Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3611: Blackmail

Too little?

Those high-level members of the Celestial Elephant Clan, as well as the surrounding creatures, were all taken aback.

"Your Celestial World Group once participated in the attack on the three strongholds of our Alliance Army.

Killed many brothers of our alliance army and owed heavy debts.

Don't think that it's as simple as that and you can end this matter. "

In the alliance camp, the voice just now sounded again.

"The lord of the Alliance Army taught me that I was not worried."

The patriarch of the Celestial Elephant clan took out more space rings from his arms, and a dozen of them just now, all sent to the camp of the alliance army.

There are more than 30 space rings in total.

"not enough."

In the alliance camp, the voice just sounded again.


The patriarch of the Celestial Clan, as well as all the high-levels, all looked embarrassed, you look at me and I look at you.

They felt that the possessions contained in the thirty-odd spatial rings were enough.

For the astronomical world group, this is already a huge sum of money.

Unexpectedly, they are not satisfied at all.

"Send someone to raise more property right away."

The patriarch of the Tianxiang clan gritted his teeth and ordered the gods behind him.

By now, there is no retreat for the astronomical world group.

Only bite the bullet.

Soon, a dozen more space rings were sent to the camp of the alliance army.

In total, there are already close to fifty space rings, suspended in front of the alliance army camp, shining brightly.

In every space ring, an amazing light leaked out.

at this time.

In the camp of the Alliance Army.

In a warship, a young man sat cross-legged in the hall inside the ship.

A group of gods clustered in the hall.

This young man is Lin Fei.

However, it was not Lin Fei's body, but a clone of Lin Fei.

The ice master, Cao Wu and other ten core high-level leaders of the alliance army are all there.

"Leader, is it enough?"

The ice master asked Lin Fei.

"not enough."

Lin Fei replied lightly.

The ice master and the ten gods couldn't help but twitched.

This close to fifty spatial rings, the belongings contained in them, are already astonishing enough, and it is estimated that the high-levels of the Celestial Elephant clan have been heartbroken to vomit blood.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei was still too few.

"Remember, you must never be kind to the enemy.

The lesson to the enemy must be deep enough.

Otherwise, they will not have a long memory. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Understood, leader."

Ice Master waited for ten gods, and quickly replied.

"When encountering the leader, the Celestial Elephant clan is miserable."

They even couldn't help but silently mourned for the Tianxiang clan in their hearts.

"not enough."

Cao Wu said loudly, the billowing sound, like billowing thunder, teleported into the celestial world group.


Isn't it enough! "

The patriarch of the Celestial Elephant clan was almost angry.

The nearly fifty space rings had already caused blood to drip in his heart, and his whole body was trembling.

That is a huge and unimaginable wealth.

However, the other party is not satisfied!

Also ask for more!

This is obviously just sitting on the ground and raising prices, naked robbery!

The Celestial Clan and all the high-level gods had very ugly faces, and they almost went violently with anger.

"If you send someone to the headquarters of our Alliance Army according to the agreed date, these wealth will barely be enough.

It's just that, now, our coalition army is working hard to find the door in person.

You must make more compensation. "

In the alliance army, Cao Wu's voice came out again.

Of course, Lin Fei asked Cao Wu to say these words.

"Patriarch, they are too much.

It's better, our celestial elephant clan, fight with them! "

"That's right!

Too bad, this is a threat! "


The gods of the Celestial Elephant clan were collectively angry, and they spread their voices in secret, and the crowd was raging.

The patriarch, holding back his anger, his face was uncertain, and his heart was calculating quickly.

There was no sound in the alliance camp.

Suddenly, this chaotic void fell into silence.

The atmosphere is very depressing.

"The Alliance Army is taking the opportunity to blackmail!

So hateful! "

"The loss of the Celestial Clan is great!"

"Unexpectedly, the Alliance army is so greedy!"


In the distance, in the nearby space, many onlookers were also talking quietly.

"Patriarch, don't hesitate, they are too much.

Fight with them! "

There are many high-level gods in the celestial elephant clan, who constantly communicate to the patriarch.

However, more senior executives remained silent.

"Fight? What shall we do to fight against the Alliance Army?

If we have the capital to fight, do we still need to bow our heads and be soft? "

For a long time, the patriarch of the Celestial Elephant clan sighed.

"If the order continues, all planes and all sect forces in the celestial world group will hand in half of their belongings."

The patriarch of the Celestial Elephant clan gave the order.

None of the other high-level gods of the Celestial Elephant clan said anything.

This is called the situation better than people!

After a while.

There are more than 30 space rings, which are sent to the camp of the alliance army.

There are more than 80 space rings in total, suspended in front of the alliance camp!

"My lord of the Alliance Army, are these properties enough?"

The patriarch of the Celestial Elephant clan asked in a low voice.


In the camp of the alliance army, a sleeve flew out, and more than 80 spatial rings were rolled into it.


There was no sound again.

The atmosphere was silent.

The patriarch of the Celestial Elephant clan was uneasy.

The possessions contained in those more than 80 spatial rings are almost equivalent to half the wealth of the entire celestial world group!

How scared he was, the Alliance Army, also demanded more compensation.

The more than 1,000 high-level gods of the Tianxiang clan have exactly the same mood as the patriarch.


After a long time, finally, a voice came from the alliance army camp.


It's finally enough!

At this moment, the patriarch of the Celestial Elephant clan and the more than one thousand high-level gods breathed a long sigh.

They almost burst into tears!

"This time, temporarily let go of your celestial world group.

Next time, if you dare to commit it again.

It will never be as simple as this time. "

In the alliance army, Cao Wu's voice came out.


With an order, the troops of the Alliance began to ebb and go formidable, leaving the chaotic void in the distance.

"Our celestial elephants have finally passed this level!"

The patriarch of the Celestial Elephant clan looked at the Alliance army that was rapidly going away and said with a trembling voice.

Rumble...   After a while, the Alliance army was gone.

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