Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3613: Stand firm

What happened to the Fortune Wings World Group soon spread at an alarming speed.

The two powerful forces of the Celestial Elephant and the Jinpeng clan have chosen to bow to the alliance army.

It shocked countless creatures.

Especially those forces that once invaded the alliance's strongholds, one by one urgently held meetings to discuss countermeasures.

War or bow compensation?

Every force is in between these two choices, repeatedly discussing and considering.

"Don't hesitate anymore, we will learn from the Celestial Elephant and Jinpeng Clan and bow our heads to compensate.

Don't anger the Alliance army anymore, otherwise there is a danger of destruction. "

Many forces finally made this choice.

As a result, these forces sent envoys to the headquarters of the Alliance Army with large amounts of property.

"Please report to the leader of Lin Fei, we come to apologize to the alliance army, plead guilty, and make compensation."

In the past few days, the outside of the ice palace is very lively, and groups of envoys have come and asked for a meeting.

Of course Lin Fei would not personally meet these messengers.

Send a few slaves of the upper gods and true gods to be in charge of interviews.

The messengers of every force brought huge amounts of property and paid compensation.

"Master, there are too many belongings, I have received softness!"

Those slaves of the upper gods who were in charge of receiving them couldn't help but complain to Lin Fei.

This kind of softness in receiving money is really not something ordinary people can experience.

"Don't be afraid, we strive to unite more forces, hold a group for warmth, and work together against the alliance army."

There are also many forces that decide to fight.

"Alliance army, you are deceiving too much!

We are not afraid of you! "

Outside of the giant scorpion world group, the giants of the giant scorpion clan are fighting against the alliance forces, and both are murderous.

"Go in and ruin the world!"

Lin Fei's clone said coldly.


The troops of the Alliance army rushed to the army of the giant scorpion like a series of stormy waves.

The war broke out!

However, for the alliance army, the giant scorpion clan is too weak and not an opponent at all.

The war had just begun, and the people of the giant scorpion clan were at a disadvantage and retreated steadily.

Not to mention anything else, there are more than a dozen high-ranking gods in the alliance army alone!

This kind of overall strength, the giant scorpion world group, simply cannot resist.

After a while, the army of the giant scorpion clan was completely defeated, and those who were hunted and killed fled everywhere.

Most of the gods of the giant scorpion clan were captured and became prisoners.

There are also a small part that fell in battle.

Only a few gods fled in embarrassment.

The Alliance army drove straight in, rushed into the giant scorpion world group, and completely controlled the world.

Later, Lin Fei couldn't bear it for a while and didn't start a big killing, so that most of the world group became flexible.

However, the main combat power of this world group has been disintegrated.

All the gods who were still alive were escorted back to the Ice Palace, allowing Lin Fei's body to become a slave.

In a sense, the giant scorpion world group has been destroyed!

The Alliance Army announced that the Giant Scorpion World Group will be a stronghold of the Alliance Army from now on.

What happened in the Cancer world group spread quickly.

Those forces that were still hesitant, one by one panicked, prepared generous gifts one after another, went to the Ice Palace, apologized to the Alliance army, and compensated.

Suddenly, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, countless forces sent envoys to gather in the Ice Palace.

Thousands of worlds come and shake the world!

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, everyone talked about the alliance army and changed their expressions.

The four words Alliance Army seemed to possess some kind of magical power.

Countless creatures, when uttering these four words, did not dare to neglect the slightest tone, but were very awed and cautious.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the majesty of the alliance army is exactly the same as that of the six superpowers, without any difference.

In the ice palace.

"Report to the leader that all the forces that have violated our alliance's army some time ago have all come to apologize and compensate.

We have gained unimaginable wealth!

Our alliance army has become rich overnight!

Lord, I suspect that the wealth that our alliance army has now is not far behind the six superpowers! "

The ice master and other ten core high-level leaders of the alliance came to Lin Fei and said excitedly.

"Not yet, the underworld, the demon capital, the demon capital, the Western Holy See, and the corpse hall, these forces have passed on for endless years, and the heritage they possess is temporarily not comparable to our alliance army.

Don't be stunned by a momentary victory.

The Alliance Army has a long way to go and must not be satisfied with the status quo.

Do you understand it? "

Lin Fei said calmly.

"What the leader taught is that we remembered it."

Ten core executives listened to Lin Fei's words and quickly answered.

"The wealth gained during this time serves as the foundation of our alliance army, and is mainly used as a resource for everyone's cultivation.

You can discuss it and establish a system of clear rewards and punishments.

From now on, those who have contributed should be rewarded.

Those who make mistakes must be punished.

There are various other rules and regulations that must be established one by one. "

Lin Fei said.

"Leader, we understand."

The ice master waited for ten core high-level officials and answered at the same time.

In the next period of time, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, no force would dare to provoke the alliance army.

The alliance army is initially firmly established.

Each stronghold operates in an orderly manner.

Under the careful management of ten core high-level leaders including Ice Master, the alliance army has developed rapidly.

Every member is practicing desperately to improve his strength.

In the alliance army, from top to bottom, there was a frenzy of practice.

This is Lin Fei's request and also represents Lin Fei's military style.

In the boundless chaotic sea, another period of relative calm has entered.

But Lin Fei knew that this kind of calm was only on the surface, and the six superpowers would definitely not stop like this.

I will definitely come to trouble myself.

Moreover, next time, the ones who come to find yourself are most likely to be the main gods among the six superpowers!

Lin Fei knew that with his current strength and hole cards, he was still too weak in front of a main god, and was absolutely vulnerable.

At the same time, Lin Fei knew that the demon had the ambition to dominate the world, and sooner or later he would act.

The chaos of the boundless sea of ​​chaos is far from over!

Maybe it will break out completely in the near future.

So Lin Fei has a sense of oppression.

To Lin Fei, the main **** was like a sharp sword hanging above his head, which would suddenly be cut down one day.

"I want to become stronger." Lin Fei sat cross-legged in a secret room in the Ice Palace, thinking about this issue.

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