Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3636: Go to Soul Mountain

The spirit of the soul race that Lin Fei conquered was the lord of this city, and he owned a large number of slaves.

Of course, now, all his slaves have become Lin Fei's slaves.

Lin Fei thought.

The powerhouses all over the city came to the city lord mansion one after another.

"See the master!"

Countless creatures stood in front of Lin Fei and saluted Lin Fei.

These creatures have soul races as well as other races.

Those who can be favored by the gods of a soul race and taken as slaves will naturally not be weak, all of them are very powerful.

Lin Fei felt it a little, and found that he could mobilize the soul energy of these slaves at any time for his own use.

"Wait for my further notice."

Lin Fei nodded towards the city lord, and disappeared with a move.

"Send Master!"

The city master said in unison with a group of slaves.

After a while, Lin Fei came to the front of another spirit race god.

Lin Fei obtained very detailed information about the soul world from the third crown prince and Yu Lao, and now he knew everything about the soul world.

Therefore, the whereabouts of most of the soul race gods are clearly known and can accurately find their hiding places.

Lin Fei's current plan is to conquer as many god-level slaves as possible.

There must be a large number of slaves under every soul race god.

In this way, Lin Fei can master a large number of slaves in a short period of time, and can call and share the spirit energy of these slaves at any time.

At that time, you can easily cope with various situations.

With such an opportunity, Lin Fei decided to control the soul world in his own hands.

Lin Fei relied on his superb physical skills and terrifying strength to come and go freely in the soul world, and soon after he conquered more than a dozen soul clan gods.

Of course, most of them are ordinary gods.

The overall strength of the soul race is not strong, and only has a very small number of true gods.

"Master, we can go now.

The battle of Soul Mountain has already begun. "

At this time, Lin Fei received a transmission from the third prince.


With Lin Fei's thoughts moved, the dozen or so spirit tribe gods who had just conquered were all gathered together and followed behind Lin Fei.

There were also more than a dozen spirit tribe gods under the third prince.

As a prince, he has always had the ambition to rule the soul world, and his subordinates have naturally attracted a large number of powerful men.

"Let's go, go to Soul Mountain."

Lin Fei said to the third prince.

"set off!"

The third prince gave an order, and led the crowd, heading towards the direction of Soul Mountain.

The soul world is a plane of its own, with a vast territory.

Lin Fei took many of his slaves and stood on the back of a golden-winged roc.

This golden winged roc was a slave of a spirit race god, flying very fast.

After an hour.

Soul Mountain has arrived.

Soul Mountain, the most famous mountain in the soul world.

It is also one of the holy places of the Soul Race.

From a distance, I saw that the mountain was very majestic and dark, like a black monster, crouching there.

The entire Soul Mountain is bathed in the violent spirit energy, which is very spectacular.

Lin Fei led the horses and came to the foot of the mountain.

I saw that there were a large number of Soul Race men and horses guarding them, and groups of gray soul bodies floated around, densely packed, guarding the entire Soul Mountain.

In addition, there are a large number of creatures of other races patrolling everywhere in the void around Soul Mountain.

"Master, this is Soul Mountain. Let's go in."

The third prince said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded.

The third prince took the lead and walked towards Soul Mountain.


Several masters of the soul race, with a large number of creatures with hideous expressions, rushed over, blocking the path of the third prince and his party.

"The Grand Prince has an order. All those who enter the mountain must undergo interrogation and verify their identity before entering the Soul Mountain."

A spirit race deity shouted loudly.


Keep your dog's eyes open and see clearly, this is the third prince.

Do you dare to stand in the way of the third prince and don't want to live anymore! "

Old Yu was furious, stepped forward and pointed at the soul clan master, cursing.

"Hey, Grand Prince, what a majesty.

All the people of our Soul Race have been able to enter and exit the Soul Mountain freely. When does it require the permission of the Grand Prince.

Haven't become the patriarch, do you want to exercise the power of the patriarch? "

The third prince laughed furiously.

"You dog slaves, get out of the way immediately. My master wants to go into the mountains, which makes my master unhappy and immediately kills you all!"

Behind Lin Fei, a dozen spirits of the soul race were furious.

"Stop talking nonsense, dare to block the master's way, and kill them all."

Lin Fei sneered.

The soul race originally relied on strength to speak, the strong tortured the weak, it was a matter of course, no big deal.


Lin Fei's slaves rushed forward and instantly killed all the people who were in the way.

"Hmph, my master came personally, all the idlers and others, all give way, otherwise, there will be no mercy!"

Old Yu took the lead, cleared the way and shouted vigorously.

The owner in his mouth refers to Lin Fei.

However, the other soul races who didn't know the inside story naturally thought that the master Yu mentioned was the third prince.

"Third prince, my fellow, you dare to kill too. When I become the patriarch, the first thing is to put you to death."

At this moment, an extremely cold voice rang out from the soul mountain, and the rolling sound shook the entire void.

"Huh, prince, don't talk too much.

This time, I am the patriarch. "

The third prince said coldly.

"Master, let's go in."

The third prince whispered to Lin Fei.

Soon, the team of the Third Prince walked into the Soul Mountain.

"Hmph, just relying on you, want to be the patriarch too, it's just a dream!"

In the distance, there is a group of tall golden souls standing with their hands held in their hands. The soul energy of the whole body, like wolf smoke, rises into the sky, condensing an image of the distant ancestor of the soul race in the sky.

This group of spirit body is the great prince.

Behind the big prince, a large number of strong soul clan stood densely.

Lin Fei glanced around and found that the men and horses of the Grand Prince were strong and strong, and their overall strength was one level higher than that of the Third Prince.

"Haha, you two guys, do you really think of me as air!"

No matter who you want to be a patriarch, you must first ask me if I agree. "

Suddenly, a middle-aged man who was as strong as a bear, with a large team of men and horses, walked into the Soul Mountain.

"Master, he is the second prince."

The third prince whispered to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded slightly and glanced at the second prince.

Of course Lin Fei could see that the stout middle-aged man was not the second prince. It's just that the second prince seized a human powerhouse.

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