Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3603: The exercises of the six superpowers

"Those who fell into the Valley of God, you dare to move, roll over and die!"

The Sky-tuning Dog is very powerful, and the dog's body is constantly enlarged, transforming into a huge giant dog, the whole body is boiling, and a light curtain of law emerges.

He strode towards the half-step lord **** of the underworld, and the dog's paw slammed forward, forcing the opponent to back again and again.

I saw a flash of gray light, and a mouse appeared in front of the thin old man in Ji Mie Ling, spraying a terrifying black light from his mouth.


Astonished, the thin old man in Nirvana Hill offered a strange form of pagoda to block the black light.


The mouse launched a fierce offensive, continuously spraying fierce black light from its mouth.


After blocking a few moves, the thin old man in Nirvana Hill was in a hurry, his abdomen was chopped by a black light, and his body was cut in half.

The zodiac signs are all in the realm of a half-step main god.

Moreover, their origins are amazing, and their master is a chaos god.

Therefore, their combat power is naturally much stronger than the average half-step master god.

Soon, the war was overwhelming.

The half-step main gods from the six superpowers began to lose their support.

"Damn it!"

The half-step lord **** of the underworld was besieged by Tianguo and goats, but with only a few moves, he began to get injured, and his body was full of scars.

The black and smelly corpse blood was shot out continuously.


The half-step main **** of the underworld has a very ugly face.

He knows that today, he will definitely not please.

As a result, he ceased to love war, his figure suddenly retreated, turned and stepped into the void.

A half-step main god, wanting to escape, is very difficult to intercept.

Therefore, Tianguo did not hunt down.

The other five half-step main gods saw that the half-step main gods of the underworld had escaped, and were no longer in love with each other. They used secret methods to flee far away.

"Retreat quickly!"

The army of the six superpowers simultaneously issued orders.

Immediately, the six armies retreated like a tide.

"Do it, grab a batch of gods for me back!"

Lin Fei gave an order, the **** slaves under his hand, as well as the tens of thousands of gods from the Alliance army, all of them like wolves and tigers, chased after them, specifically attacking those gods among the six superpowers.

"Seniors, thank you for your help."

Lin Fei said to the Zodiac.

"Lin Fei, are you okay with your injury."

Tianguo said.

"It's just a small injury, and it will be fine soon."

Lin Fei replied.

"Lin Fei, I really have you.

Actually fight against six and a half steps of the main **** at the same time.

There is the style of my tiger brother back then. "

The big tiger stepped forward, patted Lin Fei's shoulder and said.

"Just blow it.

When you were as old as Lin Fei, you weren't a god. "

Tun Tiangu said with a curled mouth.

"I'm talking about style, not about strength, what do you know!"

The tiger said angrily.

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, talking and laughing, returned to the ice palace.

Half an hour later, a large number of gods from the six superpowers were captured and returned.

Of course, Lin Fei was unceremonious, using the secret method of the puppet's thread to subdue all these gods and become slaves.

"I have a chance. I really have to take a trip to the alien space to find the spirits of those soul races and get advanced usage of the puppet thread secret method."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Now, Lin Fei has more than 20,000 **** slaves!

Among them, the number of ordinary gods accounted for two-thirds.

The number of true gods accounts for one third.

Once Lin Fei can use the divine consciousness of these gods slaves, this is what a terrifying strength!

"Leader, we won a complete victory in this battle!"

All the high-ranking members of the alliance army gathered in front of Lin Fei, all of them were very excited.

In this battle, an army of six superpowers fought and fled.

That's so exciting!

"Leader, what should we do next?"

A senior of the alliance army asked Lin Fei.

"Next, continue to regain the territory of the Alliance Army.

All the territories that once belonged to our alliance army were taken back.

A month later, a few people and horses were dispatched to separate operations. "

Lin Fei said loudly.


The senior leaders of the Alliance Army answered in unison.

"These magic secrets belong to the six superpowers.

You can pick some of the tactics or secret techniques that suit you to practice.

Remember, these secret techniques are only allowed to communicate between the gods within the alliance army, and are never allowed to be spread out.

If anyone leaks out and I find out, don't blame me for being rude. "

Lin Fei waved his hand, and several thousand jade slips flew out, floating in front of him.

In these jade slips, a large number of exercises and secret techniques are recorded.

These exercises and secret techniques all come from the six superpowers, and they are all of the **** level.

Lin Fei's men had more than 20,000 **** slaves.

Most of these **** slaves were originally people belonging to the six superpowers.

What they learned was naturally the techniques and secret techniques among the six super powers.

Lin Fei ordered all the slaves of the gods to burn all the exercises and secrets they had learned into the jade slips and hand them over to Lin Fei.

Therefore, Lin Fei has so many jade slips.

Now, Lin Fei is going to pass these jade slips to the high-level gods of the alliance army free of charge.

The Alliance Army is a force that Lin Fei intends to cultivate.

Naturally, you can't be too stingy.

The exercises and secret techniques that belong to the six super powers!

The gods of the Alliance Army were very shocked one by one.

"Leader, these techniques and secret techniques are all for you to cultivate?!"

A senior asked cautiously, a little unbelievable.

You know, for the martial artist, the secret technique is the foundation of one's life.

It is the most precious and core martial arts resource.

The secret technique of the exercises has always been passed from the master to the disciple, or passed from the father to the son.

What's more, it is a secret technique belonging to the six superpowers. It is simply the most precious inheritance in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos!

Now, Lin Fei actually took out all these precious exercises and secret techniques for free!

"Not bad.

You choose the exercises and secret techniques that suit you, choose one or two, and go for cultivation.

Your strength is too weak.

need to improve.

From now on, all people must work hard to cultivate and strive to improve. "

Lin Fei said.

"Thank you, leader!"

The gods of the alliance army are grateful and excited one by one.

Then, these gods lined up one after another, choosing the exercises and secret techniques that suit them.

After getting the exercises and secret techniques that he fancy, all of them were extremely excited.

"Leader, I want to go to retreat immediately and have a good understanding!"

Soon, there will be a god, can't wait, retreat to Lin Fei.

"Go, work hard.

During this month, I will practice hard and strive for improvement. "   Lin Fei smiled.

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