Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3616: Subdue

These shadow races are just weird body shapes, and their real strength is actually not strong, since they are not Lin Fei's opponents.

"You know it's amazing."

Lin Fei stood in place with a sneer.

"Spare! Your lord is spared!"

Some shadow clan began to beg for mercy.

"Don't be afraid of him, he is just one person, we unite to launch the shadow tide array!"

Some of the shadow clan were very aggressive and shouted loudly.

"Together we form a great formation of the tide of shadows, we can definitely crush him!"

Many shadow clan shouted.



The countless shadows around Lin Fei began to unite in a special formation, rolling and surging, and the momentum was very shocking.

In an instant, a large formation composed of endless shadows surrounded Lin Fei.


This shadow tide array looked like a big net made up of shadows, coming towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei kept urging his sword qi, and the sharp sword qi kept beating on the big shadow net.

But what surprised Lin Fei was that the big shadow net was very tough. Although it was constantly torn by sword energy, it reorganized in an instant.

"Hahaha, human kid, are you scared, the shadow tide array is powerful, you want to crack it, it's not that easy."

The shadow clan laughed proudly.

"Oh, isn't it? It's a small group, it's not worth mentioning in front of me."

Lin Fei disapproved, and smiled lightly.


Let's urge the tide array to kill this human kid! "

The shadow races shouted angrily.

"Big formation!"

A shadow clan shouted.


Suddenly, the big net of shadows continuously distorted and deformed, and then formed a human-shaped shadow.

At the position of the two eyes of this figure, two scarlet fire beams lit up, which was very strange.

"Human kid, I want to eat you!"

The humanoid shadow was murderous, and rushed directly at Lin Fei.

"Hehe, try my flying swordsmanship."

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

Not long ago, Lin Fei learned the real flying sword technique in the sword shrine, following the kendo master in the sword world.

It's just that I haven't used it until now.

Lin Fei thought.


A flying sword rushed out of Lin Fei's body.


The speed of Feijian was too fast, and all of a sudden, the news disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had already rushed into the huge shadow of the human figure, cutting wildly.


The energy contained in the flying sword is terrible, like cutting tofu, two or three times, it cuts the shadow of the human figure into pieces, and can no longer recombine.

The real flying sword technique is far more powerful than the flying sword technique that Lin Fei had cultivated through his own exploration before.

First of all, above the distance of the attack, the true flying sword technique, if you cultivate to the highest level, you can drive the flying sword across the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos with a single thought!

Of course, with Lin Fei's current kendo cultivation level, he still couldn't reach such a terrifying point.

Lin Fei estimated that within a single thought, he should be able to cut across the range of about ten world groups.

This distance is nothing to the boundless Chaos Sea.

Because, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the number of world groups is more than ten million.

Second, the true flying sword technique is also reflected in the fact that various rules can be added to the flying sword.

The simplest is to add the law of space and time.

In this way, the speed and flight trajectory of the flying sword will become very strange, mysterious, elusive, and difficult to dodge.

Again, the sharpness of Feijian has been greatly improved, at least a thousand times sharper than before!

In short, the flying swordsmanship that Lin Fei now masters is far more powerful than before.

"Spare, man, please spare your life!

We dare not fight, let us go! "

Finally, those shadow races were completely frightened, and knelt down one by one, begging Lin Fei for mercy.

I saw a group of shadows that were constantly squirming, kneeling down around Lin Fei, constantly begging, looking very pitiful.

"Fine, I won't play with you anymore.

Be obedient. "

Lin Fei smiled.

Just now, Lin Fei was only curious for a while, and wanted to try the people of these shadow races. What is so special about them, so he started with them.

Otherwise, Lin Fei's hand could be destroyed by just relying on these shadow races in front of him.


Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and he displayed the secret technique of the puppet's thread, the red silk thread in the sky, hurriedly shot past those shadow races.

"Ah, what's going on, it seems to be the secret inheritance method of the Soul Race."

"Are you a human race or a soul race!"

"Does this still need to be asked, it must be a master of the soul race, who controlled a human kid and took him as a slave, and then, with the help of this human race kid's body, came to our shadow family to make trouble!"

"If your soul race acts like this, are you not afraid to start a war between the shadow race and the soul race!"


The shadow races around were shocked and angry.

"Run away!"

Those shadow races were all scared, and turned around to escape one by one.

However, there is no time.

The dense red silk thread wrapped up the shadow races in a moment, like dumplings.

Only a small number of shadow clans managed to escape.

"Ah, let me go!"

Most of the shadow races can't escape, the soul body is entangled by the puppet's thread, struggling desperately.


"See the master!"

Clouds of shadows knelt down around Lin Fei and cried in unison respectfully.

"Tsk tusk, the body of your shadow race is really peculiar, indeed, it is made of shadows."

After taking these shadow races into slaves, Lin Fei could perceive their body structure more clearly and accurately, and couldn't help being surprised.

"Master, the body structure of our Shadow Clan is actually not peculiar.

There is also a race called the Shadowless Race, which is much more peculiar than our Shadow Race. "

A slave said to Lin Fei.

"Oh, Shadowless Race, what's so peculiar about it?"

Lin Fei became curious and asked.

"The Shadowless Clan has no body. It looks like it's just a cloud of air.

However, it is a mass of living air. "

The slave replied.

"There is such a strange race!

It is so big in the world, there are no surprises. "

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised.

"Actually, the Shadowless Race, strictly speaking, is a rare race that has been further derived from our Shadow Race.

Or it can be said that the Shadowless Clan is a branch of our Shadow Clan. "

The slave replied.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Okay, I now ask you about the situation of the alien space.

Whoever knows it will answer. "

Lin Fei said.


Those Shadow Race slaves answered in unison.

"However, Master, we'd better find a place to hide first.

Because, the king of our shadow clan, has received a report and knows of your existence.

Now I am sending a master of the clan to come to you to settle accounts. "

A slave suggested.

"Well, that's okay, let's avoid it first." Lin Fei thought for a while, nodded and said, then, with his sleeves rolled up, he took the Shadow Race slaves around and went away instantly.

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