Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3594: Sword god

"Sword Temple?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

I saw that the sword-shaped building looked very strange and sharp.

Every brick, every tile, is constructed of sword energy twisted together.

These sword auras seemed to be living creatures, and countless sword auras were creeping.

Therefore, the whole building looks like a living thing.

Every sword aura radiated, and the creepy will and the belief in swordsmanship seemed to be indelible forever.

Moreover, Lin Fei also found that those squirming sword auras faintly made some unwilling sorrows.

"Take revenge! The **** sea of ​​revenge must be revenge!..."

These voices are ferocious, unwilling, hoarse.

The space around the sword-shaped building is cut and sneered, fragmented, forming a bizarre scene, which is amazing.

Lin Fei briefly described the appearance of the building to Wang Chan and Wang Yu.

"Yes, it's the Sword Temple.

Lin Fei, unexpectedly, you can actually see the sword temple!

Could it be that you are destined? "

Both Wang Chan and Wang Yu were very shocked, their beautiful eyes staring at Lin Fei.

"A destined person, what do you mean by this?"

Lin Fei asked quickly.

"It is said that back then, that kendo master, before dying, left his lifelong kendo cultivation in this ice sword plane, which can be obtained by future generations.

According to the last words of the kendo master before his death, one of the most basic requirements for obtaining his lifelong kendo cultivation is to be able to see the sword shrine.

His lifelong kendo cultivation is in the sword shrine. "

Wang Chan explained to Lin Fei.

She is a goddess of ice and knows many secrets in the ice palace.

"It's just that, for a long time, in our ice palace, there have been countless sword repairs. From generation to generation, they have entered this ice sword plane, wanting to find the sword shrine, so as to obtain the sword master, the remaining swordsmanship of life. Repair for.

However, no sword repairer could find the sword shrine.

Even, there are many sword repairs who questioned the legend after many attempts to no avail, it is possible that it is false.

Lin Fei, unexpectedly, as soon as you arrived, you found the sword temple! "

Wang Chan exclaimed.

"So that's the case.

It seems that my luck is pretty good. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but said with a smile after hearing what Wang Chan said.

Lin Fei estimated that it was possible that his divine consciousness was too powerful, comparable to a half-step master god.

Moreover, he was above the swordsmanship, and he was definitely much stronger than all the sword repairs in the ice palace.

Therefore, the sword repairs in the Ice Palace were unable to find the sword temple.

And as soon as I arrived, I found the sword temple.

"Lin Fei, since you found the Sword Temple, then hurry over.

Entering the sword shrine, it is possible to obtain the kendo master's lifelong kendo training! "

Wang Chan excitedly urged Lin Fei.


Since I am a destined person, I will go in and try. "

Lin Fei was also interested, and immediately strode towards the sword temple.

After a few steps, Lin Fei came to the sword temple.

Wang Chan and Wang Yu followed closely.

"Sure enough, it is the Sword Temple, which is recorded in the historical records in the Ice Palace, exactly the same!"

Finally, Wang Chan and Wang Yu also saw the sword temple in front of them.

"This is the legendary sword shrine. Unexpectedly, it's true!

And, right in front of us! "

Both Wang Chan and Wang Yu were very shocked.

"Go, let's go in and take a look."

Lin Fei stepped up and walked towards the door of the sword temple.

Wang Chan and Wang Yu quickly followed.



A series of fierce and terrifying sword auras, like a rainstorm, shot towards Wang Chan and Wang Yu.

The two men couldn't help being shocked.

These sword auras contained very clever kendo laws and terrifying energy, which the two of them could not resist.

Even evasion can't be done.

Because, at this moment, the two of them realized that they had been sealed.

"Be careful!"

Lin Fei took a shot, flicked his sleeves, rolled up the two of them, performed the reincarnation secret technique, and instantly moved away from the sword temple.

"Lin Fei, those sword auras only attack the two of us, but not you.

It seems that the sword temple only recognizes you, not the two of us.

So, we still don't go in.

Lest you have to be distracted to take care of us.

Go in by yourself. "

Wang Chan said to Lin Fei.

Wang Yu also nodded.

Just now, the two of them felt the smell of death, and now looking back, they still have lingering fears.


Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

So Lin Fei turned around and strode towards the sword temple.

Sure enough, Lin Fei walked directly into the sword temple without any attack.

Walking into the sword temple, there is a large square in front of you.

In the square, there are thousands of altars.

On each altar table, there are full of spiritual cards.

Every spiritual card exhales a strong, sharp sword aura.

Even Lin Fei saw that above each of the spirit cards, there was a phantom of sword repair suspended, standing with a sword, sword energy soaring into the sky.

"This this……"

Faced with so many spirit cards, for a while, Lin Fei felt a little numb.

In fact, for Lin Fei, who had experienced countless corpses and blood, even if there were hundreds of thousands of corpses stacked in front of him, it was nothing.

However, each of these spiritual cards in front of them represents a sword repair.

These sword repairs, all are in the realm of gods!

In other words, there are tens of thousands of swordsman gods here!

The combat effectiveness of Jian Xiu is generally more powerful than other warriors in the same realm.

The combat power of the kendo gods is also stronger than other gods in the same realm.

Now, tens of thousands of swordsman gods have fallen here.

"Hey, there are handwritings on every spiritual card."

Lin Fei suddenly moved in his heart and glanced over.

"I, Mu Ziping, wielded a sword to walk the world all his life, eliminate evil and defend the way, support justice, and finally become a **** with the sword."

Lin Fei saw that a nearby spiritual tablet was carved with such words.

Although only a few sentences, it outlines the life of the master of this spiritual card.

Lin Fei looked at the other spirit tablets again.

"I come from a family of swordsmanship. I practiced swords since I was a child. I have been obsessed with swordsmanship all my life.

I am happy and enmity in my life. Whenever I encounter unpleasant things in the world, I will cut it with one sword. "

"I live by the sword. I like to be quiet all my life. I search all the world's famous swords and live alone in a house."


On each of the spirit cards, there are a few sentences describing the deeds of the spirit card master before his life, very concise.

However, from it, it seems that people can see a living sword god, deducting their wonderful life.


There is an offering table in the middle with only one spiritual card on it? "   Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart moved, and he looked at the center of the square, where there was an offering table with only one spiritual card.

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