Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3584: Come in the way

In the chaos and void, warships are sailing, not hurriedly or slowly.

The warship at the front is huge, equivalent to the size of a star.

Above the warship, a large flag stands, hunting and dancing against the hurricane of time and space.

On the banner, there are four characters of dragon and phoenix dancing.

Alliance army!

The densely packed warships passing by, the scene is very magnificent.

In one of the warships, a large number of senior leaders of the Alliance army surrounded Lin Fei.

"Leader, if we swagger through the market like this, we will soon attract the attention of the five superpowers."

The Lord of the Ice Palace said in a loud voice.

The lord of the ice palace is now one of the core high-levels in the alliance army.

"It's okay, what I want is this effect.

From now on, our alliance army will formally sit on an equal footing with other superpowers, and there is no need to avoid them.

Don't worry, even if the main **** comes, I have a countermeasure. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

After listening to Lin Fei's words, the other senior officials couldn't help but feel refreshed.

No one asked again.

They have absolute trust in Lin Fei.

"Leader, what is our goal now?"

The Lord of the Ice Palace asked.

"Go to the Canghai World Group first. After all, there is the place where our alliance army was established, which is of great significance.

From now on, the world of the sea will serve as the first base of our alliance army. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

"Thank you, leader!"

After hearing what Lin Fei said, the gods from the sea world group are all overjoyed.

The white-haired high-ranking god, Cao Wu, and the old patriarch of the Wu family, the core high-level leaders of these alliance forces are all from the sea world.

They have long looked forward to returning to their hometown.

In the vast expanse of the chaotic void, such a large number of terrifying battleship formations, flying vastly, is indeed very eye-catching.

Soon, creatures noticed.

"Look, that army is actually under the banner of an alliance army!

Could it be that the news is true?

The Alliance Army, is it really going to make a comeback? "

"Looking at the formation, it's really scary.

It is indeed an army that dared to challenge the five superpowers. "

"Cut, what's to be afraid of.

This alliance army has been hunted down by the five superpowers, and it is estimated that most of the masters have died.

What is left is some remaining soldiers.

Moreover, the core of the alliance army is Lin Fei.

Lin Fei is dead, even if the Alliance army is still there, it will be dead in name only. "

"Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of in the current alliance army.

Even an empty shell can scare people.

Wait and see, it will be wiped out soon. "


Many creatures, staring at the banner on the leading warship, quietly talked.

Everyone agrees that this alliance army has existed in name only and has little strength.

Soon, the news of the official appearance of the alliance army spread quickly.

More and more creatures rushed to watch the excitement.

"Look, it really is under the banner of the Alliance Army!"

"These remnants of the alliance army, really dare to do this, they are simply living impatiently."

"That is, last time, the remnants of these alliance forces were hunted and killed by the five superpowers and fled all over the world.

He doesn't have a long memory, and now he dares to show up in a big way. "

"So, the poor man has something to hate. This is the remnant of the Alliance army. It is not worthy of pity. It must not live long."


Countless creatures watched the battleship formations of the Alliance army and talked a lot.

when starting.

These creatures who watch the excitement are still a little careful and speak quietly.

However, slowly, the battleship formation of the Alliance Army did not respond.

Just flying slowly.

No matter how unpleasant things the onlookers say, how they ridicule, ridicule, or even insult, there is no response in the battleship formation of the Alliance army, and no one comes out to stop it.

As a result, many onlookers became more and more courageous, spoke more and more presumptuously, and laughed loudly.

"Haha, look, everyone, this alliance army is really strong outside and doing it in the middle, pretending to look like, there is no strength left at all."

"Of course, after being strangled by the five superpowers for a round, where is there any strength left, not all of them are dead, they are considered lucky."

"What's ridiculous is that this is the remnant of the Alliance army, um, I don't even have a sense of consciousness, and dare to come out and sway the market. It's a bunch of idiots."


Unbridled discussions and laughter echoed in the chaotic void.

However, there are also some creatures who agree with the Alliance Army and speak nice things secretly.

"It's a pity, this army is the only force in the boundless sea of ​​chaos that dares to resist the five superpowers.

It's a pity that it collapses like this, and it makes people feel distressed. "

"Yes, it's actually a teacher of justice.

If the leader Lin Fei is still alive, lead this righteous division against the five superpowers.

Our boundless sea of ​​chaos will not fall into the situation where we are completely divided by those superpowers. "


Inside the warship of the Alliance Army.

"Leader, listen to what they are talking about!

These people simply don't know what it is!

Lord, let me go out and kill all those people! "

The gods of the alliance army couldn't help it, and they asked Lin Fei to ask.

"Don't worry, wait a moment.

These are all small fishes, and they have been addicted.

Let's wait for some big fish and bring them to our door, let us stand by. "

Lin Fei didn't rush, said lightly.


As soon as Lin Fei's voice fell, there was a huge noise in front of him.

An army appeared.

There are many, mighty soldiers, armed with various sharp weapons, and murderous.

Blocked the way of the Alliance army.

"Who are you who dare to stand in the way of our Alliance army?

What is the meaning, not quickly retreat! "

A voice came from the alliance army, with an unspeakable majesty.

"Hmph, what I'm blocking is the way of your alliance army.

All acquaintances kneel down obediently. "

Shouted a strong man holding a double halberd.

This is a true **** of the upper gods!

"The troublemaker is coming!"

Those onlookers were all excited.

In the icy universe, two vast armies are confronting each other. There are many people on both sides, like mountains and seas, lined up on both sides of the chaotic river, the iron armor is shining, and the sword is dazzling.

"Who are you and why are you blocking the way."

A voice asked from among the Alliance army.

"I am the King of Tianpeng of the Jinpeng clan!

Today, come to kill the remnants of the Alliance army, the idlers, etc., all retreat. "

The brawny man holding a double halberd coldly shouted, his feet are two feet tall, his muscles are bulging, his arms are several times thicker than the thighs of ordinary people, he has a cyan hair, and the eye-matching copper bell is very fierce.

King Tianpeng!

Upon hearing this, the onlookers took a breath.

This is a long-established master in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The Jinpeng Clan is a very powerful race in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The Jinpeng clan has already taken refuge in the demon capital and has become a subsidiary force of the demon capital.

"It seems that this King Tianpeng is planning to do meritorious service.

After slaying the remnants of these alliance troops, he can go to the demon capital and receive merit from the demon master. "A creature whispered.

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