Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3638: Soul heart

Hunhu's whole body spirit power surged, and roaring beasts roared from his body, as if there were thousands of beasts trapped in his body.


In the next moment, countless fierce beasts rushed out of his body, trampled on the void, and rushed towards the prince.

These fierce beasts are all condensed from strong soul power, roaring to the sky, full of power.

Soul Mountain, Soul Sword, Soul Book, the three powerhouses stood aside and looked at the big prince with playful eyes.

They feel that they have to respect their identity, and it is impossible for the four strong men to work on the prince together.

"Well, today I will use you four old guys to perform surgery, so that the entire environment can understand one thing, I, the prince, are the most qualified to be the new patriarch!"

As soon as the voice fell, the prince violently shot!


Soul power crazy volume!

The entire Soul Mountain fell into a desperate situation, the sky was dim, as if the end of the world was coming.

From the body of the great prince, boundless soul power burst out, wisps and strands, transformed into a face of the ancient power of the soul clan, lingering and transpiring, twisting endlessly.


The spirit power like the raging wave surged forward, shattering all the spirit power beasts released by the soul.


The endless soul power condenses into a huge fist, pushing the soul across.


Everything passed by the huge fist was shattered.

The soul couldn't help being horrified, and a huge sense of crisis surged into his heart.


Grand Prince, how could you have such a strong soul power! "

Soul Hu was startled and angry, and roared.

"The soul demon came to this world!"

"The soul burns the sky!"

"The soul knife destroys the world!"

"Soul Forbidden Technique!"


Under the huge sense of crisis, the soul dared not to neglect any more, the whole body's soul power was boiling, the soul light was splashing, and he shot out at the same time, more than a dozen sophisticated divine soul secret arts.


A violent hurricane of spirit power swept across the world!

The entire Soul Mountain shook violently, seeming to be overwhelmed.

This is a full blow from a strong soul clan, earth-shattering!

Most of the creatures around couldn't help but tremble and back away desperately.

"It's useless!"

The prince smiled coldly.

He stood in the vast sea of ​​soul power, dancing wildly in his clothes, deterring the world.


The huge fist of soul power hit the front of Hun Hu.

Bang bang bang...

All the mysteries of Divine Soul that Hunhu produced, like fragile bubbles, were all blown up and turned into nothingness.


Soul Hu burst out with a terrifying roar.

The huge fist pushed horizontally, blasting on the body of the soul.


The soul is blown up!

Soul flies away!

The terrifying fist slowly retracted and stayed in front of the prince.

There was a dead silence above and below.

Most of the creatures are frightened to their legs and feet.


Grand prince, what adventure have you gotten, you actually have such a strong soul power! "

Soul Mountain roared and couldn't believe the scene that happened just now!

"Do you want to know.

Forget it, let you die a little bit more clearly! "

The prince smiled coldly.

next moment.

A huge black heart appeared in the void above his head.

Thump thump...

That heart seemed to have life, and it was beating constantly with a strange rhythm.

A torrent of strong to terrifying soul power, like wolf smoke, evaporates from the heart.

The moment he saw that heart, all the soul races inside and outside of the Soul Mountain, in the sky and on the ground, seemed to have fallen into the fixation method, as if they had lost their souls, staring at the heart blankly.

The gaze of every soul clan was so unbelievable and shocking.

"Soul Heart!"

I don't know, who yelled.

Then, the atmosphere boiled completely.

"Oh my God, it is the soul heart, one of the three holy things in our soul clan legend, the soul heart!"

"Unexpectedly, in my entire life, I was fortunate enough to see Soul Heart!"

"The soul and heart have been lost for a long time. I didn't expect it to be obtained by the prince!"


The countless soul races burst into tears with excitement, staring at the black heart above the big prince's head, yelling and hoarse.

"Oh? One of the three holy artifacts of the Soul Race, Soul Heart?"

Lin Fei was also a little surprised, looking at the heart.

"Master, our soul clan has three sacred objects, namely the soul heart, the soul tree, and the soul tower.

However, the three holy relics have all been lost.

Unexpectedly, the eldest prince actually got the soul heart. "

The third prince secretly spoke to Lin Fei.

"That's it."

Lin Fei nodded.

The three holy artifacts of the soul race had obtained the soul tree by himself, but unexpectedly, the eldest prince got the soul heart.

"Seeing the soul heart, don't you kneel down!"

At this moment, the prince suddenly yelled.


Endless divine and soul energy, billowingly scattered, erupted from the soul.

Hundreds of thousands of gods and souls runes, transpiring, spreading, wandering, bizarre.

In an instant, inside and outside of the Soul Mountain, every inch of space was filled with countless tadpole-like runes.

These runes represent sacredness and majesty, and have a huge deterrent effect on every soul race.

Each soul race has a sense of surrender from the depths of the soul.

This sense of surrender comes from the depths of the soul.

There is no way, the soul heart is the holy thing of the soul race, born, above all the soul race.

"Soul Heart! Soul Heart! Soul Heart!..."

Suddenly, inside and outside of the Soul Mountain, countless soul races were frightened by the soul heart, and they did not dare to refuse, knelt down one after another and bowed in the direction of the soul heart.

"Haha..., this prince was personally selected by the patriarch, and he was named the prince, and possesses the soul heart, so he should become the new patriarch!

You three old guys, and you two princes, I now give you a way to survive and become my slaves. From then on, I will always follow me and work for me.

Otherwise, all will die! "

The eldest prince looked at the soul race who was kneeling all over the floor, full of ambition, and laughed wildly.

Suddenly, Soul Mountain, Soul Sword, Soul Book, and Second Prince were all at a loss.

This change came too suddenly.

No one expected that the prince had a soul heart.

The soul heart is one of the holy things of the soul race, and it can shock the soul race by nature.

With the identity of the prince, the prince also possesses the soul heart, indeed, taking advantage of it.

What's more, the strength of the prince is also very terrifying, just now, a punch just exploded his soul.

At this moment, the three powerhouses of Soul Mountain, Soul Sword, and Soul Book completely lost their advantages compared to the Grand Prince!

The three powerhouses of Soul Mountain, Soul Sword, and Soul Book, you look at me, I look at you, their faces are very ugly.

However, they did not dare to rush forward.

Just now, the scene where the prince smashed the soul with a punch made them feel jealous.

"And you, do not convince me!

I will be the patriarch, who has any objections! "

The gaze of the big prince glanced at all the soul races.

Today, all the people gathered here in the Soul Clan are strong men in the Soul Clan, bosses large and small. At this moment, when they meet the eyes of the Grand Prince, they all can't help but bow their heads and dare not look at each other.

"I support the grand prince as the patriarch!

See the patriarch! "

"Everyone see the patriarch!"


Suddenly, a group of soul races yelled.

This batch of soul races are actually all under the prince.

However, at this moment, most of the soul races were overwhelmed by the soul heart. Some people took the lead. Soon, the other soul races also screamed.

"See the patriarch!"

Inside and outside of the Soul Mountain, the soul races bowed their heads in salute to the prince.

"You three!

I'm not convinced! "The big prince stared sharply at the three powerhouses: Soul Mountain, Soul Sword, and Soul Book, as well as the second prince and the third prince, and asked.

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