder Nie and the high-level members of Cangyan Holy Land, each one was very excited.

"I'm about to usher in a tribulation!"

Even Elder Nie also ushered in a breakthrough opportunity.

"The same is true for me. My destiny should be, it's just these few days."

The Great Elder also said excitedly.

really. In the next two days, Elder Nie and Great Elder ushered in the divine calamity one after another, and successfully passed through them and became a god!

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