Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3600: One enemy six


Lin Fei suddenly laughed.

"Unexpectedly, Tiansangzi has a good impression of me!

However, what is his virtue and ability, he wants me to submit to him, does he have the qualifications.

I have a word I want you to take back to him. If he is willing to submit to me, I can consider and accept him. "

Lin Fei laughed and said, his tone was extremely arrogant.


Lin Fei, since you want to die, no one can save you! "

The skinny old man at Ji Mie Ling suddenly sank.

"Fight if you want, or get out if you don't, stop talking nonsense!"

Lin Fei stepped forward and shouted coldly.

"Let me see if you have any arrogant confidence!"

The slender old man in Nirvana Hill stepped forward and started directly.

"Old stuff, just come and try!"

Lin Fei did not flinch, and greeted him with a roar.

Last time, Lin Fei had already played against the half-step master master of Nirvana Ridge.

The result was a tie.

Therefore, Lin Fei had no fear of the half-step main god.


Between the two, a shocking battle broke out.

The two are too strong. For a time, they beat hundreds of thousands of miles into the void, swaying, and the law of the sky is intertwined, running through time and space.

Above Lin Fei's body, there was a layer of sharp sword aura light curtain, and between his gestures, a series of terrifying sword lights were cut out, dazzling.

Heart Swordsmanship, Reincarnation Secrets, Tai Last Zhoutian Induction, Flying Swordsmanship, Tianjin Clan’s Inheritance Secrets...

Each of them is a secret technique that is so powerful that it is infinitely powerful.

The slender old man in Nirvana Hill was also very tough.

The thick black smoke that was released, turned into a vast sea of ​​smoke, and enveloped Lin Fei.

This is Lin Fei's second time, facing the half-step master god.


Lin Fei was violent.

"Lin Fei, your background is still a little worse after all. Today, I must kill you!"

Shouted the thin old man in Nieling Ridge.

"Old things, don't talk big, today, I should kill you!"

Lin Fei was also shouting.

Both sides have red eyes, and the fight is inextricable.

Lin Fei's body sprayed endless sword aura, like a hedgehog that would glow.

The thin old man in Ji Mie Ling, among the silver pupils, continuously flew out a series of silver crosses, splitting the chaotic void, and the silver light shone, creating a terrifying scene of destruction.


During the fierce battle, a silver cross cut through Lin Fei's body, cutting Lin Fei in half!


The body of the skinny old man in Ji Mie Ling exploded almost at the same time, turning into blood and bones.

Because the heart sword, flying swordsmanship, and hundreds of golden spears hit his body at the same time.

On both sides, there is a taste of death.

It's just that this little damage is nothing to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was cut into four halves and instantly reorganized.

And that thin old man in Nirvana Ridge, as a half-step master god, couldn't fall so easily.

In an instant, he reorganized his body and appeared in front of Lin Fei.

However, it seemed that he was injured and seemed to be heavier than Lin Fei.

Lin Fei has a perverted body that is almost immortal.

However, this thin old man in Nirvana Hill did not.

Although he reorganized his body in an instant, he still suffered some injuries.

"Everyone, what are you waiting for.

To be honest, I can't kill Lin Fei by myself.

Unless we work together. "

The thin old man in Nirvana Hill looked at the half-step master **** master of the other five superpowers and said coldly.

"Lin Fei is too enchanting. If you don't get rid of him, it will always be a huge hidden danger to our six super powers."

The thin old man continued.

"Okay, let's do it together to get rid of Lin Fei!"

The other five half-step master gods looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Lin Fei, take my life!"

The green old demon roared and shot first.

Seeing his hands together, a huge magic furnace rushed out of his magic body, releasing the billowing magic energy.

The mouth of the demon furnace aimed at Lin Fei, spraying out a long river of laws composed of demon runes, blasting towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei waved his hand and greeted him with a huge sword.


The magic furnace and the giant sword collided, shattering the void and reversing time and space.


At this time, the half-step master **** of the underworld took the opportunity to make a move, and a pale white coffin flew out and smashed towards Lin Fei.


Lin Fei opened his mouth and rushed up with a flying sword, blocking the coffin.


A black palace spraying with corpse aura, rising up into the wind from the size of a fist, was instantly filled with a large chaotic void.

The door of the black palace opened, and thousands of corpses of gods came out continuously from the black palace.

The eyes of these gods are open, and their eyeballs are constantly turning.

Actually, it seems that I have spiritual wisdom!


Thousands of corpses of gods came to Lin Fei at the same time.


Did your **** corpse temple actually work out a way to let the **** corpse regenerate spiritual wisdom? !

This, how is this possible! "

The half-step main **** of the underworld, looking at the corpses that seemed to possess sagacity, shouted palely.

You know, let the corpse rebirth spiritual wisdom, this kind of experiment has been carried out in the underworld for endless years.

As a result, the underworld can only allow some corpses with lower realm strength to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

Far from it, let a god-level corpse reborn spiritual wisdom!

"Hmph, some dead bodies, I am ashamed to show them off!"

With a wave of Lin Fei, dozens of golden spears shot out.


The corpses of gods are constantly exploding.

"Lin Fei, try my demon sword!"

The golden horned old demon of the demon clan made a move, took out an odd-shaped scimitar, and slashed at Lin Fei.

The bright blade light across the sky, seems to be able to cut through everything.

The magnificent ghost world phantoms constantly rise from the monster sword, making the monster sword extremely heavy, crushing hundreds of thousands of miles of chaos and void, with a terrifying aura.

"Lin Fei, you have committed many evil deeds against our Western Holy See. Today, it is going to be liquidated!"

The half-step master **** of the Western Holy See has also taken action.

Among his fists, each holding a crystal ball, emitting a thick white mist, condensed into two white dragons, roaring and killing Lin Fei.

The six and a half steps of the main gods all shot.

One by one, they were aggressive, each performing their tricks, and moving forward.

Six and a half steps of the main gods simultaneously shot to deal with a younger generation boy. Such a shocking scene is estimated to be unique in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Well, today, let's have a good time!"

Lin Fei didn't show any fear, on the contrary, his fighting spirit was boiling and he roared with excitement.

All kinds of secret techniques are displayed in turn.

"This kid, you must not stay!"

"kill him!"


The six half-step main gods are all murderous, and they never leave their hands in every move, vowing to put Lin Fei to death and hurry.

"Let's do it.

If this continues, Lin Fei's situation is not good. "The Chinese zodiac signs are talking about each other using the sound transmission.

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