Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3634: Subdue to become a slave

"Third Prince, quickly extract all the soul energy of your slaves!

I can't take care of that much, and sacrificing the lives of those slaves is nothing, and I can take them back in the future.

The strength of this fanatic is too strong!

We cannot have reservations! "

In the struggle, Old Yu suddenly shouted.

"it is good!"

The third prince nodded.

Immediately, Lin Fei felt that in the void, a torrent of divine soul energy gathered at the third crown prince and old Yu.


There were screams in the house of the third prince.

One by one, the soul body was drained instantly, and the soul flew away.

Only a soulless corpse remained, slowly falling down.

These creatures are all slaves of the Third Prince and Old Yu.

Now, the third crown prince and the old Yu are casting spells, extract all the soul energy of these slaves under their hands, and become the soul energy of both of them.

"Sure enough, domineering!"

Lin Fei's vision widened, and she couldn't help sighing.

It seems that the third crown prince and Yu Lao are planning to drain all the soul energy of the slaves under them.

And once the energies of those slaves' souls are completely exhausted, they will be scattered!

This is an advanced use of the secret method of the puppet's thread!

It is also the method that Lin Fei wants most!

Unexpectedly, both the third prince and the old man had mastered this method.

"Hey, in that case, don't blame me!

Ask for your blessings! "

Lin Fei sneered.


Lin Fei's thoughts moved, Heart Sword and Fei Sword, frantically cutting the soul bodies of the three princes and old Yu.

Lin Fei changed his strategy.

Just now, Lin Fei wanted to use the secret method of the puppet's thread to force the two of them to subdue.

Now, Lin Fei wants to beat them half-dead first.


Amidst the screams, the soul bodies of the third crown prince and the old Yu did not know how many times they were cut back and forth by the heart sword and the flying sword.

Although, they continued to forcibly extract the soul energy of the slaves under them, and their strength became stronger and stronger.

However, the attack speed of Heart Sword and Flying Sword is too fast, and the power is too powerful!

You know, the Heart Sword that Lin Fei displayed can damage even the half-step Lord God, let alone the two of them.

Of course, during this process, Lin Fei has been performing the secret technique of reincarnation, sealing this secret room tightly.

It is difficult for outside creatures to perceive what is happening in the secret room.

And the third crown prince and Yu Lao were unable to transmit the disappearance.

Because, the Secret Technique of Reincarnation has completely cut down the space where the secret room is located, and becomes an independent enclosed space.

This is the mystery of the mystery of reincarnation.

You know, Lin Fei's reincarnation secret technique can avoid the perception of the Lord God!

Besides, it is cutting a small piece of space.

at last.

"Ah, Brother Soul, stop, if this happens again, I will die!

Have something to say! "

The third prince was completely afraid.

His body was crushed thousands of times in just a few breaths, at least!

He has clearly felt the breath of death.

He knew that he was already close to the state where the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry, and if he continued like this, he would definitely die.

"Spare, soul three, please spare!

I admit, I did neglect you before, but there is no feud between us, we have something to discuss! "

Yu Lao, also completely subdued, lowered his breath and begged Lin Fei for mercy.

Because he is dying and has no resistance.

"Don't worry, I don't want you to die either!

I hope you two will follow me well and work for me. "

Lin Fei smiled.


Lin Fei urged the secret method of the puppet's thread, one by one, the red puppet's thread penetrated into the bodies of the third prince and Yu Lao.

"Do not!

Soul three, you can't do this!

I am the prince of the soul race, with noble blood and special status. You actually intend to take me into a slave. This is a felony of treason!

stop it now! "

The third prince was so scared.

"Soul Three, you stop!"

Old Yu was also completely panicked.

He is the upper **** true **** in the soul race, and has always been aloof, even the patriarch of the soul race, he treated him politely when he saw him.

Now, how can he be willing to be taken into a slave?

"Soul Three, you let me go, I can give you whatever you want!

Everything about me can belong to you!

Even, I can give you the position of prince, as long as you let me go!

I don't want to be a slave! "

The third prince begged for mercy.

"Soul Three, what do you want!

Wealth, status, beauty, secrets of exercises, everything, as long as you speak up, I can give you! "

Elder Yu also began to negotiate terms with Lin Fei.

"Haha, when you become my slaves, everything about you will naturally belong to me.

So, what you said to me is useless.

Just bind your hands obediently. "

Lin Fei laughed.

The third crown prince and Yu Lao had been cut to death by Lin Fei's heart sword and flying sword, their origins were almost exhausted, and they were dying.

Basically, there is not much resistance.

What's more, not long ago, Lin Fei had enlightened some advanced use of the secret technique of the puppet's thread, and now the ability to subdue **** slaves is much stronger than before.

After a while.

at last.

The gazes of San Taizi and Yu Lao gradually became docile.

"See the master!"

Finally, the third crown prince and Yu Lao both shouted weakly.

However, at this time, they were dying, one life, at most, only one tenth left.

There was no strength at all, and he stood up, and could only lie on the ground, using his eyes to salute Lin Fei.

"I started, it seems heavier.

However, there is no alternative.

These two guys are too difficult to subdue. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Well, you two, go to heal now.

It is best to heal the injury within a few days, and then go to Soul Mountain with me to participate in the battle for the position of the new patriarch. "

Lin Fei said to the third prince and Yu Lao.

"In response to the master, our injuries are too serious.

It is impossible to heal the injury within a few days. "

Old Yu said weakly.

It is true that Lin Fei injured the two of them so badly that they almost died.

Fortunately, both of them were masters of the soul race, and their soul energy was particularly powerful, so they barely saved their lives.

If it were the gods of other races, even the high-level gods, true gods, would have been wiped out under Lin Fei's terrible attack just now, and there was no scum left.

"These pills and treasures of heaven, material and earth, all contain rich spiritual energy, can you quickly recover from your injuries?"

Lin Fei was also a little regretful. He made too heavy a shot just now. He took out a large number of Tiancai Dibao and Shendan, suspended in front of them, and asked.

"Master, we also have these treasures, and there are many.

These things, there is no way, let us heal the injuries within a few days. "

Old Yu and the third prince shook their heads and said.

"Then is there any way that you can quickly heal the injury."

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning.

The battle for the position of the new patriarch was about to begin, but the old Yu and the third prince were so severely injured that they could not participate.

According to Lin Fei's idea, he planned to assist the third prince and become the new head of the soul clan.

In this way, it was equivalent to Lin Fei controlling the soul world.

From now on, Lin Fei will be the supreme ruler of the soul world.

"Master, it is almost impossible for us to have such a serious injury in a few days to heal the injury.

Unless, the legendary soul tree can be found. "

Old Yu said.

"Really?!" Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard it.

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