Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3602: Zodiac Hands


The female fetus that the Demon Lord planted in a three-thousand-sized world that year had indeed fallen into the hands of Lin Fei!

No wonder! "

After hearing the words of the Golden Horn Old Demon, the other five and a half-step master gods suddenly realized and thought about it.

In this way, they finally confirmed that Lin Fei really developed the legendary Chaos Heaven and Earth physique.

"Practicing into the physique of Chaos Heaven and Earth can increase the chance of breaking through to the Lord God or even the Chaos God!"

The six and a half steps of the main gods, all of them were extremely envious, their eyes flushed, staring at Lin Fei.

Who wouldn't be jealous of this legendary physique!

"If you eat Lin Fei, you don't know, can you indirectly gain the physique of Chaos Heaven and Earth?"

The cyan old demon, a pair of magic eyes burst out with terrifying greed, muttered to himself.

"Eat Lin Fei!"

When the other five half-step master gods heard the words, their bodies shook at the same time, and they looked at each other.

"Perhaps, there is such a possibility, who knows."

The golden horned old monster even stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. The monsters who were familiar with him knew that the golden horned old monster must be robbing.

In fact, apart from the cyan old demon and the golden horn old demon, the other four half-step master gods also all had malicious intentions.

Perhaps, if you swallow Lin Fei, you can really gain the physique of Chaos World!

Even if you can't get all the characteristics of Chaos Heaven and Earth's physique, only getting some of them is a big profit.

Therefore, at this moment, the six and a half steps of the main gods did not intend to kill Lin Fei.

Instead, they all changed their minds.

Want to devour Lin Fei!

One by one, they stared at Lin Fei with greed and salivation.

"No, these old guys really treat me as a delicious snack and want to eat me!"

Lin Fei got goose bumps all over and felt a little sick.

"Lin Fei, get out!"

The half-step Lord God of the God Corpse Hall, above his head, rushed out a cross with dazzling divine light, bursting with a terrible killing air.


The cross slashed towards Lin Fei, the whole body was bright, and there was a tendency for all laws to be invaded.

The two crystal **** in his hand flew into the air, creating a powerful attraction, and from the depths of the chaotic void, rushing into white rivers.

These rivers are composed of pure power of faith, continuously transmitted from the heavens and worlds, and merged into two crystal balls.


Two crystal **** smashed into Lin Fei.


The cyan old demon attacked at the same time, and his palms kept tapping the huge magic furnace, making a loud and deafening noise, majestic and lingering.

The magic furnace emits chaotic air, and every time it shakes, there is time ripples spreading, and it drops hundreds of millions of magic lights, as if to cut off the long river of years.

"Lin Fei, I still said the same thing, if you are willing to descend, I will kill you to protect you from death!"

The skinny old man in Nirvana Hill shouted.

His breath was peerlessly terrifying, and he released a billowing black mist, causing the surrounding space to continue to crumble.

The six and a half steps of the main gods are more active.

They wanted to take the lead in grabbing Lin Fei.

Then, he swallowed Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was caught in a more dangerous situation, the six and a half steps of the main gods, playing even more crazy than just now.


Lin Fei's body was shattered once again.

His divine soul body directly casts the reincarnation secret technique, wanting to teleport away.


Six and a half steps of the main god, shouting at the same time.

They did their utmost to display all their legal powers to seal this chaotic void.

To prevent Lin Fei's soul body from escaping.

Suddenly, the endless energy of the laws of time and space quickly diffused, covering billions of miles of void and sealing everything.

Lin Fei desperately used the secret technique of reincarnation, and at the same time, he also activated the reincarnation card of the world.

Lin Fei's soul body reluctantly teleported out a distance.

However, at this distance, within six and a half steps of the main god's attack range, a terrifying energy shock wave blasted above Lin Fei's soul body.


Lin Fei's soul body was finally injured.

Coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The spirit body vomits blood, this is the original essence and blood, for a god, it is a real wound.

After Lin Fei's soul body was injured and coughed up blood, he once again used the Secret Technique of Reincarnation and teleported away.


Lin Fei reorganized his body and appeared again.

However, his face was obviously pale.

This showed that Lin Fei was really injured.


Lin Fei coughed up several mouthfuls of blood.

"Lin Fei, you don't make senseless struggles anymore!

Today, you can't escape death! "

The cyan old demon strode towards Lin Fei, his demon body is tall, looks domineering, and his eyes are extremely frightening.

"Lin Fei is injured!

Take this opportunity to kill him! "

The half-step main supernatural power of the Western Holy See is bright, and the whole person is shrouded in a circle of bright divine light, which is very sacred.


He raised the cross, his eyes were sharp as cold, and he rushed towards Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei is injured!

Let's not wait any longer, let's take action. "

Tuntiangou finally decided to take action.

"Do we need to form the Zodiac Array to kill all these six guys?"

Colorful Big Rooster asked.

"No need.

The Zodiac Array is our last trump card, used to deal with the Lord God.

It cannot be exposed too soon. "

Tianguo said.

"It's just a few old guys. Where can I use the Zodiac Array? Let's see how I show my power, Brother Tiger!"

The big tiger had been scratching his fists a long time ago, and his heart itch was hard to scratch. Now he couldn't wait any longer and rushed up first.

"Take me a punch!"

The big tiger roared, shaking the sky.


He slammed his fist, and the runes flowed on top of his fist, and a layer of dazzling light appeared, hitting the cross, and forcibly knocking the cross back and flying back.

It can be described as amazing!

"Take me a few more punches!"

The big tiger thrived, punching again and again, hitting the half-step master **** of the Western Holy See. The style of play was very violent and rough. There were not many skills to speak of. It just relied on amazing brute force to head-on.

The Western Holy See was forced to retreat again and again, frightened and angry.

"Six old guys, hitting a junior, there are too many people to deceive others, you are so embarrassed!"

The **** bull rushed into the battlefield, the bull roared loudly, and the two bull horns picked up the blue old demon.


With a loud noise, two horns collided with the huge magic furnace.

The magic furnace was shocked and flew out.

Then, the colorful rooster, goat,..., Chinese zodiac, all started.

One by one is unmatched, and the combat power is shocking.

Moreover, they are twelve, fight six!

The scene, all of a sudden, turned around.

Just now, Lin Fei was surrounded and beaten by six.

Now, there are twelve, surrounded by six.

"It's you again!"

Cyan old demon roared.

"Of course it is us, why, are you not convinced?

Stretch your head and let me give it a good punch, you will be convinced! "The **** cow yelled rudely, a pair of thick horns, forcing the blue old demon to panic.

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