Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3635: Got what I wanted

"Master, it's true. The soul tree is the sacred object of our soul race, and it has a great protective effect on all soul races.

If the soul tree can be found and used to nourish our blood, the injuries of the two of us will definitely recover in just a few days. "

The third prince nodded and replied.

"However, Master, the soul tree has been lost for endless years. No one knows where to find it."

Old Yu shook his head and sighed.

next moment.


A giant tree standing on top of the earth rushed out of Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, suspended in the void in the secret room.

Since the secret room has clever laws of time and space, the volume of the soul tree, even though it is huge, can still contain it.

"Soul tree?!"

The third crown prince and old Yu seemed to have been caught in the fixation method, and all of a sudden, they were completely stunned, staring at the tall soul tree with extremely shocked eyes.

"Master, this..., is this a soul tree?!"

Third Prince asked Lin Fei in a trembling voice, his tone was full of unbelievable smell.

"Can't be wrong, this strain must be our soul clan, the long-lost holy thing, the soul tree!

My God, I didn't think that in my whole life, I had the opportunity to see the soul tree! "

Old Yu also fell into a state of dementia, staring at the soul tree, and muttering to himself.

"Hehe, you don't have to guess, I can tell you clearly that this plant is the soul tree.

Well, the soul tree is here, and you can use it to heal your injuries. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"However, before you heal, there is one more thing to do.

That is, teach me how to use and share the spiritual energy of my slaves, and teach me how to use it. "

Lin Fei said, his tone a little excited.

You know, Lin Fei came to the soul world for this method!

Share, and even absorb the spiritual energy of my slaves, for my use!

This is an advanced application method of the Puppet's Thread Secret Technique. It must be a Soul Race master with the blood of the Soul Race, and a magical power that will automatically emerge after reaching the realm of the gods.

Although Lin Fei also practiced the secret method of the puppet's thread, because there was no blood of the soul race, this magical power could not automatically emerge.

Therefore, Lin Fei needed to come to the soul world to learn from the spirits of the soul race.

"Yes, master!"

The third crown prince and Yu Lao recovered from their shocked state.

They taught Lin Fei how to share and absorb the spiritual energy of their slaves.

Then ran under the soul tree, sat down cross-legged, and began to use the breath of the soul tree to heal his injuries.

Sure enough, the soul tree helped them a lot.

The strands of life aura from the soul tree moisturized their bodies.

Soon, Lin Fei discovered that their injuries were slowly getting better.

It was a miracle that such a serious injury started to improve in a moment.

"Well, it seems that the soul tree, as the holy artifact of the soul race, really has a protective effect on all soul races.

Can nourish the body of the soul race. "

Lin Fei could not help but nodded secretly.

"Well, I will also use this time to practice sharing and absorbing the energy of the slaves' souls.

After I master this technique, my strength will increase astonishingly!

This is a qualitative leap! "

Lin Fei was very excited.

Finally, I got what I wanted!

So Lin Fei sat cross-legged in the secret room and began to comprehend and practice this method.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness is stronger than the half-step main divine.

Cultivating all the secret techniques of the soul race is easy, without any difficulty.

Time passed slowly.

A few days later.

"Report to Master, our injuries have been fully recovered!"

Third Prince and Yu Lao both stood up and said to Lin Fei.

The two were full of energy and vitality, and sure enough, their injuries had recovered.

And this time.

Lin Fei is also done!

I have already grasped, how to call, share, or absorb the soul energy of his slaves.

"This time I came to the soul world, and the gain was simply too great!"

Lin Fei was very excited.

"Okay, try it now."

Lin Fei was a little tricky.

So, with a move of mind, he performed the method that he had just practiced successfully.

Immediately, Lin Fei felt that he could completely control the sea of ​​consciousness of the third crown prince and the old Yu, and could use the spirit energy in the sea of ​​consciousness of the two of them at any time!


Under the control of Lin Fei's mind, the spirit energy in the sea of ​​knowledge of the third crown prince and old Yu, surging forward, turned into big rivers of the Yangtze River, roaring and rushing out.


In Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea, a terrifying soul energy also burst out.

Boom boom boom!

Lin Fei, the third prince, and Yu Lao, the energies of the souls of the three gathered together and turned into a terrifying ocean of consciousness, a surging tsunami, surging, and extremely terrifying aura.

"Haha, really amazing!"

Lin Fei laughed freely.

The spirit energy of the third crown prince and the old Yu can indeed be used by himself, and can be used to attack the enemy at any time.

Although it was the first time that Lin Fei used this method, it seemed a little strange.

However, if you use it more often in the future, practice makes perfect, and it will naturally be handy.

"Congratulations, master, you have cultivated into this magical technique!"

Third Prince and Old Yu said in unison.

"Well, it's all due to both of you."

Lin Fei nodded in satisfaction.

"Master, today, all the masters in the soul world will concentrate on the soul mountain, engage in decisive battles, and compete for the position of the new patriarch!"

The third prince said to Lin Fei.

"Well, you have to prepare well, we'll leave later."

Lin Fei nodded.

"This time, you must do your best to seize the position of the patriarch.

Rest assured, I will help you when necessary. "

Lin Fei said.


The third prince nodded.

"Old Yu, from now on, you must assist the third prince with all your strength."

Lin Fei said to Old Yu.

"I see, master!"

Old Yu answered quickly.

The third crown prince and Yu Lao began to gather people and horses to prepare for the battle of Soul Mountain.

"Well, I will also take this opportunity to subdue more slaves of the Soul Race."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

The soul race has a unique talent in divine and soul energy and cultivating divine and soul secret techniques, and to conquer more soul race slaves, Lin Fei felt that it should be of great help to him.

Therefore, Lin Fei's figure flashed and left the third prince's residence.

The third prince and Yu Lao had long told Lin Fei about the various situations in the soul world in the form of spiritual information.

Therefore, now, Lin Fei is very familiar with the soul world.

It's like living here for endless years.

Soon, Lin Fei came to a nearby city and found a spirit of the soul race.

The spirit of this soul race is practicing in retreat in the depths of the city.

Lin Fei broke in silently and suddenly appeared in his secret room.

Don't say anything, just do it.

Heart swordsmanship, flying swordsmanship, secret technique of reincarnation, secret technique of puppet thread, all displayed.

The strength of this spirit race **** is much weaker than Yu Lao.

Basically, there is no way to resist.

After a while, this spirit race **** was subdued by Lin Fei and became a slave.

"It turns out that you are the lord of this city.

His subordinates control a large number of soul races.

Very well, these soul races are all my slaves. "   Lin Fei smiled.

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