Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3587: Advanced use of the secret method of the puppet thread

The battleship formation of the Alliance Army set sail again, like an endless cloud, moving quickly to the chaotic void ahead.

This time, there were no more creatures who dared to follow.

What happened just now makes every creature feel chills in the heart.

More than twenty troops came to provoke, two or three thousand gods, they were so defeated.

So many gods, all were arrested, and none of them survived!

As for those who can escape, they are all shrimp soldiers and crabs, not worth mentioning.

"Lin Fei is not dead yet!

The alliance army has not been destroyed at all!

This is a big deal!

The boundless sea of ​​chaos, and there is fun to watch! "

Some creatures could not help but sigh as they watched the departure of the Alliance battleship formation.

"From the perspective of scale, the Alliance Army can indeed counter the five superpowers.

However, it is a pity that the five superpowers all have the main gods.

Regardless of how powerful the Alliance army is, in front of the Lord God, it is simply not enough. "

"Yes, the true foundation of the five superpowers should be the main gods.

If the alliance army continues to provoke the five superpowers, the final fate will definitely be annihilation. "

There are also many creatures, shaking their heads and sighing.

Two or three thousand captured gods were also escorted into the battleship where Lin Fei was.

Lin Fei was naturally unceremonious, using the secret method of the puppet's thread to take these gods into slaves.

After a long time.

Lin Fei successfully took more than two thousand gods into slaves.

In a secret room inside the warship.

"The secret method of the puppet thread is really amazing."

Lin Fei sits round, looking inwardly at his sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there are illusory red silk threads extending into the void, gradually becoming lighter, until they disappear.

These red silk threads are naturally the threads of the puppets, and the other end of each thread of the puppets is connected to the soul body of a slave.

Relying on the secret method of the puppet line, Lin Fei has controlled more than 20,000 gods.

Lin Fei himself was amazed by the powerful power of this secret method.

"My current cultivation base on the secret technique of Puppet Line is definitely much stronger than any master of the Soul Race.

However, there is one thing that I cannot figure out.

When I first started practicing the Puppet Thread Secret Technique, the information I got from the Soul Race was that the more slaves I controlled, the greater the benefits of my own divine consciousness.

Even, I can use the divine consciousness of those slaves at any time for my use.

My divine consciousness has indeed become stronger and stronger.

However, I have not been able to use the divine consciousness of the slaves under me. What is going on? "

Lin Fei thought of this question in his heart.

Be puzzled.

"By the way, find a soul clan to ask, maybe there is an answer."

Lin Fei said to himself.

So, Lin Fei thought.

A gray shadow that was constantly twisting and changing appeared in front of Lin Fei.

"Xun Xiaozhu, tell me what the **** is going on.

Didn’t you say that I can share the spirit energy of every slave through the secret method of the puppet thread, and even can absorb and refine and become my own spirit energy!

Why can't I do it. "

Lin Fei looked at the gray shadow in front of him and asked.

This gray shadow is a soul clan called Soul Xiaozhu.

The secret technique of the puppet's thread practiced by Lin Fei was learned from this little soul Zhu!

It can be said that this Xiaozhu Soul was the first slave Lin Fei conquered and the first soul race.

However, his strength was too weak for Lin Fei now.

Therefore, Lin Fei has almost forgotten him.

"Master, the secret method of the puppet thread passed down in my blood is indeed recorded in this way.

It's just that my strength is too weak.

I have no ability to reach this step myself.

So, I don’t know why you can’t do it, Master.

I'm useless, please master to condemn me. "

Hun Xiaozhu said cautiously.

"Well, since you don't know, I don't blame you."

Lin Fei nodded.

That's right, the strength of this Soul Xiaozhu is too weak. It is estimated that he belongs to an insignificant little figure in the Soul Race.

Although he has practiced the secret method of the puppet's thread, he is only just getting started, and he has only a little knowledge of this secret method.

"Yamazaki, come out and answer."

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and another soul race was sent out.

"See the master."

A strange man appeared in front of Lin Fei and saluted respectfully.

This monster man was also a spirit race, a spirit race that Lin Fei had previously conquered in the heaven and human world.

Have the strength of Heavenly Wonderland.

Of course, the Heavenly Wonderland, for Lin Fei now, was ridiculously small.

This Yamazaki called himself a disciple who couldn't grow up.

No way, is the most powerful master in Alien Space.

This Yamazaki can become an impossible disciple. It is estimated that his status in the soul race should be very good.

"Master, practice the secret method of the puppet's thread to reach a certain level, and you can indeed use the spirit energy of each slave for your own use.

It can even absorb the soul energy of refining slaves and become its own soul energy.

However, the puppet's thread secret method is the companion secret method of the soul race.

The many subtle usages and advanced secrets contained in the Puppet Thread Secret Technique are automatically born out of the blood after the strength reaches a certain level.

Master, you have the soul tree and soul dragon, and you can practice the secret technique of puppet thread.

However, after all, the master does not have the inheritance blood of our soul race, so even if the puppet's thread secret method is cultivated to the most powerful realm, there is no way to automatically give birth to those subtle uses and advanced secret techniques from the blood. "

Yamazaki replied.

He really knew the reason.

"It turns out that those advanced usages in the secret method of the Puppet's Thread were automatically born from the blood of your soul race."

Lin Fei frowned.

It seemed that the heritage of the soul race was the key.

He really doesn't have the heritage of the soul race.

"So, don't I have no chance to obtain those advanced usages in the secret technique of Puppet Thread?"

Lin Fei was a little disappointed.

"Master, don't be disappointed, you have a chance."

Yamazaki replied.

"Oh! What chance, say it!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

"It's very simple.

Go find those god-level masters in our soul clan.

I have heard that in our soul clan, only those gods are able to automatically give birth to some advanced uses of the secret method of the puppet thread from the inherited bloodline.

Master, if you can find the **** masters in our soul race and ask them, it is possible to get those advanced usages. "

Yamazaki said.

"Yes indeed!

I'm going to catch a few spirit masters of the soul race, isn't it all right! "

Lin Fei suddenly realized.

"Master, those advanced uses of the Puppet's Thread are actually hidden deep in the blood of our soul race. Only when the strength is strong to a certain degree, will they be born automatically.

It's complicated to say, but I think that those advanced usages should also be some special tricks, which can be learned. "

Yamazaki said.

Yamazaki is a disciple who cannot be grown up. He has a certain status in the alien space. Therefore, what he said should have a certain basis.

"Well, there is a chance, I must go to meet the gods of your soul race for a while!"

Lin Fei was a little excited. I have subdued so many **** slaves, once I can use the spirit energy of these **** slaves, it will be a burst of energy, what a huge and terrifying energy!

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