Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3593: Sword Temple

"Lin Fei, can you walk with us in the Ice Palace?"

Wang Chan asked suddenly.

Just after speaking, her pink face was already flushed.

"Walk with you..."

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"is it not OK?"

Wang Chan's gaze flashed a hint of disappointment.

She finally took the courage and took the initiative to contact Lin Fei. If she was rejected, it would be a big blow to her.

After all, Lin Fei's current status and status are different from before, and it is possible to ignore her.


Seeing the disappointment in Wang Chan's eyes, Lin Fei agreed.

Just take a walk, why refuse such a simple request.


Lin Fei, go, I will take you to the various planes of the Ice Palace, have a good time.

I have lived here for a long time and I am very familiar with it. "

Seeing Lin Fei's promise, Wang Chan couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Sister Yu, let's go."

Wang Chan was overjoyed and immediately led Lin Fei to set off.

So the three left the palace together.

Wang Chan and Wang Yu, with Lin Fei, were playing around in the Ice Palace.

The Ice Palace is a world group with a very large scale, with nearly two thousand planes.

Wang Chan and Wang Yu have lived in the Ice Palace for a long time, and they are naturally very familiar.

Especially Wang Chan, one of the core disciples of the Ice Palace, one of the Ice Goddess, knows many secrets of the Ice Palace.

"Lin Fei, the Ice Palace is a plane with a very ancient heritage.

It is said that the ancestor of the Ice Palace already existed at the beginning of the opening of the Boundless Chaos Sea.

In the primitive era, he belonged to the big man who crushed the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

However, later, passed down from generation to generation, the strength of the Ice Palace became weaker and weaker.

When I first became the Ice Goddess, I swore that I would fight for the re-emergence of the Ice Palace in this life. "

Wang Chan walked beside Lin Fei, very happy, twittering, and constantly said to Lin Fei.

The fragrance of young girls kept getting into Lin Fei's nose.

"Hehe, I believe you can do it.

Come on. "

Lin Fei smiled.

Lin Fei felt that Wang Chan seemed to be much more optimistic and cheerful than before.

Lin Fei is naturally happy to see friends happy.

You know, Lin Fei met Wang Chan when he was in Yuanwu Realm, and later met Wang Chan again in the Sage Continent.

Between the two, they are old acquaintances.

"Hey, Lin Fei, it would be great if I had your skills.

It is certain that the Ice Palace can rise again in the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

Wang Chan sighed.

"Then you work hard.

I believe that with your qualifications and intelligence, one day, you will be better than me. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Cut, don't lie to me.

How could I be as powerful as you? I am just an ordinary lower god, not even a true god.

But you can play against the half-step main god.

You are much stronger than me!

Alas, I think at the beginning, in Yuanwu Realm, we met for the first time in the sunset mountains. I was much better than you. "

When Wang Chan recalled the past, he felt a little sigh.

However, after speaking, her face suddenly turned red, and even her neck was flushed.

Because she suddenly remembered.

When she met Lin Fei for the first time in the sunset mountains, she was punched by Lin Fei and all her clothes were shattered.

Then, I was seen out!

At almost the same time, Lin Fei also recalled the first time when he met Wang Chan.

And that embarrassing scene.

At that time, I was really young and impulsive.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

At this moment, Wang Chan noticed the smile on Lin Fei's mouth.

"This guy must have remembered that shameful scene!"

Wang Chan couldn't help but itchy with hate.

However, at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart.

You know, she is deeply rooted in Lin Fei's affection, recalling the past with Lin Fei, can't help but have a sweet taste.

Along the way, Wang Yu was very quiet, spoke less, and followed him quietly.

However, her pair of wonderful eyes also peeked at Lin Fei from time to time.

It was a pleasure to have two beautiful women traveling all the way.

Wang Chan and Wang Yu led Lin Fei in and out of different planes, while explaining to Lin Fei interesting anecdotes related to these planes.

"Hey? What's the matter with this plane?

There is no ice law at all, but there is a strong sword aura.

In the Ice Palace, there is such a strange plane unexpectedly. "

Suddenly, there was a plane that attracted Lin Fei's attention.

This plane, the weather is severe, filled with a lot of sword aura, and at the same time, it gives people an ancient, mottled atmosphere.

What surprised Lin Fei even more was that Lin Fei's divine consciousness could be sensed, and in the starry sky of this plane, there were faint shadows of sword repairs moving.

These sword repairs are just some imprints of time, but they exude a palpable sword intent.

Sword Qi, densely packed, like a school of fish swimming in the deep sea, cutting vertically and horizontally in the starry sky of the universe.

"These sword auras are not simple!"

Lin Fei was secretly surprised.

Every sword aura seemed to contain supreme magical powers, various sword moves, and murderous aura.

Any sword aura has the aura of dominance and wildness, and it is invincible.

In these sword auras, there are countless kendo comprehensions, utmost principles, and key points.

"Here is simply a heaven for Jian Xiu.

A sword cultivator, if given the opportunity, cultivating here can definitely make huge progress. "

Lin Fei exclaimed.

In fact, Lin Fei did see that there were quite a few sword repairs, sitting right in the starry sky of this plane, concentrating on kendo.

In the ice palace, the main inheritance is the ice and snow laws.

However, there are also many creatures who practice other types of exercises, such as kendo.

"Lin Fei, this plane is called the ice sword plane.

The ice sword plane is very special in our ice palace.

According to legend, the ice sword plane did not originally belong to our ice palace.

It was before the endless years, the masters who were proficient in kendo, used secret techniques and carried them here.

Therefore, although the Ice Sword plane is located in our Ice Palace, there is no ice law.

On the contrary, it is full of strong sword energy. "

Seeing that Lin Fei was interested in this plane, Wang Chan introduced it immediately.


Is there such a legend? "

Lin Fei was very interested.

"It is said that the master of kendo and the lord of our ice palace are lovers.

He transported the Ice Sword plane to our Ice Palace, and soon after he was seriously injured, he sat down.

And the lord of our ice palace, because of excessive sadness and frustration, directly passed the throne to an ice goddess, and then disappeared.

This allusion is still recorded in the historical records of our Ice Palace. "

Wang Chan gave Lin Fei a detailed explanation.

"So that's the case.

In this plane, there are many imprints of souls left by swordsmanship. At the beginning, there must be many kendo masters. "

Lin Fei sighed.


That building is so curious!

It is actually composed of sword energy! "

Lin Fei's eyes suddenly looked into the depths of the plane. In the depths of the cosmic starry sky, there was a sword-shaped building.

"A building made of sword energy!"

Both Wang Chan and Wang Yu couldn't help but whisper.

"Lin Fei, could it be that you saw the legendary sword temple?!" Wang Chan exclaimed in shock.

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