Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3583: set off

Lin Fei Zhan moved out of shape and disappeared directly into the secret room.

next moment.

Lin Fei came into the chaotic void of a world of three thousand sizes.

"Sure enough, the Feng Shui Great Array has been repaired!"

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was so powerful that he immediately sensed that the feng shui array in a world of three thousand sizes had undergone a qualitative change.

A kind of mighty energy coercion, looming, surprised Lin Fei secretly.

"The original law of chaos!"

Lin Fei discovered that in the void of a three-thousand-large world, there are many laws of the origin of chaos.

In the past, in the three thousand worlds, it was mainly the law of the great road.

There are very few laws of chaos origin.

And now, the Feng Shui Great Array has been repaired, and many Chaos Origin Laws have been born.

The improvement of the quality of the law naturally raises the quality of the entire space.

Yang Song, the true sword god, and the Chinese zodiac are all standing in the chaotic void.

These people are the most powerful masters in the three thousand worlds.

Everyone feels that the spatial environment of the three thousand-sized world has undergone tremendous changes.

"From now on, three thousand worlds will not be afraid of the attack of the Lord God!"

Yang Song stood in the void and looked around slowly, appearing satisfied.

He has studied this great feng shui array for a long time and has exhausted a lot of effort.

Unexpectedly, today, I was finally able to personally repair this large array.

"Master, thank you very much."

Lin Fei came to Yang Song and said.

"Hehe, it's not hard at all, repairing this big formation is a kind of enjoyment for me."

Yang Song smiled.

"Hey? Master, your injury... seems to be more than half healed!"

Lin Fei stood beside Yang Song and suddenly cried out in surprise.

Yang Song's breath is deep, his eyes are deep and sharp, and yellow law runes walk around his body, full of a mysterious charm.

A powerful energy pressure radiated from his body, looming.

It's much better than before.

"Yes, after repairing this feng shui array, my injury has basically recovered by more than half."

Yang Song smiled.


Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Lin Fei had guessed that Yang Song's original realm of strength should be a half-step master god.

Moreover, he is an ancient geographer, with amazing attainments in the field of geography.

Therefore, the combat power he possesses is definitely much stronger than the average half-step main god.

In this way, a world of three thousand sizes would be equivalent to one and a half more masters at the master **** level.

"Boy, now, you have no worries.

Do whatever you want.

The master's meaning is to let you take a hard time and grow up quickly. "

The Tianguo said to Lin Fei.

"Master means, I understand."

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"All the high-levels of the alliance army, immediately gather."

Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to every member of the alliance army.

All members of the alliance army now live in three thousand worlds.

After receiving Lin Fei's transmission, all the senior officials did not dare to neglect, and immediately came to the void and concentrated in front of Lin Fei.

At the same time, all true **** slaves under Lin Fei were also summoned and all came.

"Immediately send people to announce to the entire boundless chaotic sea, our alliance army must re-emerge out of the arena and dominate the boundless chaotic sea.

The territory previously owned by the Alliance Army, no matter who is now occupying it, will be returned immediately.

Otherwise, the Alliance army will personally come to collect it. "

Lin Fei said loudly.

Our alliance army, come back out of the arena, dominate the boundless sea of ​​chaos? !

All the senior members of the Alliance Army were all dumbfounded when they heard Lin Fei's words.

Each one looked at Lin Fei with amazement.

The five superpowers hate the alliance army.

As long as the Alliance army leaves the three thousand worlds and dares to show their faces in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, they will definitely be frantically encircled and suppressed by the five superpowers.

Even Tiansangzi will also attack the Alliance army.

The ancestor of the mackerel took the family of mackerel and hid in a three thousand world.

Lin Fei and Tiansangzi were also considered to have settled an enmity because of the affairs of the mackerel clan.

At that time, the six superpowers will attack together. Can the Alliance Army be able to resist it?

"What? Didn't you hear me clearly?"

Lin Fei frowned.

"Leader, what you said is true?"

A white-haired old man swallowed his saliva and asked Lin Fei cautiously.

"of course it's true.

Are you scared?

Well, I will not force you.

Anyone who is unwilling to take part in the operation will immediately withdraw from the alliance army. "

Lin Fei glanced slowly.

"Leader, you misunderstood.

As long as it is something you decide, we will definitely support it! "

The white-haired old man said quickly.

"Not bad!

As long as it is something decided by the leader, we will definitely follow it! "

All the senior leaders of the Alliance Army shouted in unison.

Each one showed a determined look.

They have all followed Lin Fei to fight together, and that period of time has kept their blood boiling.

During those years, they also had a blind trust in Lin Fei.

So, although they were shocked by Lin Fei's decision, no one would back down.

"Very well, that's the decision, and do as I order."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Yes, leader!"

Without any hesitation, all the senior leaders of the Alliance Army shouted at the same time.

Soon, an explosive news spread at lightning speed in the boundless chaotic sea.

The Alliance Army has reappeared!

Moreover, the coming is menacing, to regain the previous territory from the hands of the five superpowers.

Moreover, it also claims to dominate three thousand large and small worlds!

"How is it possible? Hasn't the alliance army been wiped out by the five superpowers!

Why did it pop up again? "

"I heard that Lin Fei, the leader of the alliance army, has been killed by the five superpowers. Without Lin Fei, what else can these alliance army make?"

"Is this fake news?"


Many creatures can't believe it at all.

"Hmph, a group of dogs who don't know how to live or die, don't hide in the backward world group of three thousand big worlds, they dare to run out to die!"

"This time, let them come and go, and don't even think about going back alive!"


After hearing the news of the alliance army, the people of the five superpowers became murderous.

The entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, [August One Chinese Network] boiled because of this news.

It was also at this time, among the three thousand worlds, Lin Fei had already ordered all the people and started to set off.

About half of the **** slaves under Lin Fei followed Lin Fei.

The remaining half, stay to guard three thousand worlds.

The alliance army selected most of the elite men and horses, and it was mighty and crowded with a large void.

"Everyone, this time, I intend to truly establish a force, establish a foothold in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, open up territories, establish strongholds, and divide the sphere of influence.

Instead of changing a place with one shot as before.

So everyone must be mentally prepared, understand. "

Before departure, Lin Fei's gaze slowly scanned all the people, and said loudly.

"We get it!"

All the people and horses shouted in unison, shaking the chaos and void for hundreds of thousands of miles.

"Very well, now, let's go!

Let's fight the world! "

Lin Fei waved his hand and shouted loudly. Every creature, at this moment, feels blood boiling.

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