Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3586: A nest

"Master, let's kill it!"

The **** slaves under Lin Fei couldn't help one by one, and they called for battle.

"Leader, these mobs, we don't have to be afraid at all, let them teach them a little bit!"

Those high-level leaders of the leader's army are also unable to hold them.

Only the zodiac signs, listless, as if watching a group of children playing games.

Each of them is a half-step master god.

The twelve add up to equal one main god.

For the twelve of them, these people outside can be wiped out.

"There is no need to fight them.

Our real opponents are the five superpowers, so why waste time?

What's more, these people will soon become their own. Once they fight, it won't be good to hurt anyone. "

Lin Fei smiled.

When the senior leaders of the Alliance Army heard it, they knew that Lin Fei was going to take the gods outside as slaves.

As a result, no one asked for another fight.

Everyone has seen Lin Fei's ability a long time ago.

Even the upper gods, true gods, can be taken as slaves.

The gods outside were just sent to be slaves.

There is really no need to waste time fighting.

Lin Fei led a large number of people and slowly walked out of the warship.

This time, Lin Fei did not intend to hide his true identity.

In these years, the creatures in the boundless chaotic sea thought that Lin Fei was dead.

This time, Lin Fei's birth turned out to be a sensation.

Of course Lin Fei knew this too.

However, Lin Fei wanted this effect.

The statue master in the Valley of the Fallen God had already stated clearly that Lin Fei should establish his own power and fight for hegemony in the boundless Chaos Sea.

Therefore, Lin Fei chose high profile!

Under the leadership of Lin Fei, tens of thousands of gods came out of the warship.

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back, stepping in the chaotic void.

In the rear, tens of thousands of gods, fan-shaped, followed Lin Fei.

Tens of thousands of gods, at the same time, released rolling divine power, rumbling into the distant chaotic void, spreading out.

Hundreds of thousands of miles in the void are shaking.

All the creatures around who watched the excitement were frightened and trembling, their legs and feet weak.


Doesn’t it mean that the Alliance Army has been united by the five superpowers and eliminated most of them?

It's scary to have so many gods!

This is tens of thousands of gods! "

"So many gods, no less than the five superpowers!"


Shocked discussions continued to sound.

The previous contempt, underestimation, ridicule, no more.

Every creature's eyes became horrified.

"You are so bold, you dare to provoke the Alliance army."

Lin Fei stood in front of tens of thousands of gods with his hands on his back, glanced slowly, and said in a loud voice.

Around, there are more than twenty large armies, and every member's face is a bit ugly.

Because these two dozen armies are large in number.

However, adding up, the number of gods is only two to three thousand.

Moreover, most of them are ordinary gods.

Both the number and the strength are far inferior to the tens of thousands of gods in the alliance army.

The difference in strength is too great!

"How come back to this?!"

The leaders of the twenty-odd army were a little dumbfounded.

To be honest, they and the Alliance Army did not have any direct hatred.

They rushed in just to perform meritorious service, planning to siege the remnants of the Alliance army.

Originally, they thought that it was just the remnants of some Alliance troops, it should be a trivial matter.

But now, they realized that they were wrong.

It was so wrong.

There are tens of thousands of gods!

How can I fight this!

"Why don't you speak anymore.

Just now, didn't you yell that our Alliance army should get out and die.

Now we are out. "

Lin Fei said lightly, with a hint of joking at the corner of her mouth.

"Lin Fei!

You are Lin Fei, the leader of the Alliance Army!


Aren't you dead?

How can you still be alive? ! "

Finally, a creature recognized Lin Fei and screamed in horror.

All creatures know that Lin Fei is the leader of the alliance army, and even the soul of the alliance army.

I heard that after Lin Fei's death, everyone's impression of the Alliance Army plummeted.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei suddenly appeared now.

"The big thing is not good, Lin Fei is still alive!"

The leaders of the twenty-odd army, their expressions changed drastically, staring at Lin Fei with vigilant eyes.

At the beginning, Lin Fei led the Alliance army to destroy the strongholds of the five superpowers one after another, beheaded countless gods, and shocked the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

It can be said that Lin Fei is a well-known figure in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Attention everyone, prepare to retreat!"

Every leader person secretly sends a voice transmission to his army.

Soon, a large army began to retreat quietly.

"Since I'm here, I don't have to go.

Take it all for me! "

Lin Fei sneered and gave an order.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's **** slaves, and all the horses of the alliance army, rushed out in all directions to contain them.

"Run away!"

After discovering Lin Fei, the leaders of the more than twenty armies had no fighting spirit at all. They yelled one by one, turned and fled.

"Hey, in front of me, don't even try to escape."

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

Divine consciousness perceives it from afar, and tightly locks every **** in the more than twenty armies.


Mind moved.

Exercising heart swordsmanship.



There were screams in this chaotic void.

The gods who were running desperately, all of a sudden, spurted blood, fell into the void, struggling with pain.

Lin Fei's **** slaves and the gods of the alliance army rushed forward, and brought back the screaming gods one by one like a chicken.

Lin Fei's heart swordsmanship is so fast.

No **** has a chance to escape!

After a while.

Among them, there are more than a dozen high-ranking gods, true gods, who are very powerful.

Lin Fei had no choice but to reward them with more heart swordsmanship, which made them dying and almost fell on the spot.

At last.

In front of Lin Fei, lay two to three thousand pale gods, one by one looking at Lin Fei with horror.

"This time, the harvest was pretty good."

Lin Fei was in a very good mood.

All of these gods in front of them have already turned to the five super powers.

Unexpectedly, I was caught by myself.

"Bring them back to the warship, I will deal with them slowly."

Lin Fei said.


The **** slaves under Lin Fei, and the gods of the Alliance army, rushed forward one by one, performed secret techniques, directly sealed the two or three thousand seriously injured gods, and then brought them into the battleship.

"In the future, dare to offend the Alliance army, they are just an example."

Lin Fei glanced sharply, glanced around at the lively creatures around, and said lightly.   Then, with his hands on his back, slowly walked into the warship.

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