Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3612: Jinpeng Family

"Patriarch, we have lost almost half of our wealth.

The real vitality is hurt.

Alliance army, too cruel! "

An old man with white beard and hair, tears down, said with a trembling voice to the patriarch of the Celestial Elephant clan.

"However, we escaped the fate of the dead.

From now on, our celestial elephant family must be low-key, absolutely low-key.

The order was passed down and all the tribesmen outside were recalled. In the future, no clan leader was allowed to leave the celestial world group without approval.

Also, remember one thing, always avoid the Alliance army!

Stay away from far away! "

The patriarch looked at the direction of the disappearance of the alliance army, and said word by word.

"Patriarch, what if, in the future, the Western Holy See orders us to deal with the Alliance army?

The Western Holy See, we can't afford to offend it. "

The old man with white beard and hair said worriedly.

"This is my biggest worry.

Oh, I can only see walking.

Anyway, from now on, absolutely can't take the initiative to provoke the Alliance army. "

The patriarch shook his head and sighed.

What happened here in the celestial world group quickly spread out at an astonishing speed.

"Even a powerful race like the Celestial Elephant Clan took the initiative to submit to it, bowed its head and admitted its mistakes, and paid compensation.

The alliance army, indeed, has become a climate! "

"That's right, right now, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, apart from the six superpowers, there is no power at all that can compete with the Alliance army. The Celestial Clan has no other choice."


What happened in the celestial world group, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, countless forces had a huge impact, and there was a lot of discussion everywhere.

"latest news!

The Alliance army has gone to the Fortune Wings World Group!

It seems that the next target of the Alliance army is the Jinpeng clan! "

Another shocking news spread quickly.

Anything related to the alliance army will attract attention and become the focus.

Immediately, countless creatures showed their way to the Jinpeng world group, wanting to watch the excitement.

The Jinpeng world group is a world group where the Jinpeng family live together.

The Jinpeng clan is only stronger than the celestial elephant clan!

"It seems that the Alliance Army is specifically selecting those powerful forces to start."

"This is obviously for Li Wei, to kill the chicken to show the monkey!"


Many creatures sighed secretly.

At this time, among the Jinpeng world group.

In a splendid and magnificent palace, the patriarch of the Jinpeng clan, and all the senior members of the clan, have gathered here for a long time, and are having a tense meeting to study countermeasures.

"Patriarch, what should we do?"

All high-level members of the Jinpeng clan repeated this question.

Everyone is very nervous and anxious.

The army of the Jinpeng clan has been tightly controlled and defended.

However, everyone knows that any defense is useless.

The Jinpeng clan is not an opponent of the alliance army at all, and the strength of the two sides is too far apart.

In the palace, those high-level members of the Jinpeng clan were divided into two factions.

One faction is the main battle.

The other group suggested to be soft and apologize for compensation.

The two factions quarreled endlessly and became red-faced and could not talk.

However, everyone's eyes are fixed on the patriarch.

The final decision is in his hands.

The patriarch of the Jinpeng clan is a real god.

"You don't have to argue anymore."

When these two factions were arguing, the patriarch suddenly spoke up.

"Group leader, have you already made a decision!"

All eyes were on the group leader.

"You think that compared with the strength of my Jinpeng clan and the Celestial Elephant clan, whoever is stronger is weaker."

The group leader said slowly.

Everyone was taken aback.

"It should be comparable."

A slender man in a red robe hesitated and replied.

"Yes, it shouldn't be much worse."

The others nodded in agreement.

"Since the Celestial Clan has chosen to bow to the Alliance Army, do you think our Jinpeng clan has the confidence to fight the Alliance Army."

The patriarch said in a loud voice, his eyes scanned slowly.

Faced with the patriarch's questioning, everyone was silent.

In fact, everyone knew that neither the Jinpeng clan nor the celestial elephant clan could be an opponent of the alliance army.

"If we go to war with the alliance army, our Jinpeng clan will be in danger of extinction.

Therefore, we have no choice but to yield. "

The patriarch shook his head and said.

The other people in the palace were still silent, acquiescing to the patriarch's words.

"You immediately prepare as much property as possible, ready to dedicate it to the Alliance army for peace."

The patriarch said.

"Do you really want compensation?"

Those high-level members of the Jinpeng clan, look at me and I look at you.

"Oh, go, we have no choice."

The patriarch said with a sigh.

Therefore, the senior members of the Jinpeng clan left the palace and went out to prepare their belongings.

A few hours later.


In the vast and confused chaotic void, a vast army is approaching the Jinpeng world group.

In front of the army, a banner was dancing in the wind, engraved with the four characters of Alliance Army.

A pair of neatly arranged men and horses, with bright armor, cold and iron clothes.

The dazzling spear and sword exaggerated a strong murderous intent.

The soldiers with firm eyes and fierce aura gave people tremendous oppression.

Soon, the vast army approached the Jinpeng world group.

"Report, the Fortune Wings World Group is ahead!"

A sentry reported loudly.

"Enclose me!"

A thunderbolt-like voice resounded among the alliance army.

However, it hasn't waited for the Alliance army to act.

"Masters of the Alliance Army, please calm down!"

In the Fortune Wings world group, a large group of gods hurriedly greeted them.

"Our Jinpeng clan is willing to compensate the alliance army for our previous mistakes!"

The first tall old man in a golden robe said, bowing his head and his tone of respect to the extreme.

"He is the patriarch of the Tianpeng clan!

It seems that the Tianpeng clan also chose to bow to the alliance army! "

In the distant void, a creature whispered in exclamation and recognized the identity of the old man in the golden robe.

All the creatures who came to watch were very shocked.

Another powerful force has chosen to bow to the alliance army to be soft!

"Come on!"

The chief of the Jinpeng clan shouted.

Immediately, a **** ran out of the Jinpeng world group in a hurry, and handed a handful of space rings to the patriarch.

"The adults of the Alliance Army, these are gifts from our Jinpeng clan!

Please smile! "

The patriarch of the Jinpeng clan, personally holding those space rings, respectfully sent to the alliance army camp.

At this time, in the alliance camp, a clone of Lin Fei was sitting on a warship.

"This old man is still pretty good."

Lin Fei smiled and said.

Originally, Lin Fei was thinking that he wanted to blackmail the Jinpeng clan.

Unexpectedly, people greeted with smiles and took the initiative to compensate.

"Well, you Jinpeng clan will do it.

We withdrew. "

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, took back all the space rings held by the patriarch of Jinpeng clan, and said in a loud voice.

Following Lin Fei's order, the Alliance army immediately turned around and headed towards the chaotic void in the distance.

"Sure enough, as long as you apologize and apologize, the Alliance army will not be held accountable!"    The creatures who witnessed this scene thought secretly in their hearts.

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