Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3639: See you upset

"How to do!"

The three soul clan powerhouses, Soul Mountain, Soul Sword, and Soul Book, their faces were ugly to the extreme. They were using sound transmission to communicate.

In the end, they made a decision.

"Hmph, if you have a soul heart, you must be qualified to be a patriarch!

We are not convinced.

If you want to be the patriarch, first defeat the three of us! "

Soul Mountain roared.

"Haha, I know you three old guys will not easily admit defeat.

Well, I'll use you to operate the knife, kill the chicken and respect the monkey! "

The prince laughed wildly.


Above his head, the soul heart beats forcefully, making bursts of roar with strange rhythms.

Countless soul race runes, like a group of deep-sea fish, swimming quickly.

The strong soul light illuminates the entire soul mountain to the smallest detail.

"Let's do it together!"

The three powerhouses, Soul Mountain, Soul Sword and Soul Book, rushed towards the Grand Prince at the same time.


The body of Soul Mountain continued to rise, and in an instant, it became an indomitable giant, holding a giant axe in each hand, breathing fire in his eyes, and attacking the big prince.

Every time he slashed an axe, the heavens and the earth trembled, and most of the soul bodies of the creatures trembled with fear and chills.

Chi Chi...

The soul sword drew out an old sharp long sword, with endless sharp sword energy sprayed from the sword body.

These sword auras contained terrifying soul power, which could easily smash the enemy's soul body into pieces.


Above the head of the soul book, a huge ancient book was constantly being turned, and runes representing the history and civilization of the soul clan burst out from the pages of the turning book.

"Boy Huang Mao, go to hell!"

The three strong soul races formed a triangle and attacked the prince.

"Haha..., little bugs!"

Facing the attack of the three strong men, the prince laughed wildly.

The soul heart above his head continuously spit out the rich soul energy, and the soul race runes, just like a chimney.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, three huge fists condensed and formed in front of the big prince, and burst out suddenly.

Every fist contains a very violent soul power, wherever it goes, it obliterates everything, with a terrifying aura.


With the moves of both sides, the endless shock waves of soul power, like thousands of turbulent currents, rushing and ramming, exploded the void into pits.

The powerful fighting power spread out in all directions, giving the entire Soul Mountain a scent of collapse.

After a while.

Ah ah ah!

Three screams sounded.

I saw that the three figures, like a kite with a broken line, were thrown away far away.

It is the three powerhouses of Soul Mountain, Soul Sword, and Soul Book.

Then, the smoke of battle gradually dissipated, and the prince carried his hands on his back, his eyes cold as electricity.

Above his head, the black soul heart still beating vigorously, exuding a terrifying aura that shocked the world and suppressed the wasteland.

At this moment, there was a dead silence inside and outside the Soul Mountain.

"The last chance, death, still drop!"

The big prince walked step by step to the three powerhouses of Soul Mountain, Soul Sword and Soul Book, looked down at them, and asked every word.

The three strong men were all seriously injured and limp on the ground.

"The prince is spared, I'll take it!

May the Grand Prince be the patriarch! "

Soul Mountain cried.

"The former prince Fengda was the patriarch!"

Soul sword and soul book also exclaimed.


The prince was satisfied and burst out laughing.

Inside and outside of the Soul Mountain, there was no sound, only the proud and powerful laugh of the big prince echoed.

"I now declare that I, the prince, will be crowned as the patriarch today!

Who else is dissatisfied, stand up as soon as possible, let me be killed at the same time, and get the trouble early. "

The grand prince's tone was extremely arrogant, and with a condescending gaze, he slowly scanned all the soul races.

The surroundings are as quiet as a tomb.

Under the power of the prince, who else would dare to stand up and find death.

"I'm not convinced."

In the deadly silence, suddenly, a flat voice sounded.

Suddenly, countless shocked eyes looked over.

"Huh? Who is this guy?

It seems to be from the Third Prince camp! "

"He dared to confront the prince face to face, he is dead!"


A series of shocking eyes stared at a young man in the Third Prince camp.

"Who are you? Are you afraid of death? Dare to be unconvinced with me?"

With a condescending gaze, the prince squinted over and asked coldly.

"Presumptuous, how old are you, dare to use such words to speak to the master!"

"Dare to be rude to the master, you deserve death!"

"Don't immediately kneel down and kowtow to the master!"


The condescending gaze and arrogant gaze of the big prince offended Lin Fei's slaves, one by one, they furiously pointed at the big prince and yelled.

Originally, the power of the prince had already overwhelmed the audience, and no creature dared to say a word.

But now, a group of slaves under Lin Fei pointed to the prince one by one, shouting very cheerfully.


The prince is already the patriarch, and you dare to be rude to the patriarch, you should all ask! "

"Bold lunatic, don't hurry up and confess your mistake to the prince!"


There were also a large number of slaves under the Grand Prince. At this time, they also jumped out one after another, and scolded the slaves under Lin Fei.

Both sides scolded more and more fiercely, and all kinds of foul language were unsightly.

Suddenly, there were shouts of curses inside and outside of the Soul Mountain, one after another, very lively.


The prince screamed loudly.

The soul heart above his head, violently rippling, sprayed out rolling soul power and soul runes, shaking the entire void and shaking.

I have to say that Soul Heart is terrible.

Suddenly, the yelling stopped, and Soul Mountain resumed the atmosphere of deathly silence.

"You are so courageous that you dare to speak against me.

However, before you die, I really want to hear your own words, why not convince me. "

The prince looked at Lin Fei with disdain, and asked coldly.

He had completely murdered Lin Fei.

"It's very simple, because I think you are unhappy.

Therefore, I decided to let him be the patriarch, not your share. "

Lin Fei said lightly, reaching out to the third prince.

what? !

After hearing Lin Fei's words, most of the living creatures inside and outside of the Soul Mountain were a little confused.

Who is this guy!

Which one will be the patriarch, is it his turn to decide?

This is too much!

"You let him be the patriarch?!"

The prince was also taken aback when he heard Lin Fei's words.

"Yes, since I have decided, this patriarch can only let him be.

If you hand over your soul and heart immediately and have a better attitude, I can consider and let you go. "

Lin Fei looked at the grand prince with a flat gaze, and said slowly.


Lin Fei's plain words made most of the surrounding creatures completely bewildered.

Some creatures even dig their ears hard, wondering if they have heard it wrong.

Such words completely offended the prince to death.

Isn't this guy afraid that the prince would kill him in a rage? Staring at Lin Fei with shocked, puzzled and puzzled eyes.

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