Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3617: The situation in alien space

Not long after Lin Fei's departure, several tall, gray-skinned men, with dense shadows that could not be seen at a glance, came to Lin Fei's position just now.

"Report to a few adults. It was in this position just now. We met the Soul Race. He was very cruel and merciless."

Several Shadow Clan who had just escaped from Lin Fei reported to those men.

"What about people?"

Those tall men immediately released their divine consciousness and felt around, but found nothing.

"He was still here just now, and he may have escaped.

And those brothers of our shadow clan, may have been killed. "

The shadow clan who reported, probed and looked around.

"No, there is no spirit of spirit race here at all.

There is only a human breath.

That kid is a real human being and has nothing to do with the soul race. "

Those tall gray men felt for a while and came to a conclusion.

"A human kid?

Can you break into the territory of our shadow family? "

The other shadow races were a little surprised.

"The order is passed on, and the troops will be sent to track down the whereabouts of that human kid!

Must catch him! "

A man gave orders.


The surrounding shadow clan answered in unison.

At this time, Lin Fei was already outside the tens of thousands of miles in the chaotic void, using the power of the law of time and space to create a small space.

Lin Fei stayed in this small space.

Lin Fei mastered a complete law of reincarnation, and it was very easy to create a small space.

Moreover, this small space is completely under Lin Fei's control, even if it is a half-step main god, it can't be perceived.

In the small space, Lin Fei stood with his hands behind, standing in front of a large number of Shadow Clan slaves.

"Okay, I will now ask you about the situation in the alien space."

Lin Fei said loudly.

Entering the alien space, after turning aimlessly for so long, finally met the shadow clan.

What Lin Fei wants to know most now is some basic information about alien space.

Otherwise, you have to rush aimlessly, that is not the way.

Next, under Lin Fei's inquiry, those Shadow Clan slaves told Lin Fei about the situation in the alien space.

Lin Fei summed it up, and had the following understanding of the alien space.

First, the space of different degrees is boundless, and no one knows how vast the space of different degrees is.

Second, the alien space is filled with all kinds of strange and harsh space environments, which are very dangerous.

Even if it is a half-step main god, he does not dare to wander around in an alien space.

Only by reaching the realm of the main **** can it be possible to explore the mysteries of the alien space.

Third, although the space environment of the alien space is bad, many weird and strange races have been born.

Probably under the harsh environment, all the races in the alien space appeared very strange and weird.

Fourth, because the space environment in the alien space is too harsh and dangerous, all races in the alien space have to use some ancient teleportation arrays for their daily travel.

In the territory where each race lives, there will be a large teleportation array handed down from ancient times.

These large teleportation arrays handed down in ancient times are the only tools for all creatures in the alien space to travel.

Otherwise, no one would dare to roam in the alien space solely on their own.

"So, it's no wonder that I haven't encountered a single creature after spending so long in an alien space."

Lin Fei suddenly realized that he couldn't help but smile.

"So those ancient teleportation formations also exist in your shadow clan."

Lin Fei asked.

"of course.

We usually want to go to the outside world, or want to go to other races in different dimensions, we have to rely on the ancient teleportation array in the race. "

In front of Lin Fei, those Shadow Race slaves nodded one after another.

"This is easy, now think of a way to mix into your Shadow Race territory, and then use those ancient teleportation formations to go to the Soul Race territory!"

Lin Fei said.

"Master, are you going to the territory of the Soul Race?"

Those Shadow Clan slaves were taken aback.

"Why, is there a problem?"

Lin Fei asked.

"The master does not know that our Shadow Race and Soul Race are now in a hostile state.

If you use the teleportation formation in the shadow clan to go to the soul clan's territory, it is estimated that they will be under a frantic siege.

It's better, we borrow the territory of other races, and then go to the Soul Race, it will be safer. "

A Shadow Race slave said to Lin Fei.

"That's it, that's good, your suggestion is very good, you have done a great job."

Lin Fei casually praised.

"Master praised!

The honor of the master is the honor of the slave, and the slave is willing to dedicate everything to the master, and then he will die! "

After hearing Lin Fei's praise, the slave trembled with excitement and almost burst into tears.

"Come on, don't flatter me, just think about how I should get into the shadow clan's territory."

Lin Fei waved his hand to stop the slave who was flattering.

"Master, I have a way.

Do you have any clever spatial magic weapon? You hide in the magic weapon and keep your aura, and we just take you in directly.

With the master's strength, I think it is not difficult. "

A shadow slave replied.

"Well, that's it."

Lin Fei nodded in agreement.

Lin Fei cultivated the true god, and learned the very clever secret technique of hiding breath from the statue master in Luoshen Valley, and reached a very high level.

What's more, the continent that Lin Fei created by himself is also under Lin Fei's control. As long as it cooperates with the laws of the earth, it can also cover up its breath well.

So Lin Fei hid in the continent he created.

The continent shrank and was hidden in the body of one of the Shadow Race slaves.

"Master, can we leave now."

The Shadow Race slave asked cautiously.

"It's okay to start, just be careful.

Don't be afraid, no one can touch you with me. "

Lin Fei encouraged.

"Master, rest assured, I will complete the task and I won't let the master down!"

The Shadow Clan slave couldn't help but buckle after hearing Lin Fei's words.

So these shadow clan slaves of Lin Fei returned to the shadow clan territory together.

It was not far from the shadow clan's territory, and Lin Fei released energy to protect these slaves.

So these shadow clan slaves can freely walk through the chaotic and dangerous space.

"Stop, where did you go just now!

What about that human kid! "

Just returned to the shadow clan's territory, a few tall gray men, with a large group of men and horses, gathered around and asked loudly.

"Report a few adults. We just met a human kid who couldn't beat him. He was chased and killed and ran around.

Finally, they gathered together and fled back. "   one of Lin Fei's slaves replied.

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