Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3618: The legend of the red hair monster

"You stayed away from the shadow clan's territory, entered those chaotic areas with unstable structures, and unexpectedly came back intact.


Are you lying! "

One of the gray men suddenly asked sharply, releasing terrible energy.

"My lord, forgive me, what we said is absolutely true.

We were chased by that hateful human kid and escaped into the chaotic area.

Originally, the chaotic area was full of dangers, and it was difficult for us to walk through, but we worked together to form a large shadow tide array, and we were lucky to survive. "

A shadow stepped forward and said cautiously.

"Then how did you escape back, that human kid!"

The gray man asked. "My lord, I suspect that the human kid might have encountered the red-haired monster. At that time, I saw that a tall red figure suddenly appeared in the chaotic space far away. That human kid, knowing that the sky is thick, unexpectedly,

Rushed over.

We also took advantage of this opportunity and fled back. "

The shadow replied.

"Yes, we all saw the red figure. It's maddening and terrifying!"

At this time, the other shadows also started to speak.


There are red-haired monsters! "

Hearing this, the gray man couldn't help being shocked.

"Do you really see clearly!

Think about it, this is not a joke! "

The other gray men were also shocked.

"Report to a few adults, what we said is true!

However, at that time, we were all frightened and turned around and fled, so we did not see too clearly.

As for whether there really is a Mao Hongwei, we are not sure. "

A shadow quickly explained.

"This matter is no trivial matter. We must report to the patriarch immediately and send a master of the clan to conduct a thorough investigation."

A gray man groaned.

"Yes, this matter must be taken seriously, it is related to the red-haired monster, not a joke."

The other gray men also nodded.

"Well, you all go back.

Remember, from now on, no one is allowed to enter and leave the plane of the shadow clan and enter the chaotic area without permission.

Otherwise, it will be dealt with according to family rules. "

A gray man said loudly.


All the shadow races answered in unison.

Then, a cloud of shadows began to return to the shadow clan's territory.

"Master, things are going very well, I just talk about it and they take it for granted.

Now, we can enter the territory of the shadow clan. "

One of the shadows secretly sent a voice transmission to communicate with Lin Fei.

"Well, you did a good job just now."

Lin Fei smiled.

"These are the gods of your Shadow Race."

Lin Fei asked.

"Not bad.

The owner didn't know that our shadow clan was born a shadow, but after breaking through to become a god, it will evolve into flesh and blood. "

The slave replied.

"So that's the case.

By the way, tell me about the red-haired monster. "

Lin Fei said.

"The red-haired monster is a very terrifying monster in our alien space.

The red-haired monster is covered with long red hairs and looks a bit like a red ape.

Legend has it that the red-haired monster is unconscious and only wanders around in the chaotic area of ​​the alien space. Even if the **** meets him, it will only fall.

A long time ago, there were several main gods who entered the alien space together, wanting to jointly catch the red-haired monster.

As a result, instead of catching the red-haired monsters, they were seriously injured one by one and fled the alien space in embarrassment.

From then on, no one dared to provoke the red-haired monster. "

The Shadow Clan slave replied.

"Even the Lord God can't deal with it!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

"Master, don't worry. Although the red-haired monster is scary, it actually rarely appears. In our alien space, it is just a mysterious legend.

Most creatures will never encounter a red-haired monster in their lifetime. "

The Shadow Clan slave replied with a smile.

He had entered the space where the shadow clan was located while speaking.

It turns out that this is a plane, and the space barriers of the plane are very strong, and there are many mysterious runes that wrap the entire plane and isolate everything outside.

Lin Fei understood a bit that the environment in the alien space was so harsh and dangerous, and there were still so many races living in it.

Probably every race has its own plane, which is equivalent to an independent and safe space that isolates all those dangerous things.

"Master, we have entered the shadow world."

A slave said to Lin Fei.

"Okay, let's go to your shadow clan's teleportation formation immediately and find a way to go to the soul clan."

Lin Fei said.

"Master, why don't we borrow the spirit race, and then send the spirit race from the spirit race.

How does the host feel. "

A Shadow Race slave said.

"Elves, does this race really exist?"

Lin Fei was a little curious.

You know, when on the earth before, the elves often appeared in some mysterious legends.

Unexpectedly, there really is an elven race in this alien space.

"Well, that's it."

Lin Fei nodded.

Originally, Lin Fei thought that it would be relatively easy to come to this alien space with his own strength and would not encounter any danger.

However, now Lin Fei discovered that this alien space was full of many mysterious and dangerous things.

For example, the harsh space environment and the legend of the red hair monster.

Lin Fei just wanted to go to the Soul Race quickly, get what he wanted, and quickly leave this alien space.

It's not too late to come back and explore until you have enough strength in the future.

Those Shadow Race slaves under Lin Fei moved towards the ancient teleportation formation in the Shadow Realm.

At this moment, in the shadow world, inside a gray ancient palace.

"What, there are red-haired monsters near our shadow world?


The ancestors of our shadow clan have arranged hundreds of large warning arrays for detecting red-haired monsters in the chaotic area near the shadow world. They have covered every area nearby. Once red-haired monsters appear, I Will definitely find out.

Who is this rumor? "

An old man sitting in the depths of the palace scolded.

This old man, from his hair, eyes, to skin, nails, and toenails, all gray, looks very strange.

"The patriarch, a few people said.

Today, a human kid suddenly came to our shadow world..."

A gray man told the patriarch in detail what happened today.

"Those tribesmen, there may be problems, get them to see me immediately!"

The patriarch frowned and said.


The gray man agreed and turned to leave the palace.

At this time, those Shadow Race slaves under Lin Fei came before one of the large teleportation formations.

In the shadow world, there are a total of three ancient teleportation formations, which are equivalent to the three entrances and exits of the plane. Usually, all the shadow races will enter and exit from these three teleportation formations.

"Enter the teleportation array and go to the elves' territory."

Lin Fei secretly spoke to the shadow clan slaves.

"Yes, master." Those Shadow Clan slaves walked into the teleportation formation, preparing to teleport.

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