Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3585: Powerful enemies come one after another

"Master, let me fight!

Let me go out and behead this madman! "

Within the battleship, several high-ranking gods under Lin Fei's true gods asked to fight.

"Leader, go to war, now is a good opportunity for our alliance army to stand up!"

Those high-level members of the Alliance Army also shouted.

Everyone was fighting.

"Well, Di Wu, you go out and fight him."

Lin Fei said to one of them.

This upper god, true god, Di Wu, was a demon race who was subdued by Lin Fei and became a slave.


Di Wu is overjoyed.

From the depths of his soul, all he thought and thought were from Lin Fei's standpoint.

As long as he can win glory for Lin Fei, it is his greatest glory.

"Bold fanatic, dare to provoke the master and let me teach you!"

Di Wu rushed out of the battleship in one step, aggressively, and killed King Tianpeng.

That day King Peng, with the people of the Jinpeng clan, was yelling.

As soon as he heard that the remnants of the Alliance army had appeared, he immediately hurried over with his people.

It was just the remnants of the alliance army, of course he wouldn't be afraid, and he took advantage of this opportunity to kill the remnants of the alliance army so that the demon would ask the demon master for merit.


Are you not an adult from the Yaozu?

Why mix with the remnants of the Alliance Army. "

When King Tianpeng saw Di Wu, he couldn't help being a little dazed.

Among the five superpowers, a large number of gods were taken into slaves by Lin Fei.

This disgraceful thing, the five superpowers did not make public.

Therefore, there are many creatures who don't know the inside story.

"What **** monster race, take it to death!"

Di Wu roared and started directly.


Di Wu's demon body kept rising, and a black smoke appeared all over his body, like **** ghost fire, with a very powerful aura.


King Tianpeng's two halberds split the sky, and the cold and quiet halberd blade opened the chaotic space like a **** of war.

The two sides fought together, and the surging fighting energy spread like a raging wave, causing the nearby space to continue to explode.

The army of the Jinpeng tribe and the lively creatures around them were forced to regress for fear of being affected.


Accompanied by a killing sound, Di Wu turned his palm into a fist, and his body was filled with mist bursting, especially the fist was even more brilliant, and his divine power collapsed.


The double halberds of King Tianpeng made a trembling sound, and every inch of space shattered wherever it passed.

The two upper gods, true gods, fought for most of the day, and they couldn't tell the outcome.

Because the realm of both sides is the same, the strength is close.

"Unexpectedly, there are still such powerful masters in the alliance army.

Easy to provoke! "

All the creatures around who watched the excitement looked a little different.

"Big Brother Tianpeng, I'll help you!"

Among the army of the Jinpeng tribe, another big man with a tall stature and long hair shawl came out, who was also a high-ranking god.

The Jinpeng Clan, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, besides the six superpowers, is considered a very powerful race.

There are two real gods in the clan!


The two high-ranking gods of the Jinpeng clan, the true gods, came to Di Wu at the same time.

"You actually hit one of two, it's too despicable!"

Di Wu was frightened and angry.

"Hmph, is there any reason to deal with the remnants of your alliance army!"

The newly joined patriarch of Jinpeng, a strong man, sneered.

"Go to another one and fight with them."

In the battleship, Lin Fei said lightly.


Immediately, there is another upper god, true god, rushing out of the battleship and joining the battle.

The two masters of the Jinpeng clan looked very ugly.

They originally thought that it was just some remnants left by the Alliance army, and their strength must be very weak and not worth mentioning.

As long as they make a move, they can catch it.

Unexpectedly, there are actually two upper gods, true gods.

This battle was very fierce, causing a large area of ​​chaos to sway.

"Where are the remnants of the Alliance Army!

The astronomical army is coming!

Don't hurry out and die! "

Suddenly, in the chaotic void in the distance, a large army came from afar, aggressively.

In an instant, this army came to the front.

Military flags are fluttering, swords and guns are like forest, murderous.

"Brothers of the Celestial Clan, the remnants of the Alliance army are here, come and help!"

The two masters of the Jinpeng clan have been invincible for a long time, and are already a bit irritable. When they see the reinforcements, they can't help but be overjoyed.

The Celestial Clan is also a very powerful race.

There is a true **** in the clan.

It is said that the Celestial Elephant Clan has taken refuge in the Demon Capital and has become a subsidiary force of the Demon Capital.

Obviously, this time, the army of the Celestial Elephants, like the army of the Jinpeng clan, wanted to chase down the remnants of the Alliance army and strive for meritorious service.


Among the celestial elephant tribe's army, a tall and fat old man, holding a giant stick in both hands, came more and more.

"The remnants of the alliance army, come and die!"

The old man shouted in awe-inspiring manner.

In the battleship.

"Go out and fight with him."

Lin Fei waved.

Immediately, one of Lin Fei's superior gods, the true god, rushed out and fought against the fat old man of the Celestial Elephant clan.

"Another high-level god, true god!"

All around, the faces of the onlookers changed.

You know, for most forces in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, it is already very rare to have a true god.

To be able to have a high-level god, the true god, is already considered a big clan.

"The mad lion army is coming, where are the remnants of the alliance army, all get out and die!"

There is another big army coming fiercely.

The mad lion clan, in the boundless chaos, is also a very famous race.

There is a true **** in the clan.

The mad lion clan has already taken refuge in the magic capital.

"The White Tiger army is coming, where are the remnants of the Alliance army!"

In the other direction, another army came with murderous aura.

The White Tiger tribe, similar to the Mad Lion tribe, is also a very powerful race in the boundless Chaos Sea.

"The Tianhe tribe army is coming!"

"The army of the Black Wind World Group is coming!"

"The army of the world group is coming!"


Next, there were more than twenty armies in a row, coming at the same time.

These forces are all affiliated forces of the five superpowers. Hearing the news, one by one is scrambling to encircle and suppress the remnants of the Alliance forces.

Of course, the purpose is to show good and meritorious service to the five superpowers.

More than a dozen armies, densely packed, surrounded in all directions, encircling the warships of the Alliance army.

"The remnants of the Alliance army, all get out and die!"

"Haha..., are you scared to pee!"


More than 20 armies, crowded and powerful, shouted scolding one after another.

"This time, the remnants of these alliance forces, no matter how strong they are, they will not escape the fate of destruction!"

"Not bad.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. These remnants of the Alliance army, although they still possess amazing strength.

However, facing the encirclement and suppression of so many powerful forces, there is no chance of winning at all. "


All the surrounding creatures are discussing, not optimistic about the alliance army.

"Well, it's almost there. We can harvest a large number of slaves again." In the battleship, Lin Fei was very satisfied, stood up, and said with a smile.

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