Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3599: Six masters

Lin Fei lifted the weight lightly and defeated two high-ranking gods in a row. This scene caused every member of the six superpowers to be cold.

"Let's do it together and kill him!"

The Western Holy See, a real god, shouted.


Among the six superpowers, more than a dozen high-level gods rushed out to kill Lin Fei.


More than a dozen high-level gods and true gods attacked Lin Fei together, attacking with energy one after another, like a stormy sea.

The void is annihilated, everything is destroyed!

Hh hh...

Suddenly, thousands of bright sword auras appeared around Lin Fei's body.

Every sword aura is extremely sharp, constantly squirming, cutting the space into a sneer.

Lin Fei waved his hand, and all the sword energy was slashed out.


The sharp and incomparable sword aura, like a meteor shower, is outrageous, sharp and domineering.

"Be careful!"

The expressions of the dozen or so high-ranking gods who had killed Lin Fei changed wildly.

These terrifying sword auras made them feel the crisis.


More than a dozen high-ranking gods, true gods, tried their best to resist the continuous rain of sword aura that kept beheading them, making bursts of crisp metal crashing sound.

In the chaos and void, Lin Fei carried his hands on his back and used his mind to drive countless sword auras, constantly attacking the dozen high-level gods.

Appears casual and leisurely.

On the other hand, the dozen or so high-ranking gods, true gods, were all in a mess, forced to retreat constantly by the sharp sword aura.

These are more than a dozen high-level gods, and at this moment, how weak they look in front of Lin Fei.

"How is it possible that a junior kid who has practiced kendo to such a level can easily suppress more than a dozen high-ranking gods and true gods, which is simply appalling."

The heart of every creature was very shocked.


Suddenly, Lin Fei said softly.

call out!

Thousands of thousands of sword auras suddenly moved closer together to form a huge sword.

This giant sword contains the purest sword civilization, sword faith, sword power...

This sword is hundreds of millions of feet long!


The huge sword was raised, towards the dozen or so upper gods in front of the true gods, and slashed across it.

In front of this giant sword, time and space are like tofu, which is easily cut open.

"Roar, Lin Fei, I'm fighting with you!"

A dozen high-level gods, true gods, were all driven into anxiousness, as if they were crazy, performing all kinds of the most powerful secret techniques, bursting out the most powerful energy.

However, it was useless.

Before this great sword, everything seemed so fragile.

Click click...

The bodies of more than a dozen high-level gods were cut off at almost the same time.

Even their soul bodies were also affected by the sword aura, and they almost disappeared.

With one sword, more than a dozen high-level gods can be cut at the same time!

All the creatures who witnessed the power of this sword couldn't help but gasp.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this, too domineering!"

Even the zodiac signs are secretly speechless.

"Leader is too powerful!"

The troops of the Alliance couldn't help cheering.

"Master is mighty! Master is invincible in the world!"

Those **** slaves under Lin Fei were even more flattering, trying to make Lin Fei happy.

The six superpowers were silent.

The combat power displayed by Lin Fei was terrifying.

The upper gods are true gods, in front of Lin Fei, they are as weak as babies.

How can I fight this?

None of the gods of the six superpowers, even the upper gods, dared to provoke Lin Fei.

Everyone understands a truth. When the gap in strength reaches a certain level, it is difficult to make up for it by quantity.

What's more, there are more gods on the side of the alliance.

"I'll repeat it again. I immediately kneel down and confess my guilt. Maybe I can consider giving you a way out.

Otherwise, no one should want to leave alive. "

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back, with a plain gaze, slowly scanning the six superpowers.

All of a sudden.

In this vast chaotic void, the atmosphere fell into dead silence.


Suddenly, in an atmosphere of dead silence, applause sounded.

"Wonderful, really wonderful.

Lin Fei, I have to admit that you are indeed a rare evildoer.

No wonder, at a young age, you can make such a big noise. "

A voice sounded, and in front of the camp of the Demon Capital Army, an old demon with golden horns walked out of the void.

"Lin Fei, you are really fateful, but I clearly see that you are completely destroyed.

Unexpectedly, you are still alive.

It really makes me wonder! "

In front of the camp of the Demon Capital Army, a tall old demon with a cyan skin slowly emerged.

"Lin Fei, you killed so many people in my Western Holy See. Today, prepare to pay the price."

In front of the army of the Western Holy See, a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe, a sturdy body, and a hooked nose and blue eyes came out and stared at Lin Fei sharply.

"Hehe..., Lin Fei, a divine body like yours is our favorite collection in the Divine Corpse Hall.

Today, I want to take your body home. "

In front of the army of the Divine Corpse Hall, a creature enveloped in a dark robe stepped out of the void.

"Lin Fei, your soul belongs to the underworld.

I will definitely ask the Palace Master to take action personally to make your ghost the strongest ghost! "

In front of the army of the underworld, a pale, expressionless old man appeared abruptly.

"Lin Fei, before I came, Tiansangzi told me that he admires you very much. If you are willing to return to Master Tiansangzi, he can keep you safe and even accept you as an apprentice.

The inheritance of Lord Tiansangzi is much more wise than the inheritance of any faction in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Lin Fei, think about it. "

In front of the army of Ji Mie Ling, a thin, withered, cold-eyed old man walked out of the void.

A total of six masters suddenly appeared.

Six are half-step master gods!

The six and a half steps of the main gods all locked Lin Fei's breath.

"Lin Fei, Master Tiansangzi said, as long as you return to our nirvana ridge, the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, no one can move your hair."

The thin and withered old man standing in front of the Nirvana Ridge army spoke again.

His long, half-black and half-white hair was dangled, his eyes were bright and his pupils were sharp, and when he looked closely, it was actually a silver cross.


Silence Hill, so majestic.

Don't be afraid, the wind flashes your tongue! "

The words of the old man in Nirvana Hill made the faces of the half-step master gods of the other five superpowers very ugly.

"The people we want to protect in Nirvana Hill naturally can't move anyone."

The thin old man in Ji Mie Ling smiled coldly and appeared very confident.

"Lin Fei, the opportunity is right in front of you, take it well.

To tell you the truth, Lord Tiansangzi's background is beyond your imagination.

Lord Tiansangzi, can give you an extremely brilliant future. "The thin old man said.

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