Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3582: Hold grandson's wish

Seeing the prosperity of Cangyan Holy Land, Lin Fei felt very satisfied.

Cangyan Holy Land is of great significance to Lin Fei.

Because there are many Lin Fei, the closest people are all in the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land.

For example, parents and big brother.

There are Zhu Mu, Shen Jizi, An Elder, Di Yin Elder and so on.

And Meng Shan, Chang Hao, and other friends.

Lin Fei cares about each of these people.

Lin Fei placed them in the Cangyan Holy Land. One can imagine how important the position of the Cangyan Holy Land is in Lin Fei's mind.

For this, the real old way also understands.

Therefore, True Cang Dao had long regarded Cangyan Holy Land as the most important and core sect to cultivate on the entire plane of falling immortal.

It can be said that the entire Falling Immortal plane, all resources, intentionally or unintentionally, tilted towards the Cangyan Holy Land.

"Master, how long will it take for the Feng Shui Great Array to be completely repaired?"

After staying in the Cangyan Holy Land for a while, one day, Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to Yang Song and asked.

"I have already started to repair it, but it will take time.

I guess it will take one or two years. "

Yang Song has returned to the world of three thousand sizes and started to repair the big formation.

"Do you need my help."

Lin Fei asked.

"I don't need it for the time being. I plan to figure it out slowly, researching and repairing it.

For me, this is tantamount to a kind of cultivation. "

Yang Song replied.

"Well, thank you very much."

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei stayed in the Cangyan Holy Land for half a year.

"Boy, tell me, when will I have a chance to hold my grandson!"

In the past six months, Lin Fei's mother didn't know how many times she grabbed Lin Fei's ear and asked harshly.

"Mom, I can't make the final decision on this matter by myself.

You have to ask your daughter-in-law. "

Lin Fei was forced to face red and had to shift the contradiction.

Beside, Qingluo, Rong'er and Wan'er had long been ashamed of their faces.

"You guys work hard.

I don't have much wish.

I just hope that I can hold my grandson earlier. "

It is naturally impossible for Lin Fei's mother to deal with her daughter-in-law. She would do it like her son. However, she would inevitably strike aside.

Qingluo, Rong'er and Wan'er were even more ashamed, wishing to find a gap in the ground to get in.

"In my opinion, your eldest brother may be earlier than you, fulfilling my wish to embrace my grandson."

Lin Fei's mother said, in her tone, she couldn't hide her excitement and gratification.

"Mom, did the eldest brother be the target, found my sister-in-law!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Of course, your brother discusses everything with me, he is much more filial than you."

Lin Fei's mother nodded and said.

"Ajie, don't hesitate to bring Myolie over so A Fei can see my sister-in-law."

Lin Fei's mother said in a loud voice.

Her voice passed far away and reached Lin Jie's ears.

She is now a master of the gods, with all kinds of magical powers and secret techniques, she can use it freely.

Soon, Lin Jie brought a girl, broke through the air, and landed in front of everyone.

I saw that the girl had an outstanding appearance and a calm personality, giving people a kind of delicate, gentle and graceful feeling.

"Yes, Not Bad.

Very kind girl. "

Lin Fei nodded secretly, Big Brother Zan had a good vision.

"The little girl, Ouyang Xing, has seen the forest master."

When the girl saw Lin Fei, she saluted directly.


Before Lin Fei could react, he was slapped on the head.

If it's someone else, even if it's a half-step master god, it doesn't have the ability to slap Lin Fei's head.

However, this slap was slapped by his mother, but Lin Fei had no choice but to laugh.

"Sister-in-law, don't do that.

You are an elder, so I should be the one who salutes you. "

Lin Fei felt his mother's anger and woke up a long time ago, and hurriedly bowed to his sister-in-law.


Qingluo, Rong'er and Wan'er, all clever and smart, stepped forward and greeted the girl.

"Smelly boy, no matter how capable you are, you have to distinguish between the young and the inferior."

Lin Fei's mother taught.

"Mom, I know."

Lin Fei said quickly, although she was scolded, her heart was warm.

Since childhood, Lin Fei's mother has been very strict in family education and has strict requirements for her two sons.

For Lin Fei, his mother's discipline represents the warmth of the family.

"A Fei, Myolie, come, let me introduce you to you."

Lin Jie introduced his girlfriend to Lin Fei.

It turned out that this girl was called Ouyang Xing, she was not a person from the plane of immortality, but a person from another plane of three thousand sizes.

Lin Jie had left the plane of falling immortals before and went to other planes in the three thousand-sized world to perform the exercises.

Unintentionally, I met Ouyang Xing.

By chance, the two went together for a while, and as a result, they had a secret love and finally walked together.

"Well, since I got acquainted by accident, it wasn't because of my reputation.

Can indeed be my sister-in-law. "

Lin Fei nodded secretly in his heart, truly approving this sister-in-law.

You know, with Lin Fei's current strength and status, in the entire plane of falling immortality, and even in the entire three thousand-sized world, I don't know how many creatures have tried every means to rack their brains and want to get involved with Lin Fei.

Especially Lin Fei's family.

With the identity of Lin Jie as Lin Fei's eldest brother, as long as he speaks, there are no knowing how many women in the world, arguing to marry him.

Lin Fei was just a little scared. Some women approached Lin Jie because of her reputation.

However, this Ouyang Xing is not.

With Lin Fei's realm strength, a little bit of perception will tell you that Ouyang Xing really likes Lin Jie, not otherwise.

"Sister-in-law, everyone will be a family in the future.

You let your family, your master, all people move into the plane of falling immortal.

If you have any difficulties in the future, just tell me. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"Ah..., Lord Forester, is this true!"

Ouyang Xing couldn't help being overjoyed upon hearing this.

You know, the plane of Falling Immortality is now an ancient country of chaos, the entire three-thousand-large world, and the world's highest quality plane.

Today, in a world of three thousand sizes, I don't know how many big clans and powerful sects dream of squeezing into the plane of falling immortal, but not entering it.

Ouyang Xing's family is nothing more than a small family, and the sect he belongs to is also an ordinary and unremarkable sect.

Now, there is a chance to enter the plane of falling immortals!

Moreover, it was Lin Fei who spoke in person and invited in.

It is conceivable that from now on, Ouyang Xing's family and school will usher in an amazing development, and the scenery is boundless!

"Sister-in-law, don't call me the world master. Didn't you see, mom is ready to do it again..."

Lin Fei shrank his head and said pitifully.

"Count you acquaintance."

Lin Fei's mother said proudly.

"Well, since everyone is here, I will make it clear. The task I give you is to get me to hold my grandson as soon as possible!"

Lin Fei's mother said loudly, in a tone of command that was not negotiable.

Lin Fei, Lin Jie, and several daughters-in-law did not dare to refute them.

After staying in the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land for half a year.

Lin Fei began to retreat.

This retreat lasted two full years.

In the past two years, Lin Fei has mainly cultivated his mind.

The heart sword is one of Lin Fei's most powerful cards.

If you want the heart sword to exert greater power, you must make your mind stronger.

"The heart sword I use now, at most, is that it can affect the half-step master god.

If you encounter the main god, I guess it will be of little use.

Therefore, I must work hard to cultivate the power of mind to increase the power of the heart sword. "

Lin Fei is very clear about his strength.

Two years later.


"Lin Fei, Feng Shui Great Array, has been repaired successfully!"

Lin Fei suddenly received a voice transmission from Yang Song.

"Finally repaired successfully!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

Once the feng shui array is successfully repaired, it means that from now on, even if the main **** comes, it will not be able to pose any threat to the three thousand worlds.

Three thousand big worlds are completely safe!

Lin Fei has no more worries!

"Finally, you can let go of your hands and feet!" In the secret room, Lin Fei stood up suddenly, his eyes bright and clear.

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